# ***************************************************************************** # MapGuide Resource File # Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by Autodesk, Inc. # # WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE # # The following is the format for resources contained in this file: # # [SectionName] # ResourceName = ResourceText # # The terms used above are explained below: # SectionName - This defines the name of a resource section # ResourceName - This defines the name of a resource # ResourceText - This defines the text associated with the resource # ***************************************************************************** # ***************************************************************************** # E X C E P T I O N S # ***************************************************************************** [Exceptions] MgAllProviderConnectionsUsedException = Cannot create any more connections to the %1 FDO provider. MgArgumentOutOfRangeException = Argument is out of range. MgArrayTypeMismatchException = Array type mismatch. MgAuthenticationFailedException = Authentication failed. Please enter a valid username and password. MgClassNotFoundException = The specified class was not found. MgConfigurationException = Configuration exception: %1 MgConfigurationSaveFailedException = Failed to save configuration file %1 MgConnectionFailedException = Problem:\nCannot establish connection to the MapGuide Server.\n\nPossible Causes:\n-Your session has been idle for too long;\n-MapGuide Server is no longer responding;\n-Internet connection problems.\n\nSolution:\nRestart your application / session, restart the MapGuide Server service, or contact with the server administrator. MgConnectionNotOpenException = Problem:\nThe connection to the MapGuide Server is not open as expected.\n\nPossible Causes:\n-Your session has been idle for too long;\n-MapGuide Server is no longer responding;\n-Internet connection problems.\n\nSolution:\nRestart your application / session, restart the MapGuide Server service, or contact with the server administrator. MgCoordinateSystemComputationFailedException = The coordinate system computation failed. MgCoordinateSystemConversionFailedException = The coordinate system conversion failed. MgCoordinateSystemInitializationFailedException = The coordinate system initialization failed. MgCoordinateSystemLoadFailedException = The coordinate system load failed. %1 MgCoordinateSystemMeasureFailedException = The coordinate system measure failed. MgCoordinateSystemTransformFailedException = The coordinate system transform failed. %1 MgDateTimeException = A date and/or time exception occurred. MgDbException = An exception occurred in DB component. MgDbXmlException = An exception occurred in DB XML component. MgDecryptionException = A decryption exception occurred. MgDirectoryNotFoundException = The specified directory was not found: %1 MgDivideByZeroException = Divide by zero. MgDomainException = A domain exception occurred. MgDuplicateDirectoryException = Directory already exists: %1 MgDuplicateFileException = File already exists: %1 MgDuplicateGroupException = The specified group already exists: %1 MgDuplicateNameException = Duplicate name: %1 MgDuplicateObjectException = Duplicate object. MgDuplicateParameterException = Duplicate parameter: %1 MgDuplicateRepositoryException = An existing repository was detected: %1 MgDuplicateResourceDataException = An existing resource data was detected: %1 MgDuplicateResourceException = An existing resource was detected: %1 MgDuplicateRoleException = The specified role already exists: %1 MgDuplicateServerException = Server already exists: %1 MgDuplicateSessionException = Session already exists. MgDuplicateUserException = The specified user already exists: %1 MgDwfException = An exception occurred in DWF component. MgDwfSectionNotFoundException = The specified section was not found: %1 MgDwfSectionResourceNotFoundException = The specified section resource was not found: %1 MgEmptyFeatureSetException = The feature set is empty. MgEncryptionException = An encryption exception occurred. MgEndOfStreamException = End of stream exception. MgEvaluationExpiredException = This evaluation version expired on: %1 MgFdoException = An exception occurred in FDO component. MgFeatureServiceException = Feature Service exception - %1 MgFileIoException = A file IO exception occurred: %1 MgFileNotFoundException = The specified file was not found: %1 MgGeometryException = A geometry exception occurred. MgGroupNotFoundException = The specified group was not found: %1 MgIndexOutOfRangeException = Index is out of range. MgInvalidArgumentException = Invalid argument(s): MgInvalidCastException = Invalid cast. MgInvalidCoordinateSystemException = The coordinate system is invalid. MgInvalidCoordinateSystemTypeException = The coordinate system type is invalid. MgInvalidCoordinateSystemUnitsException = The coordinate system units are invalid. MgInvalidDwfPackageException = Invalid DWF package: %1 MgInvalidDwfSectionException = Invalid DWF section: %1 MgInvalidFeatureSourceException = Feature Source - %1 MgInvalidIpAddressException = Invalid IP address: %1 MgInvalidLicenseException = Invalid license. MgInvalidLogEntryException = An invalid log entry was found. MgInvalidMapDefinitionException = The map definition is invalid. MgInvalidMimeTypeException = Invalid mime type: %1 MgInvalidOperationException = The requested operation is invalid. MgInvalidOperationVersionException = The requested operation version is invalid. MgInvalidPasswordException = The password is invalid. MgInvalidPrintLayoutFontSizeUnitsException = The Print Layout has invalid Font Size Units. MgInvalidPrintLayoutPositionUnitsException = The Print Layout has invalid Position Units. MgInvalidPrintLayoutSizeUnitsException = The Print Layout has invalid Size Units. MgInvalidPropertyTypeException = The Property Type is invalid. MgInvalidRepositoryNameException = Invalid repository name: %1 MgInvalidRepositoryTypeException = Invalid repository type. MgInvalidResourceDataNameException = Invalid resource data name: %1 MgInvalidResourceDataTypeException = Invalid resource data type. MgInvalidResourceNameException = Invalid resource name: %1 MgInvalidResourcePathException = Invalid resource path: %1 MgInvalidResourcePreProcessingTypeException = Invalid resource pre-processing type. MgInvalidResourceTypeException = Invalid resource type. MgInvalidServerNameException = Invalid server name: %1 MgInvalidSerialNumberException = Invalid serial number: %1 MgInvalidStreamHeaderException = Invalid stream header exception. MgIoException = An IO exception occurred. MgLayerNotFoundException = The specified layer was not found: %1 MgLengthException = A length exception occurred. MgLicenseException = License exception. MgLicenseExpiredException = License has expired on %1. MgLogicException = Logic exception. MgLogOpenFailedException = Failed to open package log file %1. Check permissions on folder. MgNotFiniteNumberException = Not a finite number. MgNotImplementedException = Not implemented. MgNullArgumentException = Argument is null. MgNullPropertyValueException = Value for %1 property is null. MgNullReferenceException = Null reference. MgObjectNotFoundException = The specified object was not found. MgOperationProcessingException = Unable to process the operation. MgOutOfMemoryException = Out of memory. MgOutOfRangeException = Out of range. MgOverflowException = Overflow exception. MgParameterNotFoundException = Parameter was not found: %1 MgPathTooLongException = The specified path is too long: %1 MgPermissionDeniedException = Permission denied to resource: %1 MgPlatformNotSupportedException = Platform is not supported. MgPortNotAvailableException = Port %1 is not available, please try using a different port. MgPrintToScaleModeNotSelectedException = The print to scale mode is not selected. MgRasterTransformationNotSupportedException = Raster transformation is not supported. MgRepositoryCreationFailedException = Cannot create repository: %1 MgRepositoryNotFoundException = Repository was not found: %1 MgRepositoryNotOpenException = Repository is not open: %1 MgRepositoryOpenFailedException = Cannot open repository: %1 MgResourceBusyException = Please try your operation later as the resource was busy: %1 MgResourceDataNotFoundException = Resource data was not found: %1 MgResourceNotFoundException = Resource was not found: %1 MgResourcesException = Resources exception: %1 %2 MgResourceTagNotFoundException = Resource tag was not found: %1 MgRoleNotFoundException = The specified role was not found: %1 MgRuntimeException = Runtime exception. MgServerNotFoundException = Server was not found: %1 MgServerNotOnlineException = The Server is not online. MgServiceNotAvailableException = The specified service is not available. MgServiceNotSupportedException = The specified service is not supported. MgSessionExpiredException = Session has expired or is invalid. Please log in again. MgSessionNotFoundException = A required session was not found. MgStreamIoException = A stream IO exception occurred. MgStylizeLayerFailedException = Failed to stylize layer: %1 MgTemporaryFileNotAvailableException = Temporary file is not available. MgUnauthorizedAccessException = Unauthorized access. MgUnclassifiedException = Problem:\nThe application encountered a problem and could not finish the operation you just requested properly.\n\nSolution:\nIf it\'s the first time you met this problem, try again or restart the application / session; otherwise, describe the steps to reproduce this problem to the server administrator for suggestions. MgUnderflowException = Underflow exception. MgUnknownTileProviderException = Unknown Tile Provider: %1 MgUnsupportedProviderThreadModelException = The FDO provider thread model is not supported. MgUnsupportedTileProviderException = Unsupported Tile Provider: %1 MgUriFormatException = Uri format exception. MgUserNotFoundException = The specified user was not found: %1 MgXmlException = An XML exception occurred. MgXmlParserException = An exception occurred in the XML parser. # ***************************************************************************** # E R R O R D E S C R I P T I O N # ***************************************************************************** [ErrorDescription] MgArgumentsMismatch = The arguments needed do not match the arguments provided. MgArgumentOutOfRange = Argument out of range [%1, %2]: %3 MgBadResourceIdentifer = Bad Resource Identifier: %1 MgClassWOIdentity = A class definition has no identity property. MgCannotResolveFeatureSourceFromWfsTypeName = Could not resolve the Feature Source from the given WFS Type Name: %1 MgCollectionEmpty = The collection cannot be empty. MgCoordinateSystemNotReadyException = The object is not ready for this operation. MgConfigurationPropertyLengthIsInvalid = The value of property %1 under section %2 is %3. Its length must be %4 MgConfigurationPropertyLengthIsOutOfRange = The value of property %1 under section %2 is %3. Its length must be between %4 and %5 MgConfigurationPropertyValueContainsReservedCharacters= The value of property %1 under section %2 is %3. It must not contain any of the following reserved characters %4 MgConfigurationPropertyValueIsInvalid = The value of property %1 under section %2 is %3. It is invalid. MgConfigurationPropertyValueIsNotSpecified = The value of property %1 under section %2 must be specified. MgConfigurationPropertyValueIsOutOfRange = The value of property %1 under section %2 is %3. It must be between %4 and %5 MgContentDocumentNotEmpty = The content document is not empty. MgContentNotNull = The content is not null. MgCoordinateDimensionDifferent = The coordinate dimensions are different. MgCoordinateSystemCatalogFileLockedException = The catalog dictionary files are locked. MgCoordinateSystemCatalogIsOpenException = The catalog dictionary files are open. MgCoordinateSystemCategoryDuplicateException = The coordinate system category is a duplicate of an existing one. MgCoordinateSystemConversionExtentException = A point, a portion of a line segment or a portion of the region, is outside of the mathematical domain of the coordinate system. MgCoordinateSystemConversionWarningException = A point, a portion of a line segment or a portion of the region, is outside of the useful range of the coordinate system. MgCoordinateSystemDatumInitializationFailedException = The coordinate system datum initialization failed. MgCoordinateSystemDatumInternalException = The failure occurred internally when calling a low level function. MgCoordinateSystemDatumMismatchException = There is a datum mismatch. MgCoordinateSystemDatumNoEllipsoidDictionaryException = Could not access the ellipsoid dictionary. MgCoordinateSystemDatumNoEllipsoidInDictionaryException = Could not read the ellipsoid from the ellipsoid dictionary. MgCoordinateSystemDatumProtectedException = The datum is protected. MgCoordinateSystemDictionaryClosedException = The dictionary file is closed. MgCoordinateSystemDictionaryCloseFailedException = Could not close the dictionary file. MgCoordinateSystemDictionaryNoWriteToOldException = The dictionary file was generated with an older version of the product. We cannot write to it. MgCoordinateSystemDictionaryOpenFailedException = Could not open the dictionary file. MgCoordinateSystemDictionaryOpenForReadException = The dictionary file is open in read mode. MgCoordinateSystemDictionaryReadOnlyException = The dictionary file is in read only mode. MgCoordinateSystemDuplicateException = The coordinate system is a duplicate of an existing one. MgCoordinateSystemEllipsoidProtectedException = The ellipsoid is protected. MgCoordinateSystemFailedToCreateCoordinateSystemInverseTransformation = Could not create coordinate system inverse transformation with specified coordinate systems. MgCoordinateSystemFailedToCreateCoordinateSystemForwardTransformation = Could not create coordinate system forward transformation with specified coordinate systems. MgCoordinateSystemFailedToCreateCoordinateSystemFromWkt = Could not create the coordinate system from WKT: %1 MgCoordinateSystemFailedToCreateCoordinateSystemFromWktWithInternalError = Could not create the coordinate system from WKT: %1. Internal error: %2 MgCoordinateSystemFailedToCreateCoordinateSystemFromCode = Could not create the coordinate system from code: %1 MgCoordinateSystemFailedToConvertCodeToWkt = Could not convert to WKT from code: %1 MgCoordinateSystemFailedToConvertCodeToWktWithInternalError = Could not convert to WKT from code: %1. Internal error: %2 MgCoordinateSystemFailedToConvertEpsgCodeToWktWithInternalError = Could not convert to WKT from EPSG code: %1. Internal error: %2 MgCoordinateSystemFailedToConvertWktToCode = Could not convert to code from WKT: %1 MgCoordinateSystemFailedToConvertWktToCodeWithInternalError = Could not convert to code from WKT: %1. Internal error: %2 MgCoordinateSystemFailedToConvertWktToEpsgCode = Could not convert to EPSG code from WKT: %1 MgCoordinateSystemFailedToConvertWktToEpsgCodeWithInternalError = Could not convert to EPSG code from WKT: %1. Internal error: %2 MgCoordinateSystemFailedToParseWktWithInternalError = Could not parse the OGC WKT: %1. Internal error: %2 MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformationSetupException= Could not initialize the geodetic transformation. MgCoordinateSystemInternalException = The failure occurred internally when calling a low level function. MgCoordinateSystemMismatchException = There is a data mismatch. MgCoordinateSystemMustNotBeArbitrary = The Coordinate System must not be arbitrary. MgCoordinateSystemNoCategoryDictionaryException = Could not access the category dictionary. MgCoordinateSystemNoCategoryInDictionaryException = Could not read the category from the category dictionary. MgCoordinateSystemNoConversionDone = No conversion done. MgCoordinateSystemNoDatumDictionaryException = Could not access the datum dictionary. MgCoordinateSystemNoDatumIfArbitraryException = No datum is allowed on arbitrary coordinate systems. MgCoordinateSystemNoDatumInDictionaryException = Could not read the datum from the datum dictionary. MgCoordinateSystemNoDictionaryException = Could not access the coordinate system dictionary. MgCoordinateSystemNoEllipsoidDictionaryException = Could not access the ellipsoid dictionary. MgCoordinateSystemNoEllipsoidInDictionaryException = Could not read the ellipsoid from the ellipsoid dictionary. MgCoordinateSystemNoEllipsoidIfArbitraryException = No ellipsoid is allowed on arbitrary coordinate systems. MgCoordinateSystemNoSystemInDictionaryException = Could not read the coordinate system from the coordinate system dictionary. MgCoordinateSystemNotFoundException = The system was not found. MgCoordinateSystemNotLinearUnit = Not a linear unit. MgCoordinateSystemProtectedException = The system is protected. MgCoordinateSystemTransformationMismatch = The coordinate system (%1) of layer %2 cannot be different than the coordinate system (%3) of the map. MgCoordinateSystemUnexpectedError = Unexpected error. MgCoordinateSystemUnknownUnit = Unknown unit. MgDataReaderIdNotFound = The data reader ID was not found. MgDocumentIdentifierFilenameFailed = Failed to get the filename from the document identifier because no matching document path found. MgDuplicateObject = Duplicate object found for name: %1 MgEmptyStringArgument = String argument is empty: %1 MgFailedToGetFileNameForDates = Failed to get the filename for the specified dates. MgFailedToLoadFdoLibrary = Failed to load FDO library. MgFailedToRetrieveSystemExceptionMesage = Failed to retrieve the system exception mesage. This message may not be unicode compliant. MgFailedToRetrieveThirdPartyExceptionMesage = Failed to retrieve the third party exception mesage. This message may not be unicode compliant. MgFeatureSourceFormatInnerExceptionMessage = Error occurred in Feature Source (%1): %2 (Cause: %3, Root Cause: %4) MgFeatureReaderIdNotFound = The feature reader ID was not found. MgFilenamesIdentical = The filenames cannot be the same. MgFileIoErrNo = errno: %1 (%2) MgFormatAllExceptionDetail = - %1(%2) MgFormatAllExceptionStackTrace = - %1(%2) line %3 file %4 MgFormatFdoExceptionMessage = %1 (Cause: %2, Root Cause: %3) MgFormatInnerExceptionMessage = %1 MgGeometryEmpty = The geometry cannot be empty. MgGeometryPropertyEmpty = The geometry property cannot be empty. MgGroupAndRoleNotEmpty = Both the group and role are not empty. MgHeaderDocumentNotEmpty = The header document is not empty. MgInvalidAgfText = The AGF text is invalid because it failed to parse into a valid geometry object. MgInvalidArgumentException = The argument is invalid. MgInvalidCollectionSize = The collection is invalid because the size was not what was expected. MgInvalidDateDifference = The date is invalid because there cannot be more than a 24 hour difference. MgInvalidDataType = The data type is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidDay = The day is invalid because it must be between 1 and 31. MgInvalidEnvelope = The envelope contains the incorrect number of points. MgInvalidEnvelopeCoordinates = The coordinates cannot be used because they are not matched to the lower left and the upper right of an envelope. MgInvalidFdoDataType = The FDO data type is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidFdoDateTime = The FDO date time is invalid because not all of the fields were found. MgInvalidFeatureSpatialOperation = The feature spatial operation is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidFromDate = The from date is invalid because it comes after the to date. MgInvalidGeometryBadProportion = The geometry is invalid because the proportion must be between 0.0 and 1.0. MgInvalidGeometryComponentType = The geometry component type is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidGeometryNoDimension = The geometry is invalid because the dimension is 0. MgInvalidGeometryTooFewCoordinates = The geometry is invalid because it has too few coordinates. MgInvalidGeometryType = The geometry type is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidHour = The hour is invalid because it must be between 0 and 23. MgInvalidImageFormat = Invalid Image Format: %1 MgInvalidImageSizeTooBig = The requested image size exceeds the maximum. MgInvalidIpConfigurationForSiteServer = The site server (%1) must have the same IP address as this local server (%2). MgInvalidIpConfigurationForSupportServer = The site server (%1) must have a different IP address than this support server (%2). MgInvalidLogType = The log type is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidLocale = The specified locale (%1) is not a 2-letter ISO 639-1 language code MgInvalidMapPlotCollectionMapPlotInstruction = The map plot is invalid because it contains an unrecognized map plot instruction. MgInvalidMicroSecond = The microsecond is invalid because it must be between 0 and 999999. MgInvalidMinute = The minute is invalid because it must be between 0 and 59. MgInvalidMonth = The month is invalid because it must be between 1 and 12. MgInvalidNode = The node is invalid because it is not an element node or a document node. MgInvalidPrintLayoutPageSizeUnits = The print layout is invalid because it contains unrecognized page size units. MgInvalidPropertyType = The property type is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidPropertyTypeForCommand = The property type is invalid for the command because it was of a different type then expected. MgInvalidResourceCannotBeRoot = The resource is invalid because it cannot be the root. MgInvalidScaleIndex = Scale index is out of range. MgInvalidSecond = The second is invalid because it must be between 0 and 59. MgInvalidServiceType = The service type is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidSessionsId = The session ID is invalid because the session separator character was not found. MgInvalidStringConversion = The string is invalid and cannot be converted. MgInvalidStringTrim = The string was trimmed and it's size now differs from the original. MgInvalidTCPProtocol = The TCP/IP protocol is mismatched between the Server and Web Extensions. Please install the same version of Server and Web Extensions. MgInvalidValueOutsideRange = The value is invalid because it must be between the valid range of values. MgInvalidValueTooBig = The value is invalid because it is too large. MgInvalidValueTooSmall = The value is invalid because it is too small. MgInvalidWebAction = The web action is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidWebTargetType = The web target type is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidWebTargetViewerType = The web target viewer type is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidWebWidgetType = The web widget type is invalid because it is not recognized. MgInvalidXmlDateTime = The Xml date time is invalid because not all of the fields were found. MgInvalidYear = The year is invalid because it must be between 1 and 9999. MgLayerBelongsToGroupNotInMap = The layer (%1) belongs to a group (%2) which is not part of the map. MgMachineIpMustBeLocalHost = The machine IP address must be a local host. MgMapCacheCleared = The Tile Service map cache has been cleared. Please increase TiledMapCacheSize in serverconfig.ini. MgMapDisplayDpiCannotBeLessThanOrEqualToZero = The map DPI cannot be less than or equal to zero. MgMapDisplayWidthCannotBeLessThanOrEqualToZero = The map display width cannot be less than or equal to zero. MgMapDisplayHeightCannotBeLessThanOrEqualToZero = The map display height cannot be less than or equal to zero. MgMapLayerGroupNameNotFound = The map layer group name was not found. MgMapMetersPerUnitCannotBeLessThanOrEqualToZero = The map meters per unit value cannot be less than or equal to zero. MgMapViewScaleCannotBeLessThanOrEqualToZero = The map view scale cannot be less than or equal to zero. MgMissingClassDef = No class definition specified. MgMissingSchema = No schema specified. MgMissingSrs = No coordinate system specified. MgNameNotFound = The name was not found. MgNoDataFromRenderer = No data from renderer. MgNoNameForObject = No object found for name (%1) MgNullArgument = Null argument: %1 MgNullPointer = Null pointer: %1 MgPropertyValuesEmpty = The property values cannot be empty. MgReaderIdNotFound = The reader ID was not found. MgRepositoryAlreadyOpened = The repository is already opened by another process (e.g. If you are running the server interactively as an application from the command line, are you also running the server as a service?). MgRepositoryVersionMismatch = The repository version '%1' does not match the current version '%2'. Upgrade is required. Please refer to documentation for details. MgResourceDataFilePathEmpty = The resource data file path is empty. MgResourceNameDoesNotContainSectionName = The resource name does not contain a section name. MgResourceNameSeparatorNotFound = The resource name separator was not found. MgResourceRootPathsDifferent = The resource root paths cannot be different. MgResourceTypesDifferent = The resource types cannot be different. MgResourcesIdentical = The resources cannot be the same. MgSchemaNameMismatch = This schema name does not match the one specified in the qualified class name '%1' provided. MgSessionExpired = The session (%1) has expired. MgSelectionOpenWithEmptySession = Attempted to open a map selection with an empty or expired session id MgSelectionSaveWithEmptySession = Attempted to save a map selection with an empty or expired session id MgSiteServerIpMustNotBeLocalHost = The site server IP address must not be a local host. MgSqlReaderIdNotFound = The SQL reader ID was not found. MgStringContainsReservedCharacters = The string cannot contain reserved characters %1 MgStringEmpty = The string cannot be empty. MgStringTooLong = The string is too long. MgTagFieldNotFound = The tag contained no fields. MgUnsupportedService = The site/resource services cannot be enabled/disabled. MgUserAndGroupNotEmpty = Both the user and group are not empty. MgUserAndRoleNotEmpty = Both the user and role are not empty. MgValueCannotBeLessThanOrEqualToZero = The value cannot be less than or equal to zero. MgValueCannotBeLessThanZero = The value cannot be less than zero. MgValueCannotBeZero = The value cannot be zero. # ***************************************************************************** # D R A W I N G S E R V I C E # ***************************************************************************** [DrawingService] # ***************************************************************************** # F E A T U R E S E R V I C E # ***************************************************************************** [FeatureService] MgBatchInsertNotSupported = Provider does not support batch insert. Only one Feature instance is allowed. MgCommandNotSupported = Command is not supported by Provider. MgCoordinateSystemOverridden = This coordinate system has been overridden. MgCustomFunctionNotSupported = Aggregate function specified not supported or invalid data type MgGroupingNotSupported = Grouping is not supported by provider MgInsertError = Error occurred while insert operation, no ID to retrieve MgInvalidComputedProperty = Invalid Computed property specified, Make sure valid no of arguments are specified MgInvalidConnectionString = Invalid Connection String. MgInvalidFdoProvider = Invalid Feature Provider specified. MgInvalidPropertyName = Invalid Property Name found. MgMissingConfiguration = No configuration specified. MgMissingPropertyAlias = Alias for computed property is missing MgMissingRasterProperty = No Raster Property available in the class. MgNoFeaturesForInsert = No Features for Insert supplied MgOnlyOnePropertyAllowed = Only one aggregate function of this kind is supported MgOrderingOptionNotSupported = Ordering Option is not supported by provider MgPropertyNotEnumerable = Property specified is not enumerable. MgTransactionTimeout = Transaction has timed out. MgTransactionNotSupported = Transaction is not supported. # ***************************************************************************** # K M L S E R V I C E # ***************************************************************************** [KmlService] # ***************************************************************************** # M A P P I N G S E R V I C E # ***************************************************************************** [MappingService] # ***************************************************************************** # R E N D E R I N G S E R V I C E # ***************************************************************************** [RenderingService] # ***************************************************************************** # R E S O U R C E S E R V I C E # ***************************************************************************** [ResourceService] MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageFailed = LOAD FAILED: %1 failed to load package on %2 MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageInProgress = Loading package %1 ... MgPackageStatusMessageLoadPackageSucceeded = LOAD SUCCEEDED: %1 successfully loaded package on %2 MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageFailed = MAKE FAILED: %1 failed to make package on %2 MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageInProgress = Making package %1 ... MgPackageStatusMessageMakePackageSucceeded = MAKE SUCCEEDED: %1 successfully made package on %2 MgPackageStatusMessageNotStarted = Not started MgPackageStatusMessageUnknown = Unknown MgRepositoryBusy = Please try your operation later as the repository was busy. MgSchemaFileNotFound = The specified schema file is not found: %1 MgSchemaFileNotSpecified = No schema file is specified in the XML document. # ***************************************************************************** # S E R V E R A D M I N S E R V I C E # ***************************************************************************** [ServerAdminService] # ***************************************************************************** # S I T E S E R V I C E # ***************************************************************************** [SiteService] MgGroupDescriptionEveryone = Built-in group to include all users MgRoleDescriptionAdministrator = Administrator role MgRoleDescriptionAuthor = Author role MgRoleDescriptionViewer = Viewer role MgUserDescriptionAdministrator = Built-in account for administering the site MgUserDescriptionAnonymous = Built-in account for guests with Viewer role MgUserDescriptionAuthor = Built-in account for users with Author role MgUserDescriptionWfsUser = Built-in account for WFS users with Viewer role MgUserDescriptionWmsUser = Built-in account for WMS users with Viewer role MgUserFullNameAdministrator = Site Administrator MgUserFullNameAnonymous = Anonymous User MgUserFullNameAuthor = Map Author MgUserFullNameWfsUser = WFS User MgUserFullNameWmsUser = WMS User # ***************************************************************************** # T I L E S E R V I C E # ***************************************************************************** [TileService] MgFoundBlockingLockFile = Found a lock file for the current tile. MgGetTileWithOutMapSpecified = Calling GetTile without a valid mapdefinition or baselayer name. MgPermissionDeniedForResource = No permission to access the resource service for the current mapDefinition. MgNoMapSpecified = Clearcache has been called with an empty map reference. MgTooLargeMetaTilingFactor = The specified metatiling Factor is too big, change serverconfig.ini. MgUnableToLockMetaTileFile = Unable to lock the current metatile file. MgUnableToLockTileFile = Unable to lock the tile file. MgUnableToOpenLockFile = Unable to open the tile lock file. MgUnableToOpenTileFile = Unable to open the tile file. MgWrongSizeOfMetaTile = Metatile has wrong size. MgTileProvider_Default_DisplayName = Default Tile Provider MgTileProvider_Default_Description = Default tile access provided by MapGuide. Supports MapGuide-managed tile path or user-defined path MgTileProvider_XYZ_DisplayName = XYZ Tile Provider MgTileProvider_XYZ_Description = XYZ tile access provided by MapGuide. Grid scheme is compatible with Google Maps and Open Street Map. Rendered tiles are 256x256. Layers must be transformable to WGS84.PseudoMercator coordinates. Under this scheme, Row = X, Column = Y, Scale = Z for accessing tiles. Supports MapGuide-managed tile path or user-defined path MgTileProvider_Common_Property_TilePath_LocalizedName = Tile Path MgTileProvider_Common_Property_TileWidth_LocalizedName = Tile Width MgTileProvider_Common_Property_TileHeight_LocalizedName = Tile Height MgTileProvider_Common_Property_TileFormat_LocalizedName = Tile Format MgTileProvider_Common_Property_RenderOnly_LocalizedName = Render Tiles Only (do not cache) MgTileProvider_Common_Property_CoordinateSystem_LocalizedName = Coordinate System MgTileProvider_Common_Property_FiniteScaleList_LocalizedName = Finite Display Scale List MgTileProvider_Common_Property_TileExtentOffset_LocalizedName = Tile Extent Offset MgTileProvider_Common_Property_MetaTileFactor_LocalizedName = Meta-tiling factor MgTileProvider_Common_Property_MetaTileLockMethod_LocalizedName = Meta-tiling lock method # ***************************************************************************** # S T Y L I Z A T I O N # ***************************************************************************** [Stylization] MgIncorrectNumberOfArguments = Incorrect number of arguments for function %1 MgFunctionARGB_Description = Color generation function MgFunctionARGB_AValueDescription = Alpha value MgFunctionARGB_RValueDescription = Red value MgFunctionARGB_GValueDescription = Green value MgFunctionARGB_BValueDescription = Blue value MgFunctionDECAP_Description = String formatting function MgFunctionDECAP_StringValueDescription = String to format MgFunctionFEATURECLASS_Description = Returns the active feature class name MgFunctionFEATUREID_Description = Returns the active feature Id MgFunctionFEATURESOURCE_Description = Returns the Feature Source resource id where the current feature originates from MgFunctionHTMLCOLOR_Description = HTML Color generation function MgFunctionHTMLCOLOR_RValueDescription = Red value MgFunctionHTMLCOLOR_GValueDescription = Green value MgFunctionHTMLCOLOR_BValueDescription = Blue value MgFunctionIF_Description = If evaluator for style theming MgFunctionIF_ConditionDescription = Boolean expression (filter) encapsulated in a string MgFunctionIF_TrueValueDescription = Returned if condition is true MgFunctionIF_FalseValueDescription = Returned if condition is false MgFunctionLAYERID_Description = Returns the active layer Id MgFunctionLAYERDEFINITION_Description = Returns the Layer Definition resource id used for stylizing the current feature MgFunctionLOOKUP_Description = Lookup table for style theming MgFunctionLOOKUP_ExpressionDescription = Key expression MgFunctionLOOKUP_DefaultValueDescription = Default value returned if expression does not evaluate to any of the keys MgFunctionLOOKUP_IndexDescription = Lookup index that can be matched by the key expression MgFunctionLOOKUP_ValueDescription = Value that is returned when the key expression matches the associated index MgFunctionMAPCENTERX_Description = Returns the X coordinate of the view center of the currently rendered map MgFunctionMAPCENTERY_Description = Returns the Y coordinate of the view center of the currently rendered map MgFunctionMAPNAME_Description = Returns the active map name MgFunctionMAPSCALE_Description = Returns the scale of the currently rendered map MgFunctionRANGE_Description = Range table for style theming MgFunctionRANGE_ExpressionDescription = Key expression MgFunctionRANGE_DefaultValueDescription = Default value returned if expression does not fall into any of the ranges MgFunctionRANGE_MinDescription = Inclusive minimum of range that can be matched by the key expression MgFunctionRANGE_MaxDescription = Exclusive maximum of range that can be matched by the key expression MgFunctionRANGE_ValueDescription = Value that is returned when the key expression matches the associated range MgFunctionSESSION_Description = Returns the active session MgFunctionURLENCODE_Description = String encoding function MgFunctionURLENCODE_StringValueDescription = String to URL encode