<%-- Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by Autodesk, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA --%> <%@ Page language="c#" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Specialized" %> <%@ Import Namespace="OSGeo.MapGuide" %> <% Response.Charset = "utf-8"; try { MgLocalizer.SetLocalizedFilesPath(Request.ServerVariables["APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH"] + "..\\localized\\"); GetRequestParameters(); dataSource = "Session:" + sessionId + "//Measure.FeatureSource"; String layerDef = "Session:" + sessionId + "//Measure.LayerDefinition"; try { InitializeWebTier(); MgUserInformation cred = new MgUserInformation(sessionId); cred.SetClientIp(GetClientIp(Request)); cred.SetClientAgent(GetClientAgent()); //connect to the site and get a feature service and a resource service instances MgSiteConnection site = new MgSiteConnection(); site.Open(cred); MgFeatureService featureSrvc = site.CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService) as MgFeatureService; MgResourceService resourceSrvc = site.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService) as MgResourceService; MgResourceIdentifier dataSourceId = new MgResourceIdentifier(dataSource); MgResourceIdentifier layerDefId = new MgResourceIdentifier(layerDef); //load the map runtime state and locate the measure layer // MgMap map = new MgMap(); map.Open(resourceSrvc, mapName); MgLayerCollection layers = map.GetLayers(); srs = GetMapSrs(map); MgLayer layer = FindLayer(layers, layerDef); if (clear) { total = 0; if (null != layer) layers.Remove(layer); if (DataSourceExists(resourceSrvc, dataSourceId)) ClearDataSource(featureSrvc, dataSourceId, featureName); } else { MgCoordinateSystemFactory srsFactory = new MgCoordinateSystemFactory(); MgCoordinateSystem srsMap = srsFactory.Create(srs); int srsType = srsMap.GetType(); if (srsType == MgCoordinateSystemType.Geographic) distance = srsMap.MeasureGreatCircleDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2); else distance = srsMap.MeasureEuclideanDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2); distance = srsMap.ConvertCoordinateSystemUnitsToMeters(distance); if (0 == us) distance *= 0.001; //get kilometers else distance *= 0.000621371192; //get miles total += distance; //create the line string geometry representing this segment // MgGeometryFactory geomFactory = new MgGeometryFactory(); MgCoordinateCollection coordinates = new MgCoordinateCollection(); coordinates.Add(geomFactory.CreateCoordinateXY(x1, y1)); coordinates.Add(geomFactory.CreateCoordinateXY(x2, y2)); MgLineString geom = geomFactory.CreateLineString(coordinates); if (segId == 1) { //first segment // if (!DataSourceExists(resourceSrvc, dataSourceId)) { //create feature source // MgClassDefinition classDef = new MgClassDefinition(); classDef.SetName(featureName); classDef.SetDescription(MgLocalizer.GetString("MEASUREFEATURECLASS", locale)); classDef.SetDefaultGeometryPropertyName("GEOM"); //Set KEY property MgDataPropertyDefinition prop = new MgDataPropertyDefinition("KEY"); prop.SetDataType(MgPropertyType.Int32); prop.SetAutoGeneration(true); prop.SetReadOnly(true); classDef.GetIdentityProperties().Add(prop); classDef.GetProperties().Add(prop); //Set PARTIAL property. Hold the distance for this segment prop = new MgDataPropertyDefinition("PARTIAL"); prop.SetDataType(MgPropertyType.Double); classDef.GetProperties().Add(prop); //Set TOTAL property. Hold the total distance up to this segment, including it prop = new MgDataPropertyDefinition("TOTAL"); prop.SetDataType(MgPropertyType.Double); classDef.GetProperties().Add(prop); //Set geometry property MgGeometricPropertyDefinition geomProp = new MgGeometricPropertyDefinition("GEOM"); //geomProp.SetGeometryTypes(MgFeatureGeometricType.mfgtSurface); //TODO use the constant when exposed geomProp.SetGeometryTypes(4); classDef.GetProperties().Add(geomProp); //Create the schema MgFeatureSchema schema = new MgFeatureSchema("MeasureSchema", MgLocalizer.GetString("MEASURESCHEMADESCR", locale)); schema.GetClasses().Add(classDef); //finally, creation of the feature source MgCreateSdfParams parameters = new MgCreateSdfParams("LatLong", srs, schema); featureSrvc.CreateFeatureSource(dataSourceId, parameters); //build map tip String unitText = (us == 1) ? "Miles" : "Kilometers"; String tip = String.Format("Concat(Concat(Concat('" + MgLocalizer.GetString("MEASUREPARTIAL", locale) + ": ', PARTIAL), Concat(', " + MgLocalizer.GetString("MEASURETOTAL", locale) + ": ', TOTAL)), ' ({0})')", unitText); //Create the layer definition MgByteReader layerDefContent = BuildLayerDefinitionContent(dataSource, featureName, tip); resourceSrvc.SetResource(layerDefId, layerDefContent, null); } else { //data source already exist. clear its content ClearDataSource(featureSrvc, dataSourceId, featureName); } } //Add the layer to the map, if it's not already in it if (layer == null) { legendName = MgLocalizer.GetString("MEASURELAYER", locale); layer = new MgLayer(layerDefId, resourceSrvc); layer.SetDisplayInLegend(true); layer.SetLegendLabel(legendName); layers.Insert(0,layer); } // create a feature representing this segment and insert it into the data source // MgPropertyCollection measureProps = new MgPropertyCollection(); MgDoubleProperty partialProp = new MgDoubleProperty("PARTIAL", distance); measureProps.Add(partialProp); MgDoubleProperty totalProp = new MgDoubleProperty("TOTAL", total); measureProps.Add(totalProp); MgAgfReaderWriter agf = new MgAgfReaderWriter(); MgByteReader geomReader = agf.Write(geom); MgGeometryProperty geometryProp = new MgGeometryProperty("GEOM", geomReader); measureProps.Add(geometryProp); MgInsertFeatures cmd = new MgInsertFeatures(featureName, measureProps); MgFeatureCommandCollection commands = new MgFeatureCommandCollection(); commands.Add(cmd); //Insert the distance feature in the temporary data source // ReleaseReader(featureSrvc.UpdateFeatures(dataSourceId, commands, false)); } if (layer != null) layer.ForceRefresh(); map.Save(resourceSrvc); } catch (MgException exc) { OnError(MgLocalizer.GetString("MEASUREERROR", locale), exc.GetExceptionMessage()); return; } catch (Exception ne) { OnError(MgLocalizer.GetString("MEASUREERROR", locale), ne.Message); return; } String measureUiTempl = MgLocalizer.Localize(LoadTemplate(Request, "../viewerfiles/measureui.templ"), locale, GetClientOS(Request)); String vpath = GetSurroundVirtualPath(Request); String[] vals = { locale, target.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), popup.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), mapName, sessionId, total.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), distance.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), "1", vpath + "measure.aspx", vpath + "measure.aspx" }; Response.Write(Substitute(measureUiTempl, vals)); } finally { } %>