// $Id: global.features 90789 2010-06-23 10:30:53Z mcorino $ // The global features file contains the default feature settings. // By default, if a feature isn't listed here then it is enabled. // If it is listed, then the value assigned to the feature is interpreted // as a boolean value. You really shouldn't have to edit this file except // to change the defaults. If you want to override these values you can do // one of two things. // // 1) Create a default.features in this directory with the features you // want enabled or disabled. // 2) Create a feature file anywhere you like with the features you want and // use the -feature_file option to specify where it is located. // // Feature definitions from this file are always overwritten by -features // command option of mwc.pl. // // This file is somewhat akin to the platform_macros.GNU file in that build // settings can be set here. // Enable these by default. acexml = 1 ace_svcconf = 1 ace_token = 1 // By default we disable these. ace_for_tao = 0 cross_compile = 0 ssl = 0 qos = 0 rapi = 0 repo = 0 minimum_corba = 0 java = 0 zlib = 0 zzip = 0 bzip2 = 0 lzo1 = 0 lzo2 = 0 ipv6 = 0 mfc = 0 rpc = 0 sctp = 0 boost = 0 dummy_label = 0 wince = 0 uses_wchar = 0 // i.e. unicode gen_ostream = 0 ziparchive = 0 negotiate_codesets = 0 notify_monitor_control = 0 versioned_namespace = 0 vcl = 0 stl = 0 xsc = 0 tao_idl_fe_gen = 0 ace_svcconf_gen = 0 xerces = 0 xerces2 = 0 xerces3 = 0 ofccm = 0 ndds = 0 mcpp = 0 wireshark = 0 old_stdstream = 0 dds4ccm_opendds = 0 dds4ccm_ndds = 0 dds4ccm_splice = 0 // Features for various GUI libraries // Some of features are switched on because they are also controlled // by higher level features eg. gl is 1 because it is necessary for fl, // but if someone turns on fl, we may assume gl is available. This way makefile // generation is simplified. Moreover all internal ACE features like ace_qtreactor // and tao_qtresource are also turn on, because we want to build every component // related with if qt is provided. It is proposed to not remove // switched on features from global.features just because features are available // by default. This file is also a kind of ACE capabilities documentation, hence // it is better to enumerate here all features recognized by ACE. // 1 - wxWindows (wxWidgets) libraries are available wxWindows = 0 // 1 - Motif (Lestif) libraries are available motif = 0 // 1 - Athena widgets libraries are available athena = 0 // 1 - X11 libraries are available x11 = 1 // 1 - X Toolkit libraries are available xt = 0 // 1 - Tk libraries are available tk = 0 // 1 - Fast Light toolkit libraries are available (assume lowercase h in header files) fl = 0 // 1 - Qt3 libraries are available qt = 0 qt3 = 0 // 1 - Qt4 core libraries are available qt4 = 0 // 1 - Fox libraries are available fox = 0 // 1 - OpenGL libraries are available gl = 1 // Features for ACE support for various GUI libraries // Use QtReactor ace_qtreactor = 1 // Use XtReactor ace_xtreactor = 1 // Use TkReactor ace_tkreactor = 1 // Use FlReactor ace_flreactor = 1 // Use FoxReactor ace_foxreactor = 1 // Features for TAO support for various GUI libraries // Use QtResources for TAO tao_qtresource = 1 // Use XtResources for TAO tao_xtresource = 1 // Use TkResources for TAO tao_tkresource = 1 // Use FlResources for TAO tao_flresource = 1 // Use FoxResources for TAO tao_foxresource = 1 //Use the ZIP_Wrapper feature for when using the ZIP wrapper classes ZIP_Wrapper = 0 // Feature for CORBA subsets corba_e_compact = 0 corba_e_micro = 0 // Footprint feature optimize_collocated_invocations = 1 // Option to disable iiop tao_no_iiop = 0 // Option to enable the linking of the TAO_CodecFactory library // whenever TAO is linked in link_codecfactory = 0 // Feature for LwCCM ccm_lw = 1 valuetype_out_indirection=1