.. index:: single: Custom Output Custom Output ============= .. todo: Talk about KML output as well Introduction ------------ .. tip:: The Custom Output sample, in the Developer's Guide samples, demonstrates concepts from this chapter. MapGuide includes services for saving map representations for use in external programs. To save a map as a bit-mapped image (PNG or GIF), use the Rendering Service. To save a map as a Design Web Format (DWF), use the Mapping Service. An ePlot DWF is designed for offline viewing or printing. It can contain multiple sheets, where each sheet is a complete map image that can be viewed offline using Autodesk Design Review. Each sheet in an ePlot DWF is a static representation of a single map view state. Characteristics of bit-mapped images: * Images can be in PNG or GIF formats. * An image displays a portion of the the map view state at a particular scale. * The image is static with a fixed resolution. Zooming in creates a pixelated image. * Images are cross-platform. * Images are suitable for use in HTML pages, word processor documents, or graphics editing programs. Characteristics of an ePlot DWF: * A single ePlot can contain multiple sheets. * Each sheet shows a single image, showing a portion of the map view at a particular scale. * The ePlot area and scale are static, but geometric features are stored as vector graphics, so zooming is smooth. * Some interactive features of the MapGuide DWF Viewer are available, such as the ability to turn layers on and off. * The ePlot requires the Autodesk Design Review, either standalone or as a plug-in for Internet Explorer. * Images can be copied to the Windows clipboard and used in other applications. * Autodesk Design Review is a free program that is only available on Windows. Visit http://www.autodesk.com to download. .. index:: single: Custom Output; image single: Rendering Service single: MgRenderingService Rendering Service ----------------- The Rendering Service creates bit-mapped images of a map suitable for displaying in a browser or saving to a file. The image is returned as an ``MgByteReader`` object, which can be sent to a browser or saved to a file. For example, to create a PNG image of a map area, perform the following operations. Note that the aspect ratio of the envelope should match the image dimensions or the image will be distorted. **PHP** .. highlight:: php .. code-block:: php $byteReader = $renderingService->RenderMap($map, $selection, $envelope, $imageWidth, $imageHeight, $color, 'PNG'); header("Content-type: " . $byteReader->GetMimeType() ); $buffer = ''; while ($byteReader->Read($buffer, 50000) != 0) { echo $buffer; } **.net (C#)** .. highlight:: csharp .. code-block:: csharp //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace **Java** .. highlight:: java .. code-block:: java //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace .. index:: single: Custom Output; dwf single: Mapping Service single: MgMappingService Mapping Service --------------- The Mapping Service creates ePlot DWFs. An ePlot DWF is designed primarily for offline viewing or printing. It includes an ``MgPlotSpecification`` that defines the page size and margins. It can also include an optional ``MgLayout`` that defines additional components to include in the plot, like a legend or a custom logo. The layout is based on a print layout in the repository. For a description of the PrintLayout schema, see the MapGuide Web API Reference. To create an ePlot DWF with more than one sheet, use an ``MgMapPlotCollection``, where each item in the collection is an ``MgMapPlot`` that describes a single sheet. .. note:: The map name becomes the sheet name in the multi-plot DWF. Because each sheet in the DWF must have a unique name, you must create a separate MgMap object for each sheet in the DWF. The following example creates a multi-plot DWF with two sheets. The second sheet displays the same map area as the first, but it adds the title and legend information from the print layout. **PHP** .. highlight:: php .. code-block:: php $dwfVersion = new MgDwfVersion("6.01", "1.2"); $plotSpec = new MgPlotSpecification(8.5, 11, MgPageUnitsType::Inches); $plotSpec->SetMargins(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); $plotCollection = new MgMapPlotCollection(); $plot1 = new MgMapPlot($map, $plotSpec, $layout); $plotCollection->Add($plot1); // Create a second map for the second sheet in the DWF. This // second map uses the print layout // to display a page title and legend. $map2 = new MgMap($siteConnection); $map2->Create($map->GetMapDefinition(), 'Sheet 2'); $layoutRes = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Layouts/SheboyganMap.PrintLayout"); $layout = new MgLayout($layoutRes, "City of Sheboygan", MgPageUnitsType::Inches); $plot2 = new MgMapPlot($map2, $map->GetViewCenter()->GetCoordinate(), $map->GetViewScale(), $plotSpec, $layout); $plotCollection->Add($plot2); $byteReader = $mappingService->GenerateMultiPlot($plotCollection, $dwfVersion); // Now output the resulting DWF. $outputBuffer = ''; $buffer = ''; while ($byteReader->Read($buffer, 50000) != 0) { $outputBuffer .= $buffer; } header('Content-Type: ' . $byteReader->GetMimeType()); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($outputBuffer)); echo $outputBuffer; **.net (C#)** .. highlight:: csharp .. code-block:: csharp //This code fragment assumes you have imported the OSGeo.MapGuide namespace **Java** .. highlight:: java .. code-block:: java //This code fragment assumes you have imported the org.osgeo.mapguide namespace