width / 25.4 * $printDpi, $paperSize->height / 25.4 * $printDpi); $array = explode(",", $args["box"]); $captureBox = CreatePolygon($array); $array = explode(",", $args["normalized_box"]); $normalizedCapture = CreatePolygon($array); } function CreatePolygon($coordinates) { $geometryFactory = new MgGeometryFactory(); $coordinateCollection = new MgCoordinateCollection(); $linearRingCollection = new MgLinearRingCollection(); for ($index = 0; $index < count($coordinates); ++$index) { $coordinate = $geometryFactory->CreateCoordinateXY(floatval($coordinates[$index]), floatval($coordinates[++$index])); $coordinateCollection->Add($coordinate); } $coordinateCollection->Add($geometryFactory->CreateCoordinateXY(floatval($coordinates[0]), floatval($coordinates[1]))); $linearRingCollection = $geometryFactory->CreateLinearRing($coordinateCollection); $captureBox = $geometryFactory->CreatePolygon($linearRingCollection, null); return $captureBox; } function GenerateMap($size) { global $sessionID, $mapName, $captureBox, $printSize, $normalizedCapture, $rotation, $scaleDenominator, $printDpi; $userInfo = new MgUserInformation($sessionID); $siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection(); $siteConnection->Open($userInfo); $resourceService = $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService); $renderingService = $siteConnection->CreateService(MgServiceType::RenderingService); $map = new MgMap(); $map->Open($resourceService, $mapName); $selection = new MgSelection($map); // Calculate the generated picture size $envelope = $captureBox->Envelope(); $normalizedE = $normalizedCapture->Envelope(); $size1 = new Size($envelope->getWidth(), $envelope->getHeight()); $size2 = new Size($normalizedE->getWidth(), $normalizedE->getHeight()); $toSize = new Size($size1->width / $size2->width * $size->width, $size1->height / $size2->height * $size->height); $center = $captureBox->GetCentroid()->GetCoordinate(); // Get the map agent url // Get the correct http protocal $mapAgent = "http"; if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") { $mapAgent .= "s"; } // Get the correct port number // Just use the specificly to point to localhost. Because the WebExtension will // be always on the same server with map agent. $mapAgent .= "://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]; // Get the correct virtual directory $mapAgent .= substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 0, strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "/", 1)); $mapAgent .="/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi?VERSION=1.0.0&OPERATION=GETMAPIMAGE" . "&SESSION=$sessionID" . "&MAPNAME=" . rawurlencode($mapName) . "&FORMAT=PNG" . "&SETVIEWCENTERX=" . $center->GetX() . "&SETVIEWCENTERY=" . $center->GetY() . "&SETVIEWSCALE=$scaleDenominator" . "&SETDISPLAYDPI=$printDpi" . "&SETDISPLAYWIDTH=$toSize->width" . "&SETDISPLAYHEIGHT=$toSize->height" . "&CLIP=0"; $image = imagecreatefrompng($mapAgent); // Rotate the picture back to be normalized $normalizedImg = imagerotate($image, -$rotation, 0); // Free the original image imagedestroy($image); // Crop the normalized image $croppedImg = imagecreatetruecolor($size->width, $size->height); imagecopy($croppedImg, $normalizedImg, 0, 0, (imagesx($normalizedImg) - $size->width) / 2, (imagesy($normalizedImg) - $size->height) / 2, $size->width, $size->height); // Free the normalized image imagedestroy($normalizedImg); // Draw the north arrow on the map DrawNorthArrow($croppedImg); header ("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($croppedImg); imagedestroy($croppedImg); } function DrawNorthArrow($map) { global $paperSize, $rotation; // Load the north arrow image which has a 300 dpi resolution $na = imagecreatefrompng("../viewerfiles/quickplotnortharrow.png"); // Rotate the north arrow according to the capture rotation $transparent= imagecolortransparent($na); $rotatedNa = imagerotate($na, -$rotation, $transparent); // Free the north arrow image imagedestroy($na); // Get the size of north arrow image $naWidth = imagesx($rotatedNa); $naHeight = imagesy($rotatedNa); // Get the map size $mapWidth = imagesx($map); $mapHeight = imagesy($map); // Get the logical resolution of map $resolution = $mapWidth * 25.4 / $paperSize->width; // On printed paper, north arrow is located at the right bottom corner with 6 MM margin $naRes = 300; $naMargin = 12; // Calculate the margin as pixels according to the resolutions $margin = $resolution * $naMargin / 25.4; // Get the width of the north arrow on the map picture $drawWidth = $naWidth * $resolution / $naRes; $drawHeight = $naHeight * $resolution / $naRes; // Draw the north arrow on the map picture imagecopyresized($map, $rotatedNa, $mapWidth - $drawWidth - $margin, $mapHeight - $drawHeight - $margin, 0, 0, $drawWidth, $drawHeight, $naWidth, $naHeight); // Free the north arrow image imagedestroy($rotatedNa); } ?> width = $width; $this->height = $height; } } ?>