--TEST-- locale_get_keywords() --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- $value){ $res_str .= "Key is $key and Value is $value \n"; } } else{ $res_str .= "No keywords found."; } $res_str .= "\n"; } $res_str .= "\n"; return $res_str; } include_once( 'ut_common.inc' ); ut_run(); ?> --EXPECT-- de_DE@currency=EUR;collation=PHONEBOOK: Key is collation and Value is PHONEBOOK Key is currency and Value is EUR root: No keywords found. uk@currency=EURO: Key is currency and Value is EURO Hindi: No keywords found. de: No keywords found. fr: No keywords found. ja: No keywords found. i-enochian: No keywords found. zh-Hant: No keywords found. zh-Hans: No keywords found. sr-Cyrl: No keywords found. sr-Latn: No keywords found. zh-Hans-CN: No keywords found. sr-Latn-CS: No keywords found. sl-rozaj: No keywords found. sl-nedis: No keywords found. de-CH-1901: No keywords found. sl-IT-nedis: No keywords found. sl-Latn-IT-nedis: No keywords found. de-DE: No keywords found. en-US: No keywords found. es-419: No keywords found. de-CH-x-phonebk: No keywords found. az-Arab-x-AZE-derbend: No keywords found. zh-min: No keywords found. zh-min-nan-Hant-CN: No keywords found. x-whatever: No keywords found. qaa-Qaaa-QM-x-southern: No keywords found. sr-Latn-QM: No keywords found. sr-Qaaa-CS: No keywords found. en-US-u-islamCal: No keywords found. zh-CN-a-myExt-x-private: No keywords found. en-a-myExt-b-another: No keywords found. de-419-DE: No keywords found. a-DE: No keywords found. ar-a-aaa-b-bbb-a-ccc: No keywords found.