--TEST-- MySQL PDO->commit() --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- beginTransaction())) { printf("[001] Expecting true, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp); } // DDL will issue an implicit commit $db->exec(sprintf('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_commit')); $db->exec(sprintf('CREATE TABLE test_commit(id INT) ENGINE=%s', MySQLPDOTest::detect_transactional_mysql_engine($db))); if (true !== ($tmp = $db->commit())) { printf("[002] No commit allowed? [%s] %s\n", $db->errorCode(), implode(' ', $db->errorInfo())); } // pdo_transaction_transitions should check this as well... // ... just to be sure the most basic stuff really works we check it again... if (1 !== ($tmp = $db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT))) printf("[003] According to the manual we should be back to autocommit mode, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), var_export($tmp, true)); if (true !== ($tmp = $db->beginTransaction())) printf("[004] Expecting true, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp); $db->exec('INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (100, "z")'); if (true !== ($tmp = $db->commit())) printf("[005] No commit allowed? [%s] %s\n", $db->errorCode(), implode(' ', $db->errorInfo())); // a weak test without unicode etc. - lets leave that to dedicated tests $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE id = 100'); $rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!isset($rows[0]['label']) || ($rows[0]['label'] != 'z')) { printf("[006] Record data is strange, dumping rows\n"); var_dump($rows); } // Ok, lets check MyISAM resp. any other non-transactional engine // pdo_mysql_begin_transaction has more on this, quick check only $db = MySQLPDOTest::factory(); MySQLPDOTest::createTestTable($db, 'MyISAM'); if (true !== ($tmp = $db->beginTransaction())) printf("[007] Expecting true, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp); $db->exec('INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (100, "z")'); if (true !== ($tmp = $db->commit())) printf("[008] No commit allowed? [%s] %s\n", $db->errorCode(), implode(' ', $db->errorInfo())); // a weak test without unicode etc. - lets leave that to dedicated tests $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE id = 100'); $rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!isset($rows[0]['label']) || ($rows[0]['label'] != 'z')) { printf("[009] Record data is strange, dumping rows\n"); var_dump($rows); } } catch (PDOException $e) { printf("[002] %s, [%s] %s\n", $e->getMessage(), $db->errorCode(), implode(' ', $db->errorInfo())); } $db->exec(sprintf('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_commit')); print "done!"; --EXPECT-- done!