@ECHO OFF REM This bat script copies build artifacts to the BDB XML REM install tree REM Usage: REM installProj.bat name OutDir [copyLib] REM name is dll or program name REM "prog" if it's a program, "dll" if it's a library REM OutDir is the $(OutDir) from the project -- probably "Release" or "Debug" REM "debug" if it's a debug build (will copy .pdb and put binaries in debug REM directory REM copyLib if not null, and dll, will copy name[d]./lib to LIB_DEST REM This script assumes all directories have been created REM REM SET LIB_DEST=..\..\lib SET JAR_DEST=..\..\jar SET BIN_DEST=..\..\bin SET DLL_DEST=..\..\bin IF %4 == debug SET BIN_DEST=%BIN_DEST%\debug IF %4 == debug SET DLL_DEST=%DLL_DEST%\debug mkdir %LIB_DEST% mkdir %BIN_DEST% mkdir %JAR_DEST% IF %2 == prog GOTO program IF %2 == dll GOTO dll ECHO "USAGE: installProj.bat name OutDir [copyLib]" GOTO :EOF :program ECHO "installing program %1" SET pname=%1 xcopy %3\%pname%.exe %BIN_DEST% /S/Y/Q xcopy %3\%pname%.pdb %BIN_DEST% /S/Y/Q GOTO :EOF :dll ECHO "installing dll %1" SET pname=%1 SET libname=%1 IF "%4" == "debug" set libname=%libname%d IF "%4" == "debug" set pname=%pname%d xcopy %3\%libname%.dll %DLL_DEST% /S/Y/Q if "%5" NEQ "" xcopy %3\%libname%.lib %LIB_DEST% /S/Y/Q xcopy %3\%pname%.pdb %DLL_DEST% /S/Y/Q