Creation of the .msi is driven by dist/s_winmsi, dist/winmsi/s_winmsi_dbxml.fcn (built from s_winmsi_dbxml.fcn.template) and various configuration files and scripts in dist/winmsi. The scripts look for required files and utilities, including: o Visual Studio (Visual Studio .NET 2003) o WiX (uses version 2.03) o Perl (uses ActivePerl 5.8.8 now) o Python (uses ActivePython 2.5.1) o Java o XQilla (xqilla command line is used to help construct WiX .wxs files which are in an XML format) The order of events can be seen in the s_winmsi script and is roughly: 1. Build BDB XML and dependent libraries (Debug and Release) winmsi/build.bat and winmsi/ drive this 2. Build Perl and Python 3. Build "component" lists for WiX. This process is driven by the shell script winmsi/ which also uses a Python script ( and XQuery Update scripts to construct dbxml_components.wxs which contains the majority of the files for the binary distribution. Relatively static WiX files include: o dbxml.wxs ("main" WiX input file that includes the features to be installed). This file references the components/component groups that are generated in dbxml_components.wxs o links_frag.wxs (references the links that become part of the Windows application menu after installation) o required_frag.wxs (license file, readme and other required bits of installation) The scripts must be run from a cygwin bash shell. The .msi file is built into dbxml-x.y.z/wix/dbxml-x.y.z.msi Test it this way: Install: msiexec /i blah.msi Uninstall: msiexec /uninstall blah.msi