--TEST-- Bug #44454 (Unexpected exception thrown in foreach() statement) --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test'); $db->exec('CREATE TABLE test(a INT, b INT, UNIQUE KEY idx_ab (a, b))'); $db->exec('INSERT INTO test(a, b) VALUES (1, 1)'); $stmt = $db->query('SELECT a, b FROM test'); printf("... SELECT has returned %d row...\n", $stmt->rowCount()); while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { try { printf("... INSERT should fail...\n"); $db->exec('INSERT INTO test(a, b) VALUES (1, 1)'); } catch (Exception $e) { printf("... STMT - %s\n", var_export($stmt->errorCode(), true)); printf("... PDO - %s\n", var_export($db->errorInfo(), true)); } } } catch (Exception $e) { printf("... While error %s\n", $e->getMessage()); ; } $stmt = $db->query('SELECT a, b FROM test'); printf("... SELECT has returned %d row...\n", $stmt->rowCount()); foreach ($stmt as $row) { try { printf("... INSERT should fail...\n"); $db->exec('INSERT INTO test(a, b) VALUES (1, 1)'); } catch (Exception $e) { printf("... STMT - %s\n", var_export($stmt->errorCode(), true)); printf("... PDO - %s\n", var_export($db->errorInfo(), true)); } } } $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); print "Native Prepared Statements\n"; $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, 0); bug_44454($db); print "\nEmulated Prepared Statements\n"; $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, 1); bug_44454($db); print "done!"; ?> --XFAIL-- For some reason the exception gets thrown at the wrong place --EXPECT-- Native Prepared Statements ... SELECT has returned 1 row... ... INSERT should fail... ... STMT - '00000' ... PDO - array ( 0 => '23000', 1 => 1062, 2 => 'Duplicate entry \'1-1\' for key 1', ) ... SELECT has returned 1 row... ... INSERT should fail... ... STMT - '00000' ... PDO - array ( 0 => '23000', 1 => 1062, 2 => 'Duplicate entry \'1-1\' for key 1', ) Emulated Prepared Statements ... SELECT has returned 1 row... ... INSERT should fail... ... STMT - '00000' ... PDO - array ( 0 => '23000', 1 => 1062, 2 => 'Duplicate entry \'1-1\' for key 1', ) ... SELECT has returned 1 row... ... INSERT should fail... ... STMT - '00000' ... PDO - array ( 0 => '23000', 1 => 1062, 2 => 'Duplicate entry \'1-1\' for key 1', ) done!