using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.Viewer { /// /// Manages the main interactions between common map viewer components /// public class MapViewerController { private readonly IMapViewer _viewer; private readonly IMapLegend _legend; private readonly IMapStatusBar _statBar; private readonly IPropertyPane _propPane; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The viewer. /// The legend. /// The stat bar. /// The prop pane. public MapViewerController(IMapViewer viewer, IMapLegend legend, IMapStatusBar statBar, IPropertyPane propPane) { if (viewer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("viewer"); _viewer = viewer; _legend = legend; _statBar = statBar; _propPane = propPane; WireEvents(); } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The viewer. /// The legend. /// The stat bar. /// The prop pane. /// The toolbar. public MapViewerController(IMapViewer viewer, IMapLegend legend, IMapStatusBar statBar, IPropertyPane propPane, IDefaultToolbar toolbar) : this(viewer, legend, statBar, propPane) { if (toolbar == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("toolbar"); toolbar.Viewer = viewer; } private void WireEvents() { if (_propPane != null) { _propPane.RequestZoomToCurrentFeature += new EventHandler(OnRequestZoomToCurrentFeature); } _viewer.MapRefreshed += new EventHandler(OnMapRefreshed); _viewer.MapScaleChanged += new EventHandler(OnMapScaleChanged); _viewer.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(OnMapSelectionChanged); _viewer.PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(OnMapPropertyChanged); _viewer.ViewerInitialized += new EventHandler(OnViewerInitialized); _viewer.MouseMapPositionChanged += new EventHandler(OnMouseMapPositionChanged); if (_legend != null) { _legend.VisibilityChanged += new EventHandler(OnLegendVisibilityChanged); } } void OnRequestZoomToCurrentFeature(object sender, EventArgs e) { var feat = _propPane.CurrentFeature; if (feat.Geometry != null) { var env = feat.Geometry.Envelope(); _viewer.ZoomToExtents(env.LowerLeftCoordinate.X, env.LowerLeftCoordinate.Y, env.UpperRightCoordinate.X, env.UpperRightCoordinate.Y); } } void OnMouseMapPositionChanged(object sender, MapPointEventArgs e) { if (_viewer.CoordinateSystem == null) return; if (_statBar != null) _statBar.SetCursorPositionMessage(string.Format("X: {0:0.0000000}, Y: {1:0.0000000} ({2})", e.X, e.Y, _viewer.CoordinateSystem.Units)); } void OnLegendVisibilityChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { _viewer.RefreshMap(); } void OnViewerInitialized(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_legend != null) { ((MgLegend)_legend).Init(_viewer.GetProvider()); } } void OnMapPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { } void OnMapSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_propPane != null || _statBar != null) { var sel = _viewer.GetSelection(); var sset = new MgSelectionSet(sel, _viewer.GetProvider().AllPropertyMappings); if (_propPane != null) _propPane.Init(sset); if (_statBar != null) _statBar.SetFeatureSelectedMessage(string.Format("{0} features selected", sset.TotalCount)); } } void OnMapScaleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var map = _viewer.GetMap(); double scale = map.ViewScale; if (_legend != null) _legend.SetScale(scale); if (_statBar != null) _statBar.SetMapScaleMessage(string.Format("1:{0:0.00000}", scale)); } void OnMapRefreshed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_statBar != null) { var map = _viewer.GetMap(); _statBar.SetMapScaleMessage(string.Format("1:{0:0.00000}", map.ViewScale)); var ext = map.MapExtent; _statBar.SetMapSizeMessage(string.Format("{0:0.000} x {1:0.000} ({2})", ext.Width, ext.Height, _viewer.CoordinateSystem.Units)); //var sel = _viewer.GetSelection(); //_statBar.SetFeatureSelectedMessage(string.Format("{0} features selected", GetTotalSelectionCount(sel))); } } } }