--TEST-- Test imap_close() function : usage variations - different ints as $options arg --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- ===DONE=== --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing imap_close() : usage variations *** Create a temporary mailbox and add 3 msgs .. mailbox '{localhost/norsh}INBOX.phpttest' created -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) CL_EXPUNGE was not set, 3 msgs in mailbox -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) CL_EXPUNGE was set -- Iteration 3 -- Warning: imap_close(): invalid value for the flags parameter in %s on line %d bool(false) -- Iteration 4 -- Warning: imap_close(): invalid value for the flags parameter in %s on line %d bool(false) -- Iteration 5 -- Warning: imap_close(): invalid value for the flags parameter in %s on line %d bool(false) ===DONE===