project(dwftk) add_definitions(-DDWFCORE_BUILD_ZLIB -DDWFCORE_BUILD_EXPAT) find_library(pthread REQUIRED) find_library(uuid REQUIRED) check_cxx_source_compiles( "#include int main() { uuid_t _tUUID; }" HAS_UUID) if (HAS_UUID AND NOT uuid-NOTFOUND) set (HAVE_LIBUUID 1) message(STATUS "libuuid found") else (HAS_UUID AND NOT uuid-NOTFOUND) message(WARNING "Could not find libuuid and/or its uuid.h header") endif (HAS_UUID AND NOT uuid-NOTFOUND) check_include_file(bits/stl_algobase.h HAVE_ALGOBASE_H) check_include_file(asm/atomic.h HAVE_ATOMIC_H) check_include_file(alsa/iatomic.h HAVE_IATOMIC_H) check_include_file(netinet/ether.h HAVE_NETINET_ETHER_H) if (HAVE_ATOMIC_H) check_cxx_source_compiles( "#include int main() { int i = 0; atomic_t tValue; atomic_set( &tValue, i ); atomic_inc( &tValue ); atomic_dec( &tValue ); i = atomic_read( &tValue ); }" CAN_COMPILE_WITH_ATOMIC_H) if (CAN_COMPILE_WITH_ATOMIC_H) #add_definitions(-D_DWFCORE_USE_ASM_ATOMIC_H) set (_DWFCORE_USE_ASM_ATOMIC_H 1) else (CAN_COMPILE_WITH_ATOMIC_H) message(WARNING "Found asm/atomic.h but could not compile with it") endif (CAN_COMPILE_WITH_ATOMIC_H) endif (HAVE_ATOMIC_H) if (HAVE_IATOMIC_H) check_cxx_source_compiles( "#include int main() { int i = 0; atomic_t tValue; atomic_set( &tValue, i ); atomic_inc( &tValue ); atomic_dec( &tValue ); i = atomic_read( &tValue ); }" CAN_COMPILE_WITH_IATOMIC_H) if (CAN_COMPILE_WITH_IATOMIC_H) set (_DWFCORE_USE_ALSA_IATOMIC_H 1) else (CAN_COMPILE_WITH_IATOMIC_H) message(WARNING "Found alsa/atomic.h but could not compile with it") endif (CAN_COMPILE_WITH_IATOMIC_H) endif (HAVE_IATOMIC_H) check_function_exists(max HAVE_MAX) check_function_exists(min HAVE_MIN) check_function_exists(memmove HAVE_MEMMOVE) if (NOT HAVE_MEMMOVE) message(ERROR "Could not find required function memmove") endif (NOT HAVE_MEMMOVE) # DWFCore's CMakeLists.txt will generate a config.h for us add_definitions(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H) # This is to ensure dwfcore/config.h will properly resolve not only for # DWFCore, but DWFToolkit and downstream dependencies include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) # Autotools does not define these in debug, and neither shall we remove_definitions(-DDEBUG -D_DEBUG) # We don't use W3D, so we don't care about needing to build the internal libjpeg. # This will also help us avoid unexpected surprises if a system libjpeg is also loaded set (DISABLE_STREAM_JPEG 1) set (DWFTK_EXPORT_API 1) set (WHIP_USE_WCHAR_STRINGS 1) set (WHIPTOOL_CLIENT 1) set (DWFTK_USE_DWFCORE_ZLIB 1) set (DWF_VERSION_MAJOR 7) set (DWF_VERSION_MINOR 7) set (DWF_VERSION_REV 0) set (DWF_VERSION "${DWF_VERSION_MAJOR}.${DWF_VERSION_MINOR}.${DWF_VERSION_REV}") set (DWFCORE_VERSION_MAJOR 1) set (DWFCORE_VERSION_MINOR 7) set (DWFCORE_VERSION_REV 0) set (DWFCORE_VERSION "${DWFCORE_VERSION_MAJOR}.${DWFCORE_VERSION_MINOR}.${DWFCORE_VERSION_REV}") set (W3DTK_VERSION_MAJOR 1) set (W3DTK_VERSION_MINOR 7) set (W3DTK_VERSION_REV 1555) set (W3DTK_VERSION "${W3DTK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${W3DTK_VERSION_MINOR}.${W3DTK_VERSION_REV}") set (W2DTK_VERSION_MAJOR 7) set (W2DTK_VERSION_MINOR 13) set (W2DTK_VERSION_REV 1601) set (W2DTK_VERSION "${W3DTK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${W3DTK_VERSION_MINOR}.${W3DTK_VERSION_REV}") add_subdirectory(dwf) add_subdirectory(dwfcore)