Create an XML Container within a Berkeley DB environment, then within a Berkeley DB transaction, add a document, get the document, display the content of the document. Use a Berkeley DB transaction. EXPECTED RESULT: book1 = Knowledge Discovery in Databases. ACTUAL RESULT: Knowledge Discovery in Databases.'; foreach(array_merge(glob("__db*"), glob("log.O"), glob("test*.dbxml")) as $file) { @unlink($file); } $env = new Db4Env(); $env->open(); $mgr = new XmlManager($env); $txn = $mgr->createTransaction(); $con = $mgr->createContainer($txn, "test.dbxml", DBXML_TRANSACTIONAL); $doc = $mgr->createDocument(); $doc->setContent($book_content); $doc->setName($book_name); $con->putDocument($txn, $doc); $doc = $con->getDocument($txn, $book_name); $s = $doc->getContentAsString(); print $doc->getName(). " = $s\n"; $txn->commit(); unset($doc); unset($con); $mgr->removeContainer("test.dbxml"); $env->close();