/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id$ */ #include "DOMCommentImpl.hpp" #include "DOMCharacterDataImpl.hpp" #include "DOMStringPool.hpp" #include "DOMCasts.hpp" #include "DOMDocumentImpl.hpp" #include "DOMRangeImpl.hpp" #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN DOMCommentImpl::DOMCommentImpl(DOMDocument *ownerDoc, const XMLCh *dat) : fNode(ownerDoc), fCharacterData(ownerDoc, dat) { fNode.setIsLeafNode(true); } DOMCommentImpl::DOMCommentImpl(const DOMCommentImpl &other, bool) : fNode(other.fNode), fChild(other.fChild), fCharacterData(other.fCharacterData) { fNode.setIsLeafNode(true); } DOMCommentImpl::~DOMCommentImpl() { } DOMNode * DOMCommentImpl::cloneNode(bool deep) const { DOMNode* newNode = new (getOwnerDocument(), DOMMemoryManager::COMMENT_OBJECT) DOMCommentImpl(*this, deep); fNode.callUserDataHandlers(DOMUserDataHandler::NODE_CLONED, this, newNode); return newNode; } const XMLCh * DOMCommentImpl::getNodeName() const { static const XMLCh gComment[] = {chPound, chLatin_c, chLatin_o, chLatin_m, chLatin_m, chLatin_e,chLatin_n, chLatin_t, 0}; return gComment; } DOMNode::NodeType DOMCommentImpl::getNodeType() const { return DOMNode::COMMENT_NODE; } void DOMCommentImpl::release() { if (fNode.isOwned() && !fNode.isToBeReleased()) throw DOMException(DOMException::INVALID_ACCESS_ERR,0, GetDOMNodeMemoryManager); DOMDocumentImpl* doc = (DOMDocumentImpl*) getOwnerDocument(); if (doc) { fNode.callUserDataHandlers(DOMUserDataHandler::NODE_DELETED, 0, 0); fCharacterData.releaseBuffer(); doc->release(this, DOMMemoryManager::COMMENT_OBJECT); } else { // shouldn't reach here throw DOMException(DOMException::INVALID_ACCESS_ERR,0, GetDOMNodeMemoryManager); } } // Non standard extension for the range to work DOMComment *DOMCommentImpl::splitText(XMLSize_t offset) { if (fNode.isReadOnly()) { throw DOMException( DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, 0, GetDOMNodeMemoryManager); } XMLSize_t len = fCharacterData.fDataBuf->getLen(); if (offset > len) throw DOMException(DOMException::INDEX_SIZE_ERR, 0, GetDOMNodeMemoryManager); DOMDocumentImpl *doc = (DOMDocumentImpl *)getOwnerDocument(); DOMComment *newText = doc->createComment(this->substringData(offset, len - offset)); DOMNode *parent = getParentNode(); if (parent != 0) parent->insertBefore(newText, getNextSibling()); fCharacterData.fDataBuf->chop(offset); if (doc != 0) { Ranges* ranges = doc->getRanges(); if (ranges != 0) { XMLSize_t sz = ranges->size(); if (sz != 0) { for (XMLSize_t i =0; ielementAt(i)->updateSplitInfo( this, newText, offset); } } } } return newText; } DOMNode* DOMCommentImpl::appendChild(DOMNode *newChild) {return fNode.appendChild (newChild); } DOMNamedNodeMap* DOMCommentImpl::getAttributes() const {return fNode.getAttributes (); } DOMNodeList* DOMCommentImpl::getChildNodes() const {return fNode.getChildNodes (); } DOMNode* DOMCommentImpl::getFirstChild() const {return fNode.getFirstChild (); } DOMNode* DOMCommentImpl::getLastChild() const {return fNode.getLastChild (); } const XMLCh* DOMCommentImpl::getLocalName() const {return fNode.getLocalName (); } const XMLCh* DOMCommentImpl::getNamespaceURI() const {return fNode.getNamespaceURI (); } DOMNode* DOMCommentImpl::getNextSibling() const {return fChild.getNextSibling (); } const XMLCh* DOMCommentImpl::getNodeValue() const {return fCharacterData.getNodeValue (); } DOMDocument* DOMCommentImpl::getOwnerDocument() const {return fNode.getOwnerDocument (); } const XMLCh* DOMCommentImpl::getPrefix() const {return fNode.getPrefix (); } DOMNode* DOMCommentImpl::getParentNode() const {return fChild.getParentNode (this); } DOMNode* DOMCommentImpl::getPreviousSibling() const {return fChild.getPreviousSibling (this); } bool DOMCommentImpl::hasChildNodes() const {return fNode.hasChildNodes (); } DOMNode* DOMCommentImpl::insertBefore(DOMNode *newChild, DOMNode *refChild) {return fNode.insertBefore (newChild, refChild); } void DOMCommentImpl::normalize() {fNode.normalize (); } DOMNode* DOMCommentImpl::removeChild(DOMNode *oldChild) {return fNode.removeChild (oldChild); } DOMNode* DOMCommentImpl::replaceChild(DOMNode *newChild, DOMNode *oldChild) {return fNode.replaceChild (newChild, oldChild); } bool DOMCommentImpl::isSupported(const XMLCh *feature, const XMLCh *version) const {return fNode.isSupported (feature, version); } void DOMCommentImpl::setPrefix(const XMLCh *prefix) {fNode.setPrefix(prefix); } bool DOMCommentImpl::hasAttributes() const {return fNode.hasAttributes(); } bool DOMCommentImpl::isSameNode(const DOMNode* other) const {return fNode.isSameNode(other); } bool DOMCommentImpl::isEqualNode(const DOMNode* arg) const {return fNode.isEqualNode(arg); } void* DOMCommentImpl::setUserData(const XMLCh* key, void* data, DOMUserDataHandler* handler) {return fNode.setUserData(key, data, handler); } void* DOMCommentImpl::getUserData(const XMLCh* key) const {return fNode.getUserData(key); } const XMLCh* DOMCommentImpl::getBaseURI() const {return fNode.getBaseURI(); } short DOMCommentImpl::compareDocumentPosition(const DOMNode* other) const {return fNode.compareDocumentPosition(other); } const XMLCh* DOMCommentImpl::getTextContent() const {return fNode.getTextContent(); } void DOMCommentImpl::setTextContent(const XMLCh* textContent){fNode.setTextContent(textContent); } const XMLCh* DOMCommentImpl::lookupPrefix(const XMLCh* namespaceURI) const {return fNode.lookupPrefix(namespaceURI); } bool DOMCommentImpl::isDefaultNamespace(const XMLCh* namespaceURI) const {return fNode.isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI); } const XMLCh* DOMCommentImpl::lookupNamespaceURI(const XMLCh* prefix) const {return fNode.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix); } void* DOMCommentImpl::getFeature(const XMLCh* feature, const XMLCh* version) const {return fNode.getFeature(feature, version); } // // Delegation of CharacerData functions. // const XMLCh* DOMCommentImpl::getData() const {return fCharacterData.getData();} XMLSize_t DOMCommentImpl::getLength() const {return fCharacterData.getLength();} const XMLCh* DOMCommentImpl::substringData(XMLSize_t offset, XMLSize_t count) const {return fCharacterData.substringData(this, offset, count);} void DOMCommentImpl::appendData(const XMLCh *arg) {fCharacterData.appendData(this, arg);} void DOMCommentImpl::insertData(XMLSize_t offset, const XMLCh *arg) {fCharacterData.insertData(this, offset, arg);} void DOMCommentImpl::deleteData(XMLSize_t offset, XMLSize_t count) {fCharacterData.deleteData(this, offset, count);} void DOMCommentImpl::replaceData(XMLSize_t offset, XMLSize_t count, const XMLCh *arg) {fCharacterData.replaceData(this, offset, count, arg);} void DOMCommentImpl::setData(const XMLCh *data) {fCharacterData.setData(this, data);} void DOMCommentImpl::setNodeValue(const XMLCh *nodeValue) {fCharacterData.setNodeValue (this, nodeValue); } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END