=head1 NAME XmlValue - A Perl interface to the DbXml XmlValue Class =head1 SYNOPSIS use Sleepycat::DbXml; my $v = new XmlValue() my $v = new XmlValue(VALUE); my $v = new XmlValue(TYPE, VALUE); my $type = $v->getType(); my $type = $v->getTypeName(); my $uri = $v->getTypeURI(); my $boolean = $v->isNull; my $boolean = $v->isType(TYPE); my $boolean = $v->isBoolean(); my $boolean = $v->isNumber(); my $boolean = $v->isString(); my $boolean = $v->isNode(); my $boolean = $v->isBinary(); my $boolean = $v->asBoolean(); my $number = $v->asNumber(); my $string = $v->asString(); my $document = $v->asDocument(); my $document = $v->asBinary(); my $reader = $v->asEventReader(); $v->equals($v2); # Node traversal my $string = $v->getNodeName() ; my $string = $v->getNodeValue() ; my $string = $v->getNamespaceURI() ; my $string = $v->getPrefix() ; my $string = $v->getLocalName() ; my $type = $v->getNodeType() ; my $xmlvalue = $v->getParentNode() ; my $xmlvalue = $v->getFirstChild() ; my $xmlvalue = $v->getLastChild() ; my $xmlvalue = $v->getPreviousSibling() ; my $xmlvalue = $v->getNextSibling() ; my $xmlvalue = $v->getAttributes() ; my $xmlvalue = $v->getOwnerElement(); =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 CONFORMANCE to C++ API The Perl interface to XMlValue is identical to the C++ API, apart from the following =over 5 =item 1. No Perl interface is provided to the asNode method. =item 2 Addition of getTypeName method. =item 3. The Node traversal methods are implemented but untested at present. =back =head1 Constructor The constructor for XmlValue can take one of the following three forms: my $value = new XmlValue() ; my $value = new XmlValue(VALUE); my $value = new XmlValue(TYPE, VALUE); The first form, with no parameters, will create an empty XmlValue. The second, with one parameter, creates and initialises an XmlValue of type XmlValue::STRING. Value can be an XMlDocument object, another XmlValue object or a simple Perl scalar. The third form creates and initialises an XmlValue of the specified type. The TYPE parameter can be one of the following XmlValue::NONE XmlValue::NODE XmlValue::ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE XmlValue::ANY_URI XmlValue::BASE_64_BINARY XmlValue::BOOLEAN XmlValue::DATE XmlValue::DATE_TIME XmlValue::DAY_TIME_DURATION XmlValue::DECIMAL XmlValue::DOUBLE XmlValue::DURATION XmlValue::FLOAT XmlValue::G_DAY XmlValue::G_MONTH XmlValue::G_MONTH_DAY XmlValue::G_YEAR XmlValue::G_YEAR_MONTH XmlValue::HEX_BINARY XmlValue::NOTATION XmlValue::QNAME XmlValue::STRING XmlValue::TIME XmlValue::YEAR_MONTH_DURATION XmlValue::UNTYPED_ATOMIC XmlValue::BINARY The VALUE parameter is the value you want stored in the XmlValue object. XmlValue objects are overloaded to allow convenient access to their contents. Stringification of an XmlValue object or comparison of one (or more) XmValue objects will automagically result in the asString method being called. =head1 Methods =head2 my $type = $v->getType() Returns the numeric representation of the type of the XmlValue. The value returned will match one of the the TYPE constants defined in the constructor section, above. =head2 my $type = $v->getTypeName() Returns a string representation of the type of the XmlValue. The string returned will match one of the the TYPE constants defined in the constructor section, above. =head2 my $uri = $v->getType() return the URI for the type. =head2 my $boolean = $v->isNull Returns true if $v is null, otherwize returns false. =head2 my $boolean = $v->isBoolean() Returns true if $v has type XmlValue::BOOLEAN, otherwise returns false. The $context parameter is optional, but if present must be a valid XmlQueryContext object. =head2 my $boolean = $v->isNumber(); Returns true if $v has type XmlValue::NUMBER, otherwise returns false. =head2 my $boolean = $v->isString(); Returns true if $v has type XmlValue::STRING, otherwise returns false. =head2 my $boolean = $v->isNode(); Returns true if $v has type XmlValue::NODE, otherwise returns false. =head2 my $boolean = $v->asBoolean(); Returns the value of the XmlValue as a Boolean. =head2 my $number = $v->asNumber(); Returns the value of the XmlValue as a Number. =head2 my $string = $v->asString(); Returns the value of the XmlValue as a String. =head2 my $document = $v->asDocument(); Returns the value of the XmlValue as a Document. =head2 $v->equals($v2); Returns true if $v and $v2 represrnt the same value. =head2 my $string = $v->getNodeName() ; =head2 my $string = $v->getNodeValue() ; =head2 my $string = $v->getNamespaceURI() ; =head2 my $string = $v->getPrefix() ; =head2 my $string = $v->getLocalName() ; =head2 my $type = $v->getNodeType() ; =head2 my $xmlvalue = $v->getParentNode() ; =head2 my $xmlvalue = $v->getFirstChild() ; =head2 my $xmlvalue = $v->getLastChild() ; =head2 my $xmlvalue = $v->getPreviousSibling() ; =head2 my $xmlvalue = $v->getNextSibling() ; =head2 my $xmlvalue = $v->getAttributes() ; =head2 my $xmlvalue = $v->getOwnerElement(); =head1 EXAMPLES use strict; use warnings; use DbXml; my $mgr = new XMlManager(); # Create an empty object my $value1 = new XmlValue ; # Create and initialise a string my $value2 = new XmlValue("alpha"); # Create and initialise another string my $value3 = new XmlValue(XmlValue::STRING, "beta"); # Create and initialise a number my $value4 = new XmlValue(XmlValue::DECIMAL, 42); print "value2 contains " . $value2->asString() . "\n" ; # Same as above using overloaded stringification XmlValue print "value2 contains $value2"\n" ; print "value4 is a DECIMAL\n" if $value4->getType == XmlValue::DECIMAL ; =head1 NOTES =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 AUTHOR Paul Marquess