--TEST-- datefmt_parse_localtime() with parse pos --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- $value){ $res_str .= "$key : '$value' , "; } } else{ //$res_str .= "No values found from LocaleTime parsing."; $res_str .= "\tError : '".intl_get_error_message()."'"; } } } return $res_str; } include_once( 'ut_common.inc' ); // Run the test ut_run(); ?> --EXPECT-- ------------------------------- Input text is : Thursday, December 18, 1969 8:49:59 AM PST ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::LONG, TimeType::LONG Error : 'Date parsing failed: U_PARSE_ERROR' ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::MEDIUM, TimeType::MEDIUM Error : 'Date parsing failed: U_PARSE_ERROR' ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::FULL, TimeType::FULL tm_sec : '59' , tm_min : '49' , tm_hour : '8' , tm_year : '69' , tm_mday : '18' , tm_wday : '4' , tm_yday : '352' , tm_mon : '11' , tm_isdst : '0' , ------------------------------- Input text is : June 18, 1969 8:49:59 AM ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::LONG, TimeType::LONG Error : 'Date parsing failed: U_PARSE_ERROR' ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::MEDIUM, TimeType::MEDIUM tm_sec : '59' , tm_min : '49' , tm_hour : '8' , tm_year : '69' , tm_mday : '18' , tm_wday : '3' , tm_yday : '169' , tm_mon : '5' , tm_isdst : '1' , ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::FULL, TimeType::FULL Error : 'Date parsing failed: U_PARSE_ERROR' ------------------------------- Input text is : 12/18/69 8:49 AM ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::LONG, TimeType::LONG Error : 'Date parsing failed: U_PARSE_ERROR' ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::MEDIUM, TimeType::MEDIUM Error : 'Date parsing failed: U_PARSE_ERROR' ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::FULL, TimeType::FULL Error : 'Date parsing failed: U_PARSE_ERROR' ------------------------------- Input text is : 19691218 08:49 AM ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::LONG, TimeType::LONG Error : 'Date parsing failed: U_PARSE_ERROR' ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::MEDIUM, TimeType::MEDIUM Error : 'Date parsing failed: U_PARSE_ERROR' ------------ IntlDateFormatter : DateType::FULL, TimeType::FULL Error : 'Date parsing failed: U_PARSE_ERROR'