
StackFrame Member List

This is the complete list of members for StackFrame, including all inherited members.
context_StackFrame [protected]
contextItem_StackFrame [protected]
contextPosition_StackFrame [protected]
contextSize_StackFrame [protected]
defaultElementNS_StackFrame [protected]
getASTNode() const =0StackFrame [pure virtual]
getLocationInfo() const StackFrame [inline]
getPreviousFrame() const StackFrame [inline]
getQueryPlan() const =0StackFrame [pure virtual]
getTupleNode() const =0StackFrame [pure virtual]
location_StackFrame [protected]
nsResolver_StackFrame [protected]
prev_StackFrame [protected]
query(const XMLCh *query) const StackFrame [virtual]
query(const XMLCh *query, EventHandler *events) const StackFrame [virtual]
StackFrame(const LocationInfo *location, DynamicContext *context)StackFrame [protected]
variables_StackFrame [protected]
~StackFrame()StackFrame [inline, virtual]

Generated on Mon Mar 1 21:16:15 2010 for XQilla Simple API by  doxygen 1.6.1