/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org). * Version 1.3.39 * * This file is not intended to be easily readable and contains a number of * coding conventions designed to improve portability and efficiency. Do not make * changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify the SWIG * interface file instead. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef SWIG_dbxml_WRAP_H_ #define SWIG_dbxml_WRAP_H_ #include #include class SwigDirector_XmlInputStream : public XmlInputStream, public Swig::Director { public: SwigDirector_XmlInputStream(PyObject *self); virtual ~SwigDirector_XmlInputStream(); virtual unsigned int curPos() const; virtual unsigned int readBytes(char *toFill, unsigned int const maxToRead); /* Internal Director utilities */ public: bool swig_get_inner(const char* name) const { std::map::const_iterator iv = inner.find(name); return (iv != inner.end() ? iv->second : false); } void swig_set_inner(const char* name, bool val) const { inner[name] = val;} private: mutable std::map inner; #if defined(SWIG_PYTHON_DIRECTOR_VTABLE) /* VTable implementation */ PyObject *swig_get_method(size_t method_index, const char *method_name) const { PyObject *method = vtable[method_index]; if (!method) { swig::SwigVar_PyObject name = SWIG_Python_str_FromChar(method_name); method = PyObject_GetAttr(swig_get_self(), name); if (method == NULL) { std::string msg = "Method in class XmlInputStream doesn't exist, undefined "; msg += method_name; Swig::DirectorMethodException::raise(msg.c_str()); } vtable[method_index] = method; }; return method; } private: mutable swig::SwigVar_PyObject vtable[2]; #endif }; class SwigDirector_XmlResolver : public XmlResolver, public Swig::Director { public: SwigDirector_XmlResolver(PyObject *self); virtual ~SwigDirector_XmlResolver(); virtual bool resolveDocument(XmlTransaction *txn, XmlManager &mgr, std::string const &uri, XmlValue &reslt) const; virtual bool resolveCollection(XmlTransaction *txn, XmlManager &mgr, std::string const &uri, XmlResults &reslt) const; virtual XmlInputStream *resolveSchema(XmlTransaction *txn, XmlManager &mgr, std::string const &schemaLocation, std::string const &nameSpace) const; virtual XmlInputStream *resolveEntity(XmlTransaction *txn, XmlManager &mgr, std::string const &systemId, std::string const &publicId) const; virtual bool resolveModuleLocation(XmlTransaction *txn, XmlManager &mgr, std::string const &nameSpace, XmlResults &reslt) const; virtual XmlInputStream *resolveModule(XmlTransaction *txn, XmlManager &mgr, std::string const &moduleLocation, std::string const &nameSpace) const; virtual XmlExternalFunction *resolveExternalFunction(XmlTransaction *txn, XmlManager &mgr, std::string const &uri, std::string const &name, size_t numberOfArgs) const; /* Internal Director utilities */ public: bool swig_get_inner(const char* name) const { std::map::const_iterator iv = inner.find(name); return (iv != inner.end() ? iv->second : false); } void swig_set_inner(const char* name, bool val) const { inner[name] = val;} private: mutable std::map inner; #if defined(SWIG_PYTHON_DIRECTOR_VTABLE) /* VTable implementation */ PyObject *swig_get_method(size_t method_index, const char *method_name) const { PyObject *method = vtable[method_index]; if (!method) { swig::SwigVar_PyObject name = SWIG_Python_str_FromChar(method_name); method = PyObject_GetAttr(swig_get_self(), name); if (method == NULL) { std::string msg = "Method in class XmlResolver doesn't exist, undefined "; msg += method_name; Swig::DirectorMethodException::raise(msg.c_str()); } vtable[method_index] = method; }; return method; } private: mutable swig::SwigVar_PyObject vtable[7]; #endif }; class SwigDirector_XmlExternalFunction : public XmlExternalFunction, public Swig::Director { public: SwigDirector_XmlExternalFunction(PyObject *self); virtual ~SwigDirector_XmlExternalFunction(); virtual XmlResults execute(XmlTransaction &txn, XmlManager &mgr, XmlArguments const &args) const; virtual void close(); /* Internal Director utilities */ public: bool swig_get_inner(const char* name) const { std::map::const_iterator iv = inner.find(name); return (iv != inner.end() ? iv->second : false); } void swig_set_inner(const char* name, bool val) const { inner[name] = val;} private: mutable std::map inner; #if defined(SWIG_PYTHON_DIRECTOR_VTABLE) /* VTable implementation */ PyObject *swig_get_method(size_t method_index, const char *method_name) const { PyObject *method = vtable[method_index]; if (!method) { swig::SwigVar_PyObject name = SWIG_Python_str_FromChar(method_name); method = PyObject_GetAttr(swig_get_self(), name); if (method == NULL) { std::string msg = "Method in class XmlExternalFunction doesn't exist, undefined "; msg += method_name; Swig::DirectorMethodException::raise(msg.c_str()); } vtable[method_index] = method; }; return method; } private: mutable swig::SwigVar_PyObject vtable[2]; #endif }; class SwigDirector_XmlDebugListener : public XmlDebugListener, public Swig::Director { public: SwigDirector_XmlDebugListener(PyObject *self); virtual ~SwigDirector_XmlDebugListener(); virtual void start(XmlStackFrame const *stack); virtual void end(XmlStackFrame const *stack); virtual void enter(XmlStackFrame const *stack); virtual void exit(XmlStackFrame const *stack); virtual void error(XmlException const &error, XmlStackFrame const *stack); /* Internal Director utilities */ public: bool swig_get_inner(const char* name) const { std::map::const_iterator iv = inner.find(name); return (iv != inner.end() ? iv->second : false); } void swig_set_inner(const char* name, bool val) const { inner[name] = val;} private: mutable std::map inner; #if defined(SWIG_PYTHON_DIRECTOR_VTABLE) /* VTable implementation */ PyObject *swig_get_method(size_t method_index, const char *method_name) const { PyObject *method = vtable[method_index]; if (!method) { swig::SwigVar_PyObject name = SWIG_Python_str_FromChar(method_name); method = PyObject_GetAttr(swig_get_self(), name); if (method == NULL) { std::string msg = "Method in class XmlDebugListener doesn't exist, undefined "; msg += method_name; Swig::DirectorMethodException::raise(msg.c_str()); } vtable[method_index] = method; }; return method; } private: mutable swig::SwigVar_PyObject vtable[5]; #endif }; #endif