=head1 NAME XmlContainer - A Perl interface to the DbXml XmlContainer Class =head1 SYNOPSIS use Sleepycat::DbXml; my $mgr = new XmlManager; my $c = $mgr->createContainer([$txn,] $name [, $flags, $containerType, $mode]); my $bool = $c->addAlias($alias); my $bool = $c->removeAlias($alias); $c->addIndex([$txn,] $uri, $name, $index [$context]) $c->addDefaultIndex([$txn,] $index [$context]) $c->deleteDocument([$txn,] $name [, $context]); $c->deleteDocument([$txn,] $xmldoc [, $context]); $c->deleteIndex([$txn,] $uri, $name, $index [$context]) $c->deleteDefaultIndex([$txn,] $index [$context]) my $type = $c->getContainerType(); my $xmldoc = $c->getDocument([$txn,] $name [, $flags]); my $bool = $c->getIndexNodes(); my $ixSpec = $c->getIndexSpecification([$txn, [$flags]]) my $mgr1 = $c->getManager() my $name = $c->getName() my $flags = $c->getFlags() my $results = $c->lookupIndex([$txn,] $context, $uri, $name, $index, $xmlValue, $flags); my $results = $c->lookupIndex([$txn,] $context, $uri, $name, $parent_uri, $parent_name, $index, $xmlValue, $flags); my $statistics = $c->lookupStatistics([$txn,] $uri, $name, $index [,$xmlValue]); my $statistics = $c->lookupStatistics([$txn,] $uri, $name, $parent_uri, $parent_name, $index [,$xmlValue]); $c->putDocument([$txnid,] $xmldoc [, $context [, $flags]]); $c->putDocument([$txnid,] $name, $xmlstream [, $context [, $flags]]); $c->putDocument([$txnid,] $name, $xmleventreader [, $context [, $flags]]); $c->putDocument([$txnid,] $name, $text [, $context [, $flags]]); my $xmlWriter = $c->putDocumentAsEventWriter($xmlDocument, $context [, $flags]]); $c->replaceIndex([$txn, ] $uri, $name, $index [, $context]); $c->setIndexSpecification([$txn, ] $index [, $context]); $c->sync(); $c->updateDocument([$txn, ] $xmldoc [, $context]); my $results = $c->getAllDocuments([$txn,] $flags); my $count = $c->getNumDocuments([$txn]); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module =head1 CONFORMANCE to C++ API The Perl interface to XMlContainer is identical to the C++ API, apart from the following =over 5 =item 1. The use of the TxnId parameter is optional. =back =head1 Constructor The constructor for this class can take any of the following forms my $mgr = new XmlManager; my $c = $mgr->createContainer([$txn,] $name [, $flags, $containerType, $mode]); =head1 Methods =head2 $c->putDocument([$txnid,] $xmldoc [, $context [, $flags]]); =head2 $c->putDocument([$txnid,] $name, $xmlstream [, $context [, $flags]]); =head2 $c->putDocument([$txnid,] $name, $xmleventreader [, $context [, $flags]]); =head2 $c->putDocument([$txnid,] $name, $text [, $context [, $flags]]); Puts a document into a container. The input can take one of four forms =over 5 =item $xmldoc -- an XmlDocument object =item $name => $xmlstream -- a name and XmlStream object pair. =item $name => $xmleventreader -- a name and XmlEventReader object pair. =item $name => $text -- a name and text pair. =back If present, the $context parameter must be an XmlUpdateContext object. If present, the $flags parameter must be =head1 my $xmlWriter = $c->putDocumentAsEventWriter($xmlDocument, $context [, $flags]]); =head2 my $doc = $c->getDocument([$txnid,] $name [, $flags]); Returns an XmlDocument object from the container with name $name. ID, $id. Valid values for the flags parameter are: =over 5 =item Db::DB_DIRTY_READ =item Db::DB_RMW =item DbXml::DBXML_LAZY_LOCKS =back =head2 my $bool = $c->getIndexNodes(); Returns true if the container C<$c> is configured to create indexes at node granularity. =head2 $c->deleteDocument([$txnid,] $name [, $context]); Removes the document with name, $name, from the container, $c. If present, the $context parameter must be an XmlUpdateContext object. The $flags parameter is currently unused. =head2 $c->deleteDocument([$txnid,] $doc [, $context]); Removes the document that matches the one in the XmlDocument object, $doc, from the container, $c. If present, the $context parameter must be an XmlUpdateContext object. The $flags parameter is currently unused. =head2 $c->updateDocument([$txnid,] $doc [, $context]); Updates document $doc in container $c. If present, the $context parameter must be an XmlUpdateContext object. =head2 my $string = $c->getName; Returns the name of the XmlContainer, $c. =head2 my $flags = $c->getFlags; Returns the flags used when openeing the XmlContainer, $c. =head2 my $bool = $c->addAlias($alias); Creates an alias for the container. =head2 my $bool = $c->removeAlias($alias); Removes the alias C<$alias> from the container. =head2 my $results = $c->getAllDocuments([$txn,] $flags); Returns an XmlResults object that can will iterate over all the documents stored in the container, $c. =head2 my $count = $c->getNumDocuments([$txn]); Returns a count of the number of documents in the container, $c. =head1 NOTES =head1 EXAMPLES =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 AUTHOR Paul Marquess