Java JUnit testing ------------------ Prerequisites ------------- o JUnit 4.x or later (using annotations) see and/or o download and install somewhere o Java that supports annotations (Java 5 or later) Build ----- o use --with-junit= in configure arguments e.g. --enable-java --with-junit=/home/gmf/junit4.4/junit-4.4.jar o test classes should be in package com.sleepycat.dbxmltest Run --- Usage: java dbxmltest.XmlTestRunner [-c whole|node|all] [-e none|txn|cds|all] [test1 [test2 ..]] 1. Add build_unix/dbxmltest.jar to your CLASSPATH (as well as dbxml.jar and db.jar) 2. Run a test for a specific container and environment type: java dbxmltest.XmlTestRunner [-c container] [-e environment] [test1] e.g. java dbxmltest.XmlTestRunner -c node -e txn DocumentTest 3. Run all tests: java dbxmltest.XmlTestRunner To add a new test class ----------------------- 1. Write the test per JUnit requirements (cut/paste an existing class). JUnit uses annotations to mark functions for testing. 2. Add the file to the build: a. Edit dist/ and add the file to the JAVA_TESTSRCS macro b. running "make" in build_unix should rebuild the required files to add the test to the build Automated scripts ----------------- TBD -- group tests into suites Windows ------- Use ant release 1.7.0 or higher (junit-4.4.jar, db.jar and dbxml.jar must be in CLASSPATH) o ant (no arguments -- cleans, builds, runs tests) Other targets: o ant compile (compiles the classes) o ant jar (creates dbxmltest.jar in build/jar) o ant runtest (compiles, creates jar, runs tests) o ant -p gives you the target options in build.xml TBD: maybe add install target