
FunctionRef Member List

This is the complete list of members for FunctionRef, including all inherited members.
_ref_countReferenceCounted [protected]
asString(const DynamicContext *context) const =0Item [pure virtual]
decrementRefCount() const ReferenceCounted [inline, virtual]
execute(const VectorOfResults &args, DynamicContext *context, const LocationInfo *location) const =0FunctionRef [pure virtual]
FunctionRef()FunctionRef [inline, protected]
generateEvents(EventHandler *events, const DynamicContext *context, bool preserveNS=true, bool preserveType=true) const =0Item [pure virtual]
getInterface(const XMLCh *name) const =0Item [pure virtual]
getName(const DynamicContext *context) const =0FunctionRef [pure virtual]
getNumArgs() const =0FunctionRef [pure virtual]
getTypeName() const FunctionRef [inline, virtual]
getTypeURI() const FunctionRef [inline, virtual]
gXQillaItem [static]
incrementRefCount() const ReferenceCounted [inline]
isAtomicValue() const FunctionRef [inline, virtual]
isFunction() const FunctionRef [inline, virtual]
isNode() const FunctionRef [inline, virtual]
Item()Item [inline, protected]
partialApply(const Result &arg, unsigned int argNum, DynamicContext *context, const LocationInfo *location) const =0FunctionRef [pure virtual]
Ptr typedefFunctionRef
ReferenceCounted()ReferenceCounted [inline]
typeToBuffer(DynamicContext *context, xercesc::XMLBuffer &buffer) const =0Item [pure virtual]
~ReferenceCounted()ReferenceCounted [inline, virtual]

Generated on Mon Mar 1 21:16:14 2010 for XQilla Simple API by  doxygen 1.6.1