Notes for Fdo Build Setup on a 64 bit Win2008 machine ----------------------------------------------------- Update March 15, 2010 By Trevor Wekel The following change should be make to setenvironment.bat to support "(x86)" in the path: :setvcvarsall SET ACTIVENAMECHECK="Microsoft Visual Studio 9" SET ACTIVEPATHCHECK="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC" The 32 bit MySQL and Oracle sdks are installed to: SET FDOMYSQL=c:\mysql-5.0.86-win32 SET FDOORACLE=C:\instantclient_10_2-win32\sdk The 64 bit MySQL and Oracle sdks are installed to: SET FDOMYSQL=c:\mysql-5.0.86-winx64 SET FDOORACLE=C:\instantclient_10_2-win-x86-64\sdk Under ThirdParty\util the stampver and UpdateVersion binaries will generate "ok to run" popups on the build machine. Running as Administrator will avoid these popups. Note: Boost libraries included in Fdo 3.5.0 will fail to build on a 64 bit operating system. This has been corrected in Fdo 3.6.0.