<%-- -Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by Autodesk, Inc. -This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser -General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. -This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -Lesser General Public License for more details. -You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA --%> <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %> <%@ page import="org.osgeo.mapguide.*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="java.io.*" %> <%@ page import="java.net.*" %> <%@ page import="java.text.*" %> <%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.*" %> <%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.*" %> <%@ include file="common.jsp" %> <%@ include file="product.jsp" %> <%@ page isThreadSafe="false" %> <%! String webLayoutDefinition = ""; String sessionId = ""; String orgSessionId = ""; String username = ""; String password = ""; String startupScriptCode = ""; String locale = ""; String mapName = ""; int curFlyout = 0; Hashtable cmds = new Hashtable(); %> <%! void GenerateMainPage(int forDwf, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, MgException { try { // Initialize web tier with the site configuration file. InitializeWebTier(); //fetch the parameters for this request // GetRequestParameters(request); //Open a connection with the server // boolean createSession = true; MgUserInformation cred = new MgUserInformation(); if(sessionId != null && sessionId != "") { cred.setMgSessionId(sessionId); createSession = false; } else if(username != null) cred.setMgUsernamePassword(username, password); else { RequestAuthentication(response); return; } MgSiteConnection site = new MgSiteConnection(); cred.setLocale(locale); cred.setClientIp(GetClientIp(request)); cred.setClientAgent(GetClientAgent()); site.open(cred); if(createSession) { MgSite site1 = site.getSite(); sessionId = site1.createSession(); if(forDwf == 0) { orgSessionId = sessionId; } } //Get a MgWebLayout object initialized with the specified web layout definition // MgWebLayout webLayout = null; MgResourceService resourceSrvc = (MgResourceService)site.createService(MgServiceType.ResourceService); MgResourceIdentifier webLayoutId = new MgResourceIdentifier(webLayoutDefinition); webLayout = new MgWebLayout(resourceSrvc, webLayoutId); //calculate the size of the variable elements of the viewer // MgWebToolBar toolBar = webLayout.getToolBar(); MgWebUiPane statusBar = webLayout.getStatusBar(); MgWebTaskPane taskPane = webLayout.getTaskPane(); MgWebInformationPane infoPane = webLayout.getInformationPane(); MgWebTaskBar taskBar = taskPane.getTaskBar(); String mapDef = webLayout.getMapDefinition(); startupScriptCode = webLayout.getStartupScript(); String selectionColor = webLayout.getSelectionColor(); String mapImgFormat = webLayout.getMapImageFormat(); String selImgFormat = webLayout.getSelectionImageFormat(); int pointBuffer = webLayout.getPointSelectionBuffer(); boolean showTaskPane = taskPane.isVisible(); boolean showTaskBar = taskBar.isVisible(); boolean showStatusbar = statusBar.isVisible(); boolean showToolbar = toolBar.isVisible(); int taskPaneWidth = taskPane.getWidth(); int toolbarHeight = 30; int taskBarHeight = 30; int statusbarHeight = 26; taskPaneWidth = showTaskPane ? taskPaneWidth: 0; toolbarHeight = showToolbar ? toolbarHeight: 0; taskBarHeight = showTaskBar ? taskBarHeight : 0; statusbarHeight = showStatusbar ? statusbarHeight: 0; //Encode the initial url so that it does not trip any sub-frames (especially if this url has parameters) String taskPaneUrl = URLEncoder.encode(taskPane.getInitialTaskUrl(), "UTF-8"); String vpath = GetSurroundVirtualPath(request); boolean defHome = false; if(taskPaneUrl == null || taskPaneUrl.length() == 0) { taskPaneUrl = "gettingstarted.jsp"; defHome = true; } String mapDefinitionUrl = URLEncoder.encode(mapDef, "UTF-8"); // NOTE: // // We don't open a MgMap because it is being created by mapframe.jsp that is also probably running // as this script is running. However the naming convention is fixed enough that we can figure out // what to pass to the Task Pane MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(mapDef); mapName = resId.getName(); String title = webLayout.getTitle(); boolean showLegend = infoPane.isLegendBandVisible(); boolean showProperties = infoPane.isPropertiesBandVisible(); int infoWidth = 0; if(showLegend || showProperties) { if(infoPane.isVisible()) { infoWidth = infoPane.getWidth(); if(infoWidth < 5) infoWidth = 5; //ensure visible } else showProperties = showLegend = false; } //calculate the url of the inner pages // String srcToolbar = showToolbar ? ( "src=\"" + vpath + "toolbar.jsp?LOCALE=" + locale + "\"" ) : ""; String srcStatusbar = showStatusbar ? ( "src=\"" + vpath + "statusbar.jsp?LOCALE=" + locale + "\"" ) : ""; String srcTaskFrame = showTaskPane? ("src=\"" + vpath + "taskframe.jsp?MAPNAME=" + mapName + "&WEBLAYOUT=" + URLEncoder.encode(webLayoutDefinition, "UTF-8") + "&DWF=" + (forDwf!=0? "1": "0") + "&SESSION=" + (sessionId != ""? sessionId: "") + "&LOCALE=" + locale + "\"") : ""; String srcTaskBar = "src=\"" + vpath + "taskbar.jsp?LOCALE=" + locale + "\""; //view center // MgPoint ptCenter = webLayout.getCenter(); String center = "null"; if(ptCenter != null) { MgCoordinate coord = ptCenter.getCoordinate(); Object[] formatArgs = { Double.toString(coord.getX()), Double.toString(coord.getY()) }; center = MessageFormat.format("new Point({0}, {1})", formatArgs); } //Process commands and declare command objects // MgWebCommandCollection commands = webLayout.getCommands(); String cmdObjects = ""; String cmdObject = ""; int navCmdIndex = 0; int searchCmdIndex = 0; int measureCmdIndex = 0; int printCmdIndex = 0; int scriptCmdIndex = 0; String userCode = ""; String userCodeCalls = "\nswitch(funcIndex)\n{\n"; int selAwareCmdCount = 0; String selAwareCmds = ""; for(int i = 0; i < commands.getCount(); i++) { MgWebCommand cmd = commands.getItem(i); if(!cmd.isUsed()) continue; int tgtViewer = cmd.getTargetViewerType(); if((tgtViewer == MgWebTargetViewerType.Dwf) != (forDwf == 1) && (tgtViewer != MgWebTargetViewerType.All)) continue; String name = cmd.getName(); int action = cmd.getAction(); if (action == MgWebActions.Search) { MgWebSearchCommand searchCmd = (MgWebSearchCommand)cmd; // create the column objects String cols = "var resCols" + searchCmdIndex + " = new Array();\n"; if(searchCmd.getResultColumnCount() > 0) { for(int j = 0; j < searchCmd.getResultColumnCount(); j++) { Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(searchCmdIndex), new Integer(j), StrEscape(searchCmd.getColumnDisplayNameAt(j)), StrEscape(searchCmd.getColumnPropertyNameAt(j)) }; String col = MessageFormat.format("resCols{0,number,integer}[{1,number,integer}] = new ResultColumn(\"{2}\", \"{3}\");\n", formatArgs); cols += col; } } cmdObjects += cols; // declare a new search command object Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(i), StrEscape(name), StrEscape(searchCmd.getLabel()), new Integer(action), searchCmd.getIconUrl(), searchCmd.getDisabledIconUrl(), StrEscape(searchCmd.getTooltip()), StrEscape(searchCmd.getDescription()), searchCmd.getLayer(), StrEscape(searchCmd.getPrompt()), new Integer(searchCmdIndex), StrEscape(searchCmd.getFilter()), new Integer(searchCmd.getMatchLimit()), new Integer(searchCmd.getTarget()), searchCmd.getTargetName() }; cmdObject = MessageFormat.format("commands[{0,number,integer}] = new SearchCommand(\"{1}\", \"{2}\", {3,number,integer}, \"{4}\", \"{5}\", \"{6}\", \"{7}\", \"{8}\", \"{9}\", resCols{10}, \"{11}\", {12,number,integer}, {13,number,integer}, \"{14}\");\n", formatArgs); searchCmdIndex++; } else if(action == MgWebActions.InvokeUrl) { MgWebInvokeUrlCommand invokeUrlCmd = (MgWebInvokeUrlCommand)cmd; // create the parameter objects String paramObjs = "var navParams" + navCmdIndex + " = new Array();\n"; String layers = "var layers" + navCmdIndex + " = new Array();\n"; if(invokeUrlCmd.getParameterCount() > 0) { for(int j = 0; j < invokeUrlCmd.getParameterCount(); j++) { Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(navCmdIndex), new Integer(j), invokeUrlCmd.getParameterNameAt(j), invokeUrlCmd.getParameterValueAt(j) }; String param = MessageFormat.format("navParams{0,number,integer}[{1,number,integer}] = new NavParam(\"{2}\", \"{3}\");\n", formatArgs); paramObjs = paramObjs + param; } } for( int j = 0; j < invokeUrlCmd.getLayerCount(); j++ ) { Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(navCmdIndex), new Integer(j), invokeUrlCmd.getLayerNameAt(j) }; String layer = MessageFormat.format("layers{0,number,integer}[{1,number,integer}] = \"{2}\";\n", formatArgs); layers = layers + layer; } cmdObjects = cmdObjects + paramObjs + layers; if(invokeUrlCmd.disabledIfSelectionEmpty() || invokeUrlCmd.getLayerCount() > 0) { Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(selAwareCmdCount), new Integer(i) }; selAwareCmds = selAwareCmds + MessageFormat.format("selectionAwareCmds[{0,number,integer}] = {1,number,integer};\n", formatArgs); selAwareCmdCount ++; } // declare a new invokeurl command object Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(i), StrEscape(name), new Integer(action), invokeUrlCmd.getIconUrl(), invokeUrlCmd.getDisabledIconUrl(), StrEscape( invokeUrlCmd.getTooltip()), StrEscape( invokeUrlCmd.getDescription()), invokeUrlCmd.getUrl(), new Integer(navCmdIndex), invokeUrlCmd.disabledIfSelectionEmpty() ? "true" : "false", new Integer(navCmdIndex), new Integer(invokeUrlCmd.getTarget()), invokeUrlCmd.getTargetName() }; cmdObject = MessageFormat.format("commands[{0,number,integer}] = new InvokeUrlCommand(\"{1}\", {2,number,integer}, \"{3}\", \"{4}\", \"{5}\", \"{6}\", \"{7}\", navParams{8,number,integer}, {9}, layers{10,number,integer}, {11,number,integer}, \"{12}\");\n", formatArgs); navCmdIndex++; } else if(action == MgWebActions.Buffer || action == MgWebActions.SelectWithin || action == MgWebActions.Measure || action == MgWebActions.ViewOptions || action == MgWebActions.GetPrintablePage) { MgWebUiTargetCommand targetCmd = (MgWebUiTargetCommand)cmd; if(action == MgWebActions.Measure) { if(measureCmdIndex != 0) throw new Exception(MgLocalizer.GetString("ALREADYINMEASURE", locale)); measureCmdIndex = i; } // declare a new ui target command object Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(i), StrEscape( name ), new Integer( action ), targetCmd.getIconUrl(), targetCmd.getDisabledIconUrl(), StrEscape(targetCmd.getTooltip()), StrEscape(targetCmd.getDescription()), new Integer( targetCmd.getTarget()), targetCmd.getTargetName() }; cmdObject = MessageFormat.format("commands[{0,number,integer}] = new UiTargetCommand(\"{1}\", {2,number,integer}, \"{3}\", \"{4}\", \"{5}\", \"{6}\", {7,number,integer}, \"{8}\");\n", formatArgs); } else if(action == MgWebActions.Help) { MgWebHelpCommand helpCmd = (MgWebHelpCommand)cmd; // declare a new help command object Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(i), StrEscape(name), new Integer(action), helpCmd.getIconUrl(), helpCmd.getDisabledIconUrl(), StrEscape(helpCmd.getTooltip()), StrEscape(helpCmd.getDescription()), helpCmd.getUrl(), new Integer(helpCmd.getTarget()), helpCmd.getTargetName() }; cmdObject = MessageFormat.format("commands[{0,number,integer}] = new HelpCommand(\"{1}\", {2,number,integer}, \"{3}\", \"{4}\", \"{5}\", \"{6}\", \"{7}\", {8,number,integer}, \"{9}\");\n", formatArgs); } else if(action == MgWebActions.PrintMap) { MgWebPrintCommand printCmd = (MgWebPrintCommand)cmd; // declare the print layouts String layouts = "var layouts" + printCmdIndex + " = new Array();\n"; for(int j = 0; j < printCmd.getPrintLayoutCount(); j++) { String layout = ""; Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(printCmdIndex), new Integer(j), printCmd.getPrintLayoutAt(j) }; layout = MessageFormat.format("layouts{0,number,integer}[{1,number,integer}] = \"{2}\";\n", formatArgs); layouts = layouts + layout; } cmdObjects = cmdObjects + layouts; // declare a new print command object Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(i), StrEscape( name ), new Integer(action), printCmd.getIconUrl(), printCmd.getDisabledIconUrl(), StrEscape( printCmd.getTooltip()), StrEscape( printCmd.getDescription()), new Integer(printCmdIndex) }; cmdObject = MessageFormat.format("commands[{0,number,integer}] = new PrintCommand(\"{1}\", {2,number,integer}, \"{3}\", \"{4}\", \"{5}\", \"{6}\", layouts{7,number,integer});\n", formatArgs ); printCmdIndex++; } else if(action == MgWebActions.InvokeScript) { MgWebInvokeScriptCommand invokeScriptCmd = (MgWebInvokeScriptCommand)cmd; // declare a new basic command object Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(i), StrEscape(name), new Integer(action), invokeScriptCmd.getIconUrl(), invokeScriptCmd.getDisabledIconUrl(), StrEscape( invokeScriptCmd.getTooltip()), StrEscape( invokeScriptCmd.getDescription()), new Integer( scriptCmdIndex ) }; cmdObject = MessageFormat.format("commands[{0,number,integer}] = new InvokeScriptCommand(\"{1}\", {2,number,integer}, \"{3}\", \"{4}\", \"{5}\", \"{6}\", {7,number,integer});\n", formatArgs); userCode = userCode + "\nfunction UserFunc" + scriptCmdIndex + "()\n{\n" + invokeScriptCmd.getScriptCode() + "\n}\n"; Object[] formatArgs2 = { new Integer(scriptCmdIndex), new Integer(scriptCmdIndex) }; userCodeCalls = userCodeCalls + MessageFormat.format("case {0,number,integer}: UserFunc{0,number,integer}(); break;\n", formatArgs2); scriptCmdIndex++; } else { // declare a new basic command object Object[] formatArgs = { new Integer(i), name, new Integer(action), cmd.getIconUrl(), cmd.getDisabledIconUrl(), StrEscape(cmd.getTooltip()), StrEscape(cmd.getDescription()) }; cmdObject = MessageFormat.format("commands[{0,number,integer}] = new BasicCommand(\"{1}\", {2,number,integer}, \"{3}\", \"{4}\", \"{5}\", \"{6}\");\n", formatArgs); } cmdObjects = cmdObjects + cmdObject; cmds.put(name, new Integer(i)); } userCodeCalls = userCodeCalls + "\n}\n"; //Declare toolbar items // String toolbarDef = DeclareUiItems(toolBar.getWidgets(), "toolbarItems"); //Declare task items String taskListDef = DeclareUiItems(taskBar.getTaskList(), "taskItems"); //Declare context menu items MgWebContextMenu ctxMenu = webLayout.getContextMenu(); String ctxMenuDef; if(ctxMenu.isVisible()) ctxMenuDef = DeclareUiItems(ctxMenu, "ctxMenuItems"); else ctxMenuDef = ""; //task items texts String taskItemTexts = ""; MgWebWidgetCollection taskButtons = taskBar.getTaskButtons(); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) { MgWebTaskBarWidget btn = (MgWebTaskBarWidget)taskButtons.getWidget(i); if(i > 0) taskItemTexts += ","; taskItemTexts += "\"" + StrEscape(btn.getName()) + "\"," + "\"" + StrEscape(btn.getTooltip()) + "\"," + "\"" + StrEscape(btn.getDescription()) + "\"," + "\"" + StrEscape(btn.getIconUrl()) + "\"," + "\"" + StrEscape(btn.getDisabledIconUrl()) + "\""; } //transmit the session to the map pane if one was specified to this request String sessionParam = ""; if(orgSessionId != "") sessionParam = "&SESSION=" + orgSessionId; //load the frameset template and format it String frameset = ""; String viewerType = forDwf != 0? "DWF": "HTML"; if(showTaskBar) { String frameSetTempl = LoadTemplate("/viewerfiles/framesettaskbar.templ"); String[] vals = { String.valueOf(statusbarHeight), String.valueOf(taskPaneWidth), String.valueOf(toolbarHeight), srcToolbar, vpath + "mapframe.jsp", mapDefinitionUrl, viewerType, showLegend? "1": "0", showProperties? "1": "0", String.valueOf(infoWidth), locale, String.valueOf(webLayout.getHyperlinkTarget()), webLayout.getHyperlinkTargetFrame(), webLayout.isZoomControlVisible()? "1": "0", selectionColor, mapImgFormat, selImgFormat, String.valueOf(pointBuffer), sessionParam, vpath + "formframe.jsp", String.valueOf(taskBarHeight), srcTaskBar, srcTaskFrame, srcStatusbar }; frameset = Substitute(frameSetTempl, vals); } else { String frameSetTempl = LoadTemplate("/viewerfiles/framesetnotaskbar.templ"); String[] vals = { String.valueOf(toolbarHeight), String.valueOf(statusbarHeight), srcToolbar, String.valueOf(taskPaneWidth), vpath + "mapframe.jsp", mapDefinitionUrl, viewerType, showLegend? "1": "0", showProperties? "1": "0", String.valueOf(infoWidth), locale, String.valueOf(webLayout.getHyperlinkTarget()), webLayout.getHyperlinkTargetFrame(), webLayout.isZoomControlVisible()? "1": "0", selectionColor, mapImgFormat, selImgFormat, String.valueOf(pointBuffer), sessionParam, srcTaskFrame, vpath + "formframe.jsp", srcStatusbar }; frameset = Substitute(frameSetTempl, vals); } String homePageUrl = URLDecoder.decode(taskPaneUrl,"UTF-8"); if(homePageUrl.length() < 8 || homePageUrl.substring(0, 7).compareToIgnoreCase("http://") != 0) homePageUrl = vpath + homePageUrl; //load the HTML template and format it // String templ = MgLocalizer.Localize(LoadTemplate("/viewerfiles/mainframe.templ"), locale, GetClientOS(request)); String int0 = "0"; String int1 = "1"; String[] vals = { webLayout.getTitle(), GetRootVirtualFolder(request) + "/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi", webLayout.getEnablePingServer()? int1 : int0, String.valueOf(site.getSite().getSessionTimeout()), locale, showToolbar ? int1 : int0, showStatusbar ? int1 : int0, showTaskPane ? int1 : int0, !showTaskPane ? int0 : (showTaskBar ? int1 : int0), homePageUrl, defHome? "1" : "0", webLayoutDefinition, mapDef, String.valueOf(taskPaneWidth), center, String.valueOf(webLayout.getScale()), StrEscape(title), (forDwf == 1)? "1" : "0", cmdObjects, toolbarDef, taskListDef, ctxMenuDef, userCode, taskItemTexts, selAwareCmds, startupScriptCode, vpath + "quickplotpanel.jsp", vpath + "measureui.jsp", vpath + "searchprompt.jsp", vpath + "bufferui.jsp", vpath + "selectwithinui.jsp", userCodeCalls, vpath + "viewoptions.jsp", frameset }; templ = Substitute(templ, vals); response.getWriter().write(templ); response.setContentLength(templ.length()); } catch(MgUserNotFoundException e) { RequestAuthentication(response); return; } catch(MgUnauthorizedAccessException e) { RequestAuthentication(response); return; } catch(MgAuthenticationFailedException e) { RequestAuthentication(response); return; } catch(MgException e) { String msg = EscapeForHtml(e.getExceptionMessage()); response.getWriter().write(msg); response.setContentLength(msg.length()); } catch(Exception ne) { String msg = EscapeForHtml(ne.getLocalizedMessage()); response.getWriter().write(msg); response.setContentLength(msg.length()); } } %> <%! void RequestAuthentication(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { response.addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + product + "\""); response.setStatus( 401 ); String msg = MgLocalizer.GetString("NEEDLOGIN", locale); response.getWriter().write(msg); response.setContentLength(msg.length()); response.flushBuffer(); } String DeclareUiItems(MgWebWidgetCollection coll, String varname) throws MgException { String def = ""; if(coll != null) { for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < coll.getCount(); i++) { MgWebWidget item = coll.getWidget(i); int it = item.getType(); if (it == MgWebWidgetType.Separator) { Object[] formatArgs = { varname, new Integer(j++) }; def = def + MessageFormat.format("{0}[{1,number,integer}] = new UiItem(\"\");\n", formatArgs ); } else if ( it == MgWebWidgetType.Command && item instanceof MgWebCommandWidget ) { MgWebCommand cmd = ((MgWebCommandWidget)item).getCommand(); Integer cmdIndex = (Integer)cmds.get(cmd.getName()); if(cmdIndex == null) continue; Object[] formatArgs = { varname, new Integer(j++), StrEscape(cmd.getLabel()), cmdIndex }; def = def + MessageFormat.format("{0}[{1,number,integer}] = new CommandItem(\"{2}\", {3,number,integer});\n", formatArgs); } else { curFlyout++; String subVarname = "flyoutDef" + curFlyout; String htmlName = "FlyoutDiv" + curFlyout; Object[] formatArgs1 = { subVarname }; def = def + MessageFormat.format("var {0} = new Array()\n", formatArgs1); def = def + DeclareUiItems(((MgWebFlyoutWidget) item).getSubItems(), subVarname); Object[] formatArgs2 = { varname, new Integer(j++), StrEscape( ((MgWebFlyoutWidget) item).getLabel() ), subVarname, StrEscape( htmlName ), ((MgWebFlyoutWidget) item).getIconUrl() }; def = def + MessageFormat.format("{0}[{1,number,integer}] = new FlyoutItem(\"{2}\", {3}, \"{4}\", \"{5}\");\n", formatArgs2); } } } return def; } void GetRequestParameters(HttpServletRequest request) { webLayoutDefinition = ValidateResourceId(GetParameter(request, "WEBLAYOUT")); sessionId = ValidateSessionId(GetParameter(request, "SESSION")); locale = ValidateLocaleString(GetParameter(request, "LOCALE")); if (sessionId != null && sessionId.length() > 0) { orgSessionId = sessionId; } else { username = GetParameter(request, "USERNAME"); if (username != null && username.length() > 0) { password = GetParameter(request, "PASSWORD"); if(password == null) password = ""; return; } String auth = request.getHeader("authorization"); try { String[] ss = auth.split(" "); String dec = new String(MgBase64.decode(ss[1])); String[] login = dec.split(":"); username = login[0]; password = login[1]; } catch(Exception e) { } } } String StrEscape(String str) { return StrEscape(str, false); } String StrEscape(String str, boolean single) { String org = single ? "'" : "\""; String rep = single ? "\\\\'": "\\\\\""; return str.replaceAll(org, rep); } String str_replace(String[] args, Object[] vals, String format) { String formattedString = new String(format); int numReplacements = args.length; for (int i = 0; i < numReplacements; i++) formattedString = formattedString.replaceFirst(args[i], vals[i].toString()); return formattedString; } %>