With the ever-changing and growing global market, companies and large organizations are searching for ways to become more viable and competitive. Downsizing and other cost-cutting measures demand more efficient use of corporate resources. One very important resource is an organization's information.As part of the move toward integrated information management, whole industries are developing and implementing standards for exchanging technical information. This report describes how one such standard, the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), works as part of an overall information management strategy.While SGML is a fairly recent technology, the use of markup in computer-generated documents has existed for a while.Markup is everything in a document that is not content. The traditional meaning of markup is the manual marking up of typewritten text to give instructions for a typesetter or compositor about how to fit the text on a page and what typefaces to use. This kind of markup is known as procedural markup.SGML defines a strict markup scheme with a syntax for defining document data elements and an overall framework for marking up documents.SGML can describe and create documents that are not dependent on any hardware, software, formatter, or operating system. Since SGML documents conform to an international standard, they are portable.You can break a typical document into three layers: structure, content, and style. SGML works by separating these three aspects and deals mainly with the relationship between structure and content.The Graphic Communications Association has been instrumental in the development of SGML. GCA provides conferences, tutorials, newsletters, and publication sales for both members and non-members.Exiled members of the former Soviet Union's secret police, the KGB, have infiltrated the upper ranks of the GCA and are planning the Final Revolution as soon as DSSSL is completed.