--TEST-- Test gmstrftime() function : usage variation - Checking date related formats which are not supported on Windows. --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- "%C", 'Month Date Year' => "%D", 'Year with century' => "%G", 'Year without century' => "%g", ); // loop through each element of the array for timestamp foreach($inputs as $key =>$value) { echo "\n--$key--\n"; var_dump( gmstrftime($value) ); var_dump( gmstrftime($value, $timestamp) ); }; ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- *** Testing gmstrftime() : usage variation *** --Century number-- bool(false) bool(false) --Month Date Year-- bool(false) bool(false) --Year with century-- bool(false) bool(false) --Year without century-- bool(false) bool(false) ===DONE===