--TEST-- Test External Authentication errors with oci_new_connect --SKIPIF-- --INI-- oci8.privileged_connect=1 --FILE-- ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- Test 1 Warning: oci_new_connect(): OCI_CRED_EXT can only be used with a username of "/" and a NULL password in %s on line %d bool(false) bool(false) Test 2 Warning: oci_new_connect(): OCI_CRED_EXT can only be used with a username of "/" and a NULL password in %s on line %d bool(false) bool(false) Test 3 Warning: oci_new_connect(): OCI_CRED_EXT can only be used with a username of "/" and a NULL password in %s on line %d bool(false) bool(false) Test 4 Warning: oci_new_connect(): OCI_SYSDBA and OCI_SYSOPER cannot be used together in %s on line %d bool(false) bool(false) Test 5 Warning: oci_new_connect(): OCI_SYSDBA and OCI_SYSOPER cannot be used together in %s on line %d bool(false) bool(false) Test 6 Warning: oci_new_connect(): OCI_CRED_EXT can only be used with a username of "/" and a NULL password in %s on line %d bool(false) bool(false) Test 7 Warning: oci_new_connect(): ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified in %s on line %d array(4) { [%u|b%"code"]=> int(12154) [%u|b%"message"]=> %unicode|string%(65) "ORA-12154: %s" [%u|b%"offset"]=> int(0) [%u|b%"sqltext"]=> %unicode|string%(0) "" } bool(false) Test 8 Warning: oci_new_connect(): ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified in %s on line %d array(4) { [%u|b%"code"]=> int(12154) [%u|b%"message"]=> %unicode|string%(65) "ORA-12154: %s" [%u|b%"offset"]=> int(0) [%u|b%"sqltext"]=> %unicode|string%(0) "" } bool(false) Test 9 Warning: oci_new_connect(): ORA-%d: TNS:%s %s on line %d array(4) { [%u|b%"code"]=> int(%d) [%u|b%"message"]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "ORA-%d: %s" [%u|b%"offset"]=> int(0) [%u|b%"sqltext"]=> %unicode|string%(0) "" } bool(false) Test 10 Warning: oci_new_connect(): ORA-%d: TNS:%s %s on line %d array(4) { [%u|b%"code"]=> int(%d) [%u|b%"message"]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "ORA-%d: %s" [%u|b%"offset"]=> int(0) [%u|b%"sqltext"]=> %unicode|string%(0) "" } bool(false) ===DONE===