--TEST-- Test imap_fetch_overview() function : basic functionality --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- Object #1\n"; foreach ($mandatoryFields as $mf) { $z = $a[0]->$mf; echo "$mf is $z\n"; } // Calling imap_fetch_overview() with mandatory arguments echo "\n-- Mandatory arguments --\n"; $a = imap_fetch_overview($stream_id, '1:2') ; //first object in array echo "\n--> Object #1\n"; foreach ($mandatoryFields as $mf) { $z = $a[0]->$mf; echo "$mf is $z\n"; } //Second object in array echo "\n--> Object #2\n"; foreach ($mandatoryFields as $mf) { $z = $a[1]->$mf; echo "$mf is $z\n"; } imap_close($stream_id); ?> ===DONE=== --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing imap_fetch_overview() : basic functionality *** Create a temporary mailbox and add 2 msgs .. mailbox '{localhost/norsh}INBOX.phpttest' created -- All possible arguments -- --> Object #1 size is %d uid is %d msgno is 1 recent is %d flagged is 0 answered is 0 deleted is 0 seen is 0 draft is 0 -- Mandatory arguments -- --> Object #1 size is %d uid is %d msgno is 1 recent is %d flagged is 0 answered is 0 deleted is 0 seen is 0 draft is 0 --> Object #2 size is %d uid is %d msgno is 2 recent is %d flagged is 0 answered is 0 deleted is 0 seen is 0 draft is 0 ===DONE===