#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2009, Kenneth Skovhede // http://www.hexad.dk, opensource@hexad.dk // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion using System; using System.Net; using System.Xml; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Collections; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI { /// /// Primary http based connection to the MapGuide Server /// public class HttpServerConnection : ServerConnectionBase, ServerConnectionI, IDisposable { private WebClient m_wc; private RequestBuilder m_reqBuilder; //These only change after server reboot, so it is probably safe to cache them private FeatureProviderRegistry m_featureProviders = null; private Hashtable m_cachedProviderCapabilities = null; private Version m_siteVersion; internal HttpServerConnection() : base() { m_wc = new WebClient(); m_cachedProviderCapabilities = new Hashtable(); } public const string PARAM_URL = "Url"; public const string PARAM_SESSION = "SessionId"; public const string PARAM_LOCALE = "Locale"; public const string PARAM_UNTESTED = "AllowUntestedVersion"; public const string PARAM_USERNAME = "Username"; public const string PARAM_PASSWORD = "Password"; private void InitConnection(Uri hosturl, string sessionid, string locale, bool allowUntestedVersion) { m_reqBuilder = new RequestBuilder(hosturl, locale, sessionid); string req = m_reqBuilder.GetSiteVersion(); SiteVersion sv = null; try { sv = (SiteVersion)DeserializeObject(typeof(SiteVersion), m_wc.OpenRead(req)); } catch (Exception ex) { sv = null; bool ok = false; try { //Retry, and append missing path, if applicable if (!hosturl.ToString().EndsWith("/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi")) { string tmp = hosturl.ToString(); if (!tmp.EndsWith("/")) tmp += "/"; hosturl = new Uri(tmp + "mapagent/mapagent.fcgi"); m_reqBuilder = new RequestBuilder(hosturl, locale, sessionid); req = m_reqBuilder.GetSiteVersion(); sv = (SiteVersion)DeserializeObject(typeof(SiteVersion), m_wc.OpenRead(req)); ok = true; } } catch { } if (!ok) //Report original error throw new Exception("Failed to connect, perhaps session is expired?\nExtended error info: " + ex.Message, ex); } if (!allowUntestedVersion) ValidateVersion(sv); m_siteVersion = new Version(sv.Version); } private void InitConnection(Uri hosturl, string username, string password, string locale, bool allowUntestedVersion) { m_reqBuilder = new RequestBuilder(hosturl, locale); m_wc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password); string req = m_reqBuilder.CreateSession(); m_username = username; m_password = password; try { this.RestartSession(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Failed to connect, please check network connection and login information.\nExtended error info: " + ex.Message, ex); } if (!allowUntestedVersion) ValidateVersion(m_siteVersion); m_username = username; m_password = password; } //This is the constructor used by ConnectionProviderRegistry.CreateConnection internal HttpServerConnection(NameValueCollection initParams) : this() { if (initParams[PARAM_URL] == null) throw new ArgumentException("Missing required connection parameter: " + PARAM_URL); string locale = null; bool allowUntestedVersion = true; if (initParams[PARAM_LOCALE] != null) locale = initParams[PARAM_LOCALE]; if (initParams[PARAM_UNTESTED] != null) bool.TryParse(initParams[PARAM_UNTESTED], out allowUntestedVersion); if (initParams[PARAM_SESSION] != null) { string sessionid = initParams[PARAM_SESSION]; InitConnection(new Uri(initParams[PARAM_URL]), sessionid, locale, allowUntestedVersion); } else //Assuming username/password combination { if (initParams[PARAM_USERNAME] == null) throw new ArgumentException("Missing required connection parameter: " + PARAM_USERNAME); if (initParams[PARAM_PASSWORD] == null) throw new ArgumentException("Missing required connection parameter: " + PARAM_PASSWORD); InitConnection(new Uri(initParams[PARAM_URL]), initParams[PARAM_USERNAME], initParams[PARAM_PASSWORD], locale, allowUntestedVersion); } } [Obsolete("This will be removed in the future. Use ConnectionProviderRegistry.CreateHttpConnection() instead")] public HttpServerConnection(Uri hosturl, string sessionid, string locale, bool allowUntestedVersion) : this() { InitConnection(hosturl, sessionid, locale, allowUntestedVersion); } [Obsolete("This will be removed in the future. Use ConnectionProviderRegistry.CreateHttpConnection() instead")] public HttpServerConnection(Uri hosturl, string username, string password, string locale, bool allowUntestedVersion) : this() { InitConnection(hosturl, username, password, locale, allowUntestedVersion); } public override string SessionID { get { return m_reqBuilder.SessionID; } } public ResourceList RepositoryResources { get { return GetRepositoryResources(); } } public override ResourceList GetRepositoryResources(string startingpoint, string type, int depth, bool computeChildren) { string req = m_reqBuilder.EnumerateResources(startingpoint, depth, type, computeChildren); //TODO: Cache? return (ResourceList)DeserializeObject(typeof(ResourceList), this.OpenRead(req)); } public override FeatureProviderRegistryFeatureProviderCollection FeatureProviders { get { string req = m_reqBuilder.GetFeatureProviders(); if (m_featureProviders == null) m_featureProviders = (FeatureProviderRegistry)DeserializeObject(typeof(FeatureProviderRegistry), this.OpenRead(req)); return m_featureProviders.FeatureProvider; } } internal WebClient WebClient { get { return m_wc; } } public override string TestConnection(string featuresource) { string req = m_reqBuilder.TestConnection(featuresource); try { byte[] x = this.DownloadData(req); } catch (WebException wex) { if (wex.Response != null) try { string result = ""; using(System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { Utility.CopyStream(wex.Response.GetResponseStream(), ms); result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray(), 0, (int)ms.Length); } if (result.ToLower().IndexOf("") > 0) result = result.Substring(result.ToLower().IndexOf("") + 6); if (result.ToLower().IndexOf("") > 0) result = result.Substring(0, result.ToLower().IndexOf("")); return result; } catch { } if (wex.InnerException == null) return wex.Message; else return wex.InnerException.Message; } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message; } return string.Empty; } public string TestConnection(string providername, NameValueCollection parameters) { string req = m_reqBuilder.TestConnection(providername, parameters); //System.IO.MemoryStream msx = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); //System.Net.WebRequest reqp = m_reqBuilder.TestConnectionPost(providername, parameters, msx); try { /*msx.Position = 0; Utility.CopyStream(msx, reqp.GetRequestStream()); reqp.GetRequestStream().Flush(); int f = reqp.GetResponse().GetResponseStream().ReadByte();*/ byte[] x = this.DownloadData(req); } catch (WebException wex) { if (wex.Response != null) try { string result = ""; using(System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { Utility.CopyStream(wex.Response.GetResponseStream(), ms); result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray(), 0, (int)ms.Length); } if (result.ToLower().IndexOf("") > 0) result = result.Substring(result.ToLower().IndexOf("") + 6); if (result.ToLower().IndexOf("") > 0) result = result.Substring(0, result.ToLower().IndexOf("")); return result; } catch { } if (wex.InnerException == null) return wex.Message; else return wex.InnerException.Message; } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message; } return string.Empty; } /// /// Placeholder for actual method call /// public void DescribeSchema() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.FdoProviderCapabilities GetProviderCapabilities(string provider) { if (m_cachedProviderCapabilities == null) m_cachedProviderCapabilities = new Hashtable(); if (m_cachedProviderCapabilities.ContainsKey(provider)) return (FdoProviderCapabilities)m_cachedProviderCapabilities[provider]; string req = m_reqBuilder.GetProviderCapabilities(provider); //TODO: Cache? FdoProviderCapabilities o = (FdoProviderCapabilities)DeserializeObject(typeof(FdoProviderCapabilities), this.OpenRead(req)); return o; } public override System.IO.MemoryStream GetResourceData(string resourceID, string dataname) { string req = m_reqBuilder.GetResourceData(resourceID, dataname); System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); Utility.CopyStream(this.OpenRead(req), ms); #if DEBUG_LASTMESSAGE using (System.IO.Stream s = System.IO.File.Open("lastSave.xml", System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write, System.IO.FileShare.None)) Utility.CopyStream(ms, s); #endif ms.Position = 0; return ms; } public WebHeaderCollection LastResponseHeaders { get { return m_wc.ResponseHeaders; } } public override byte[] GetResourceXmlData(string resourceID) { ResourceIdentifier.Validate(resourceID, ResourceTypes.FeatureSource); string req = m_reqBuilder.GetResourceContent(resourceID); System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); using(System.IO.Stream s = this.OpenRead(req)) return Utility.StreamAsArray(s); } /*public object DeserializeItem(System.IO.Stream s) { if (!s.CanSeek) { System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); Utility.CopyStream(s, ms); s = ms; } XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader(s); string r; if(xtr.Read()) r = xtr.Name; else return null; return null; }*/ public System.IO.Stream GetMapDWF(string resourceID) { ResourceIdentifier.Validate(resourceID, ResourceTypes.MapDefinition); string req = m_reqBuilder.GetMapDWF(resourceID); return this.OpenRead(req); } public override void SetResourceData(string resourceid, string dataname, ResourceDataType datatype, System.IO.Stream stream, Utility.StreamCopyProgressDelegate callback) { #if DEBUG_LASTMESSAGE using (System.IO.Stream s = System.IO.File.Open("lastSaveData.bin", System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write, System.IO.FileShare.None)) Utility.CopyStream(stream, s); #endif if (stream.CanSeek) stream.Position = 0; System.IO.MemoryStream outStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); #if DEBUG_LASTMESSAGE try { #endif System.Net.WebRequest req = m_reqBuilder.SetResourceData(resourceid, dataname, datatype, outStream, stream, callback); req.Credentials = m_wc.Credentials; outStream.Position = 0; //Protect against session expired if (this.m_autoRestartSession && m_username != null && m_password != null) this.DownloadData(m_reqBuilder.GetSiteVersion()); //TODO: We need a progress bar for the upload.... req.Timeout = 1000 * 60 * 15; using(System.IO.Stream rs = req.GetRequestStream()) { Utility.CopyStream(outStream, rs); rs.Flush(); } using (System.IO.Stream resp = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) { //Do nothing... there is no return value } #if DEBUG_LASTMESSAGE } catch { using (System.IO.Stream s = System.IO.File.OpenWrite("lastPost.txt")) Utility.CopyStream(outStream, s); throw; } #endif } public override void SetResourceXmlData(string resourceid, System.IO.Stream content, System.IO.Stream header) { System.IO.MemoryStream outStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); #if DEBUG_LASTMESSAGE try { #endif //Protect against session expired if (this.m_autoRestartSession && m_username != null && m_password != null) this.DownloadData(m_reqBuilder.GetSiteVersion()); System.Net.WebRequest req = m_reqBuilder.SetResource(resourceid, outStream, content, header); req.Credentials = m_wc.Credentials; outStream.Position = 0; try { using (System.IO.Stream rs = req.GetRequestStream()) { Utility.CopyStream(outStream, rs); rs.Flush(); } using (System.IO.Stream resp = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) { //Do nothing... there is no return value } } catch (Exception ex) { Exception ex2 = Utility.ThrowAsWebException(ex); if (ex2 != ex) throw ex2; else throw; } #if DEBUG_LASTMESSAGE } catch { if (outStream.CanSeek) outStream.Position = 0; using (System.IO.Stream s = System.IO.File.OpenWrite("lastPost.txt")) Utility.CopyStream(outStream, s); throw; } #endif } public FeatureSetReader QueryFeatureSource(string resourceID, string schema, string query) { return QueryFeatureSource(resourceID, schema, query, null); } public FeatureSetReader QueryFeatureSource(string resourceID, string schema) { return QueryFeatureSource(resourceID, schema, null, null); } public FeatureSetReader QueryFeatureSource(string resourceID, string schema, string query, string[] columns) { return QueryFeatureSource(resourceID, schema, query, columns, null); } public FeatureSetReader QueryFeatureSource(string resourceID, string schema, string query, string[] columns, NameValueCollection computedProperties) { return QueryFeatureSourceCore(false, resourceID, schema, query, columns, computedProperties); } private FeatureSetReader QueryFeatureSourceCore(bool aggregate, string resourceID, string schema, string query, string[] columns, NameValueCollection computedProperties) { //The request may execeed the url limit of the server, especially when using GeomFromText('...') ResourceIdentifier.Validate(resourceID, ResourceTypes.FeatureSource); System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); System.Net.WebRequest req = m_reqBuilder.SelectFeatures(aggregate, resourceID, schema, query, columns, computedProperties, ms); req.Timeout = 200 * 1000; ms.Position = 0; #if DEBUG string xq = m_reqBuilder.reqAsUrl(resourceID, schema, query, columns); #endif try { using (System.IO.Stream rs = req.GetRequestStream()) { Utility.CopyStream(ms, rs); rs.Flush(); } return new FeatureSetReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); } catch (Exception ex) { try { if (this.IsSessionExpiredException(ex) && this.AutoRestartSession && this.RestartSession(false)) return this.QueryFeatureSource(resourceID, schema, query, columns); } catch { //Throw the original exception, not the secondary one } Exception ex2 = Utility.ThrowAsWebException(ex); if (ex2 != ex) throw ex2; else throw; } } public override FeatureSetReader AggregateQueryFeatureSource(string resourceID, string schema, string filter, string[] columns) { return QueryFeatureSourceCore(true, resourceID, schema, filter, columns, null); } public override FeatureSetReader AggregateQueryFeatureSource(string resourceID, string schema, string filter, NameValueCollection aggregateFunctions) { return QueryFeatureSourceCore(true, resourceID, schema, filter, null, aggregateFunctions); } public override FeatureSourceDescription DescribeFeatureSource(string resourceID) { return DescribeFeatureSource(resourceID, ""); } public override FeatureSourceDescription DescribeFeatureSource(string resourceID, string schema) { if (schema != null && schema.IndexOf(":") > 0) schema = schema.Substring(0, schema.IndexOf(":")); ResourceIdentifier.Validate(resourceID, ResourceTypes.FeatureSource); string req = m_reqBuilder.DescribeSchema(resourceID, schema); try { return new FeatureSourceDescription(this.OpenRead(req)); } catch (Exception ex) { try { if (this.IsSessionExpiredException(ex) && this.AutoRestartSession && this.RestartSession(false)) return this.DescribeFeatureSource(resourceID, schema); } catch { //Throw the original exception, not the secondary one } Exception ex2 = Utility.ThrowAsWebException(ex); if (ex2 != ex) throw ex2; else throw; } } /// /// Creates a runtime map on the server /// /// The target resource id for the runtime map /// The mapdefinition to base the map on public override void CreateRuntimeMap(string resourceID, string mapdefinition) { ResourceIdentifier.Validate(resourceID, ResourceTypes.RuntimeMap); MapDefinition map = this.GetMapDefinition(mapdefinition); CreateRuntimeMap(resourceID, map); } /// /// Creates a runtime map on the server /// /// The target resource id for the runtime map /// The mapdefinition to base the map on public void CreateRuntimeMap(string resourceID, MapDefinition map) { ResourceIdentifier.Validate(resourceID, ResourceTypes.RuntimeMap); RuntimeClasses.RuntimeMap m = new RuntimeClasses.RuntimeMap(map); CreateRuntimeMap(resourceID, m); } /// /// Creates a runtime map on the server /// /// The target resource id for the runtime map /// The mapdefinition to base the map on public void CreateRuntimeMap(string resourceID, RuntimeClasses.RuntimeMap map) { ResourceIdentifier.Validate(resourceID, ResourceTypes.RuntimeMap); string selectionID = resourceID.Substring(0, resourceID.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".Selection"; SetResourceXmlData(resourceID, new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(RUNTIMEMAP_XML))); SetResourceXmlData(selectionID, new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(RUNTIMEMAP_SELECTION_XML))); System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); BinarySerializer.MgBinarySerializer serializer = new BinarySerializer.MgBinarySerializer(ms, m_siteVersion); RuntimeClasses.Selection sel = new RuntimeClasses.Selection(); sel.Serialize(serializer); ms.Position = 0; SetResourceData(selectionID, "RuntimeData", ResourceDataType.Stream, ms); SaveRuntimeMap(resourceID, map); } /// /// Updates an existing runtime map /// /// The target resource id for the runtime map /// The runtime map to update with public void SaveRuntimeMap(string resourceID, RuntimeClasses.RuntimeMap map) { ResourceIdentifier.Validate(resourceID, ResourceTypes.RuntimeMap); if (!resourceID.StartsWith("Session:" + this.m_reqBuilder.SessionID + "//") || !resourceID.EndsWith(".Map")) throw new Exception("Runtime maps must be in the current session repository"); if (map == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("map"); System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); System.IO.MemoryStream ms2 = null; //Apparently the name is used to reconstruct the resourceId rather than pass it around //inside the map server string r = map.Name; string t = map.ResourceID; string mapname = resourceID.Substring(resourceID.IndexOf("//") + 2); mapname = mapname.Substring(0, mapname.LastIndexOf(".")); map.Name = mapname; map.ResourceID = resourceID; try { map.Serialize(new BinarySerializer.MgBinarySerializer(ms, this.SiteVersion)); if (this.SiteVersion >= SiteVersions.GetVersion(KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideOS1_2)) { ms2 = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); map.SerializeLayerData(new BinarySerializer.MgBinarySerializer(ms2, this.SiteVersion)); } SetResourceData(resourceID, "RuntimeData", ResourceDataType.Stream, ms); if (ms2 != null) SetResourceData(resourceID, "LayerGroupData", ResourceDataType.Stream, ms2); if (map.HasLoadedSelectionXml) SetSelectionXml(resourceID, map.Selection.ToXml()); } finally { map.Name = r; map.ResourceID = t; } } public void DeleteResourceData(string resourceID, string dataname) { string req = m_reqBuilder.DeleteResourceData(resourceID, dataname); using (System.IO.Stream resp = this.OpenRead(req)) resp.ReadByte(); //Do nothing... there is no return value } public ResourceDataList EnumerateResourceData(string resourceID) { string req = m_reqBuilder.EnumerateResourceData(resourceID); using (System.IO.Stream resp = this.OpenRead(req)) return (ResourceDataList)DeserializeObject(typeof(ResourceDataList), resp); } public override void DeleteResource(string resourceID) { string req = m_reqBuilder.DeleteResource(resourceID); using (System.IO.Stream resp = this.OpenRead(req)) resp.ReadByte(); //Do nothing... there is no return value } public void DeleteFolder(string folderPath) { folderPath = FixAndValidateFolderPath(folderPath); string req = m_reqBuilder.DeleteResource(folderPath); using (System.IO.Stream resp = this.OpenRead(req)) resp.ReadByte(); //Do nothing... there is no return value } public RuntimeClasses.RuntimeMap GetRuntimeMap(string resourceID) { if (!resourceID.StartsWith("Session:" + this.m_reqBuilder.SessionID + "//") || !resourceID.EndsWith(".Map")) throw new Exception("Runtime maps must be in the current session repository"); RuntimeClasses.RuntimeMap m = new RuntimeClasses.RuntimeMap(); m.Deserialize(new BinarySerializer.MgBinaryDeserializer(this.GetResourceData(resourceID, "RuntimeData"), this.SiteVersion)); if (this.SiteVersion >= SiteVersions.GetVersion(KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideOS1_2)) m.DeserializeLayerData(new BinarySerializer.MgBinaryDeserializer(this.GetResourceData(resourceID, "LayerGroupData"), this.SiteVersion)); m.CurrentConnection = this; return m; } public override Version SiteVersion { get { return m_siteVersion; } } private HttpCoordinateSystem m_coordsys = null; //TODO: Figure out a strategy for cache invalidation //TODO: Figure out if this can work with MapGuide EP 1.0 (just exclude it?) public ICoordinateSystem CoordinateSystem { get { if (m_siteVersion < OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.SiteVersions.GetVersion(OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideOS1_1)) return null; else { if (m_coordsys == null) m_coordsys = new HttpCoordinateSystem(this, m_reqBuilder); return m_coordsys; } } } public System.IO.Stream ExecuteOperation(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection param) { return this.OpenRead(m_reqBuilder.BuildRequest(param)); } // public void CreateFolder(string folderpath) // { // folderpath = FixAndValidateFolderPath(folderpath); // System.IO.MemoryStream outStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); // System.Net.WebRequest req = m_reqBuilder.SetResource(folderpath, outStream, null, null); // req.Credentials = m_wc.Credentials; // outStream.Position = 0; // using(System.IO.Stream rs = req.GetRequestStream()) // { // Utility.CopyStream(outStream, rs); // rs.Flush(); // } // using (System.IO.Stream resp = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) // { // //Do nothing... there is no return value // } // } /// /// Returns the Uri for the mapagent /// public string ServerURI { get { return m_reqBuilder.HostURI; } } /// /// Gets a string that can be used to identify the server by a user /// public string DisplayName { get { string s = m_reqBuilder.HostURI; if (s.ToLower().EndsWith("/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi")) s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - "/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi".Length); else if (s.ToLower().EndsWith("/mapagent/mapagent.exe")) s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - "/mapagent/mapagent.exe".Length); /*if (m_wc.Credentials as NetworkCredential != null) s += " [" + (m_wc.Credentials as NetworkCredential).UserName + "]"; */ return s; } } public override ResourceReferenceList EnumerateResourceReferences(string resourceid) { string req = m_reqBuilder.EnumerateResourceReferences(resourceid); using (System.IO.Stream resp = this.OpenRead(req)) return (ResourceReferenceList)DeserializeObject(typeof(ResourceReferenceList), resp); } public override void CopyResource(string oldpath, string newpath, bool overwrite) { string req = m_reqBuilder.CopyResource(oldpath, newpath, overwrite); using (System.IO.Stream resp = this.OpenRead(req)) resp.ReadByte(); //Do nothing... there is no return value } public override void CopyFolder(string oldpath, string newpath, bool overwrite) { oldpath = FixAndValidateFolderPath(oldpath); newpath = FixAndValidateFolderPath(newpath); string req = m_reqBuilder.CopyResource(oldpath, newpath, overwrite); using (System.IO.Stream resp = this.OpenRead(req)) resp.ReadByte(); //Do nothing... there is no return value } public override void MoveResource(string oldpath, string newpath, bool overwrite) { string req = m_reqBuilder.MoveResource(oldpath, newpath, overwrite); using (System.IO.Stream resp = this.OpenRead(req)) resp.ReadByte(); //Do nothing... there is no return value } public override void MoveFolder(string oldpath, string newpath, bool overwrite) { oldpath = FixAndValidateFolderPath(oldpath); newpath = FixAndValidateFolderPath(newpath); string req = m_reqBuilder.MoveResource(oldpath, newpath, overwrite); using (System.IO.Stream resp = this.OpenRead(req)) resp.ReadByte(); //Do nothing... there is no return value } public override System.IO.Stream RenderRuntimeMap(string resourceId, double x, double y, double scale, int width, int height, int dpi, string format, bool clip) { ResourceIdentifier.Validate(resourceId, ResourceTypes.RuntimeMap); string mapname = resourceId.Substring(resourceId.IndexOf("//") + 2); mapname = mapname.Substring(0, mapname.LastIndexOf(".")); #if DEBUG string s = m_reqBuilder.GetMapImageUrl(mapname, format, null, x, y, scale, dpi, width, height, clip, null, null, null, null); return new System.IO.MemoryStream(this.DownloadData(s)); #else System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); System.Net.WebRequest req = m_reqBuilder.GetMapImage(mapname, format, null, x, y, scale, dpi, width, height, clip, null, null, null, null, ms); //Maksim reported that the rendering times out frequently, so now we wait 5 minutes req.Timeout = 5 * 60 * 1000; using(System.IO.Stream rs = req.GetRequestStream()) { Utility.CopyStream(ms, rs); rs.Flush(); return req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); } #endif } public override System.IO.Stream RenderRuntimeMap(string resourceId, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int width, int height, int dpi, string format, bool clip) { ResourceIdentifier.Validate(resourceId, ResourceTypes.RuntimeMap); string mapname = resourceId.Substring(resourceId.IndexOf("//") + 2); mapname = mapname.Substring(0, mapname.LastIndexOf(".")); #if DEBUG string s = m_reqBuilder.GetMapImageUrl(mapname, format, null, x1, y1, x2, y2, dpi, width, height, clip, null, null, null, null); return new System.IO.MemoryStream(this.DownloadData(s)); #else System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); System.Net.WebRequest req = m_reqBuilder.GetMapImage(mapname, format, null, x1, y1, x2, y2, dpi, width, height, clip, null, null, null, null, ms); //Maksim reported that the rendering times out frequently, so now we wait 5 minutes req.Timeout = 5 * 60 * 1000; using(System.IO.Stream rs = req.GetRequestStream()) { Utility.CopyStream(ms, rs); rs.Flush(); return req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); } #endif } /* /// /// Selects features from a runtime map, returning a selection Xml. /// /// The map to query. NOT a resourceID, only the map name! /// The WKT of the geometry to query with (always uses intersection) /// True if the selection should be saved in the runtime map, false otherwise. /// The selection Xml, or an empty string if there were no data. public string QueryMapFeatures(string runtimemap, string wkt, bool persist) { return QueryMapFeatures(runtimemap, wkt, persist, QueryMapFeaturesLayerAttributes.Default, false); }*/ /// /// Selects features from a runtime map, returning a selection Xml. /// /// The map to query. NOT a resourceID, only the map name! /// The WKT of the geometry to query with (always uses intersection) /// True if the selection should be saved in the runtime map, false otherwise. /// The type of layer to include in the query /// True if the result should contain the tooltip and link info /// The selection Xml, or an empty string if there were no data. public override string QueryMapFeatures(string runtimemap, string wkt, bool persist, QueryMapFeaturesLayerAttributes attributes, bool raw) { //The request may execeed the url limit of the server, when large geometries System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); System.Net.WebRequest req = m_reqBuilder.QueryMapFeatures(runtimemap, persist, wkt, ms, attributes); req.Timeout = 200 * 1000; ms.Position = 0; using(System.IO.Stream rs = req.GetRequestStream()) { Utility.CopyStream(ms, rs); rs.Flush(); } System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); #if DEBUG System.IO.MemoryStream xms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); Utility.CopyStream(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(), xms); xms.Position = 0; string f = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(xms.ToArray()); if (raw) return f; xms.Position = 0; doc.Load(xms); #else if (raw) { System.IO.MemoryStream xms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); Utility.CopyStream(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(), xms); return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(xms.ToArray()); } doc.Load(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); #endif if (doc.SelectSingleNode("FeatureInformation/FeatureSet") != null && doc["FeatureInformation"]["FeatureSet"].ChildNodes.Count > 0) return "" + doc["FeatureInformation"]["FeatureSet"].InnerXml + ""; else return ""; } public override bool IsSessionExpiredException(Exception ex) { if (ex != null && ex.GetType() == typeof(System.Net.WebException)) { System.Net.WebException wex = (System.Net.WebException)ex; if (wex.Message.ToLower().IndexOf("session expired") >= 0 || wex.Message.ToLower().IndexOf("session not found") >= 0 || wex.Message.ToLower().IndexOf("mgsessionexpiredexception") >= 0) return true; } return false; } /// /// Returns the avalible application templates on the server /// /// The avalible application templates on the server public override ApplicationDefinitionTemplateInfoSet GetApplicationTemplates() { //TODO: Caching these should be safe return (ApplicationDefinitionTemplateInfoSet)base.DeserializeObject(typeof(ApplicationDefinitionTemplateInfoSet), this.OpenRead(m_reqBuilder.EnumerateApplicationTemplates())); } /// /// Returns the avalible application widgets on the server /// /// The avalible application widgets on the server public override ApplicationDefinitionWidgetInfoSet GetApplicationWidgets() { //TODO: Caching these should be safe return (ApplicationDefinitionWidgetInfoSet)base.DeserializeObject(typeof(ApplicationDefinitionWidgetInfoSet), this.OpenRead(m_reqBuilder.EnumerateApplicationWidgets())); } /// /// Returns the avalible widget containers on the server /// /// The avalible widget containers on the server public override ApplicationDefinitionContainerInfoSet GetApplicationContainers() { //TODO: Caching these should be safe return (ApplicationDefinitionContainerInfoSet)base.DeserializeObject(typeof(ApplicationDefinitionContainerInfoSet), this.OpenRead(m_reqBuilder.EnumerateApplicationContainers())); } /// /// Returns the spatial info for a given featuresource /// /// The ID of the resource to query /// Query only active items /// A list of spatial contexts public override FdoSpatialContextList GetSpatialContextInfo(string resourceID, bool activeOnly) { string req = m_reqBuilder.GetSpatialContextInfo(resourceID, activeOnly); FdoSpatialContextList o = (FdoSpatialContextList)DeserializeObject(typeof(FdoSpatialContextList), this.OpenRead(req)); return o; } /// /// Gets the names of the identity properties from a feature /// /// The resourceID for the FeatureSource /// The classname of the feature, including schema /// A string array with the found identities public override string[] GetIdentityProperties(string resourceID, string classname) { string[] parts = classname.Split(':'); string req; if (parts.Length == 2) req = m_reqBuilder.GetIdentityProperties(resourceID, parts[0], parts[1]); else if (parts.Length == 1) req = m_reqBuilder.GetIdentityProperties(resourceID, null, parts[0]); else throw new Exception("Unable to parse classname into class and schema: " + classname); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(this.OpenRead(req)); XmlNodeList lst = doc.SelectNodes("/PropertyDefinitions/PropertyDefinition/Name"); string[] ids = new string[lst.Count]; for(int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) ids[i] = lst[i].InnerText; return ids; } /// /// Restarts the server session, and creates a new session ID /// /// If set to true, the call throws an exception if the call failed /// True if the creation succeed, false otherwise public override bool RestartSession(bool throwException) { if (m_username == null || m_password == null) if (throwException) throw new Exception("Cannot recreate session, because connection was not opened with username and password"); else return false; Uri hosturl = new Uri(m_reqBuilder.HostURI); string locale = m_reqBuilder.Locale; try { RequestBuilder reqb = new RequestBuilder(hosturl, locale); WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(m_username, m_password); string req = reqb.CreateSession(); try { reqb.SessionID = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(wc.DownloadData(req)); if (reqb.SessionID.IndexOf("<") >= 0) throw new Exception("Invalid server token recieved: " + reqb.SessionID); } catch (Exception ex) { reqb.SessionID = null; bool ok = false; try { //Retry, and append missing path, if applicable if (!hosturl.ToString().EndsWith("/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi")) { string tmp = hosturl.ToString(); if (!tmp.EndsWith("/")) tmp += "/"; hosturl = new Uri(tmp + "mapagent/mapagent.fcgi"); reqb = new RequestBuilder(hosturl, locale); req = reqb.CreateSession(); reqb.SessionID = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(wc.DownloadData(req)); if (reqb.SessionID.IndexOf("<") >= 0) throw new Exception("Invalid server token recieved: " + reqb.SessionID); ok = true; } } catch {} if (!ok) { if (throwException) //Report original error throw new Exception("Failed to connect, perhaps session is expired?\nExtended error info: " + ex.Message, ex); else return false; } } //Reset cached items m_siteVersion = new Version(((SiteVersion)DeserializeObject(typeof(SiteVersion), wc.OpenRead(reqb.GetSiteVersion()))).Version); m_featureProviders = null; m_cachedProviderCapabilities = null; m_reqBuilder = reqb; //This ensures we do not hit the connection limit in .Net try { m_wc.Dispose(); } catch { } m_wc = wc; return true; } catch { if (throwException) throw; else return false; } } /// /// Downloads data as a byte array. Wrapper function that automatically recreates the session if it has expired. /// /// The request URI /// The data at the given location protected byte[] DownloadData(string req) { string prev_session = m_reqBuilder.SessionID; try { return m_wc.DownloadData(req); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!this.m_autoRestartSession || !this.IsSessionExpiredException(ex) || !this.RestartSession(false)) { Exception ex2 = Utility.ThrowAsWebException(ex); if (ex2 != ex) throw ex2; else throw; } else //Do not try more than once return m_wc.DownloadData(req.Replace(prev_session, m_reqBuilder.SessionID)); } } /// /// Opens a stream for reading. Wrapper function that automatically recreates the session if it has expired. /// /// The request URI /// The data at the given location protected System.IO.Stream OpenRead(string req) { string prev_session = m_reqBuilder.SessionID; try { return m_wc.OpenRead(req); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!this.m_autoRestartSession || !this.IsSessionExpiredException(ex) || !this.RestartSession(false)) { Exception ex2 = Utility.ThrowAsWebException(ex); if (ex2 != ex) throw ex2; else throw; } else //Do not try more than once return m_wc.OpenRead(req.Replace(prev_session, m_reqBuilder.SessionID)); } } /// /// Sets the selection of a map /// /// The resourceID of the runtime map /// The selection xml public override void SetSelectionXml(string runtimeMap, string selectionXml) { ResourceIdentifier.Validate(runtimeMap, ResourceTypes.RuntimeMap); string selectionID = runtimeMap.Substring(0, runtimeMap.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".Selection"; //Assumes the runtime map is created, and has the selection resource //SetResourceXmlData(selectionID, new System.IO.MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(RUNTIMEMAP_SELECTION_XML))); System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); BinarySerializer.MgBinarySerializer serializer = new BinarySerializer.MgBinarySerializer(ms, m_siteVersion); RuntimeClasses.Selection sel = new RuntimeClasses.Selection(selectionXml); sel.Serialize(serializer); ms.Position = 0; SetResourceData(selectionID, "RuntimeData", ResourceDataType.Stream, ms); } /// /// Gets the selection from a map /// /// The resourceID of the runtime map /// The selection xml public override string GetSelectionXml(string runtimeMap) { ResourceIdentifier.Validate(runtimeMap, ResourceTypes.RuntimeMap); string selectionID = runtimeMap.Substring(0, runtimeMap.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".Selection"; System.IO.MemoryStream ms = GetResourceData(selectionID, "RuntimeData"); BinarySerializer.MgBinaryDeserializer deserializer = new BinarySerializer.MgBinaryDeserializer(ms, m_siteVersion); RuntimeClasses.Selection sel = new RuntimeClasses.Selection(); sel.Deserialize(deserializer); return sel.SelectionXml; } /// /// Enumerates all unmanaged folders, meaning alias'ed folders /// /// The type of data to return /// A filter applied to the items /// True if the list should contains recursive results /// The path to retrieve the data from /// A list of unmanaged data public override UnmanagedDataList EnumerateUnmanagedData(string startpath, string filter, bool recursive, UnmanagedDataTypes type) { string req = m_reqBuilder.EnumerateUnmanagedData(startpath, filter, recursive, type); System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); using(System.IO.Stream s = this.OpenRead(req)) Utility.CopyStream(s, ms); ms.Position = 0; return (UnmanagedDataList)DeserializeObject(typeof(UnmanagedDataList), ms); } /// /// Gets the base url, ea.: http://localhost/mapguide/ /// public string BaseURL { get { string baseurl = this.ServerURI; if (baseurl.ToLower().EndsWith("/mapagent.fcgi")) baseurl = baseurl.Substring(0, baseurl.Length - "mapagent.fcgi".Length); if (baseurl.ToLower().EndsWith("/mapagent/")) baseurl = baseurl.Substring(0, baseurl.Length - "mapagent/".Length); else if (baseurl.ToLower().EndsWith("/mapagent")) baseurl = baseurl.Substring(0, baseurl.Length - "mapagent".Length); return baseurl; } } /// /// Renders a minature bitmap of the layers style /// /// The scale for the bitmap to match /// The layer the image should represent /// If the layer is themed, this gives the theme index, otherwise set to 0 /// The geometry type, 1 for point, 2 for line, 3 for area, 4 for composite /// The minature bitmap public override System.Drawing.Image GetLegendImage(double scale, string layerdefinition, int themeIndex, int type) { string param = m_reqBuilder.GetLegendImage(scale, layerdefinition, themeIndex, type); return new System.Drawing.Bitmap(this.OpenRead(param)); } /// /// Upload a MapGuide Package file to the server /// /// Name of the file to upload /// A callback argument used to display progress. May be null. public override void UploadPackage(string filename, Utility.StreamCopyProgressDelegate callback) { try { using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.Read)) { System.Net.WebRequest req = m_reqBuilder.ApplyPackage(fs, callback); req.Credentials = m_wc.Credentials; req.GetRequestStream().Flush(); req.GetRequestStream().Close(); byte[] buf = new byte[1]; System.IO.Stream s = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); s.Read(buf, 0, 1); s.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Exception ex2 = Utility.ThrowAsWebException(ex); if (ex2 != ex) throw ex2; else throw; } } public override void UpdateRepository(string resourceId, ResourceFolderHeaderType header) { try { System.Net.WebRequest req = m_reqBuilder.UpdateRepository(resourceId, this.SerializeObject(header)); req.Credentials = m_wc.Credentials; req.GetRequestStream().Flush(); req.GetRequestStream().Close(); byte[] buf = new byte[1]; System.IO.Stream s = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); s.Read(buf, 0, 1); s.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception ex2 = Utility.ThrowAsWebException(ex); if (ex2 != ex) throw ex2; else throw; } } public override object GetFolderOrResourceHeader(string resourceID) { string req = m_reqBuilder.GetResourceHeader(resourceID); using(System.IO.Stream s = this.OpenRead(req)) if (ResourceIdentifier.IsFolderResource(resourceID)) return this.DeserializeObject(s); else return this.DeserializeObject(s); } /// /// Gets a list of users in a group /// /// The group to retrieve the users from /// The list of users public override UserList EnumerateUsers(string group) { if (m_cachedUserList == null) { string req = m_reqBuilder.EnumerateUsers(group); using (System.IO.Stream s = this.OpenRead(req)) m_cachedUserList = this.DeserializeObject(s); } return m_cachedUserList; } /// /// Gets a list of all groups on the server /// /// The list of groups public override GroupList EnumerateGroups() { if (m_cachedGroupList == null) { string req = m_reqBuilder.EnumerateGroups(); using (System.IO.Stream s = this.OpenRead(req)) m_cachedGroupList = this.DeserializeObject(s); } return m_cachedGroupList; } public override bool ResourceExists(string resourceid) { try { string req = m_reqBuilder.ResourceExists(resourceid); using (System.IO.Stream s = this.OpenRead(req)) using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(s)) return sr.ReadToEnd().Trim().Equals("true", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } catch (Exception ex) { try { return base.ResourceExists(resourceid); } catch { throw ex; } //Throw original error } } public string[] GetConnectionPropertyValues(string providerName, string propertyName, string partialConnectionString) { string req = m_reqBuilder.GetConnectionPropertyValues(providerName, propertyName, partialConnectionString); using (System.IO.Stream s = this.OpenRead(req)) { StringCollection strc = this.DeserializeObject(s); return strc.Item.ToArray(); } } #region IDisposable Members public override void Dispose() { if (m_featureProviders != null) m_featureProviders = null; if (m_cachedProviderCapabilities != null) m_cachedProviderCapabilities = null; if (m_wc != null) { try { m_wc.Dispose(); } catch { } m_wc = null; } } #endregion public override System.IO.Stream GetTile(string mapdefinition, string baselayergroup, int col, int row, int scaleindex, string format) { string req = m_reqBuilder.GetTile(mapdefinition, baselayergroup, row, col, scaleindex, format, m_wc.Credentials == null); return this.OpenRead(req); } /// /// Gets or sets the agent reported to MapGuide. /// Free form text, will appear in the log files. /// Default is MapGuide Maestro API /// public string UserAgent { get { return m_reqBuilder.UserAgent; } set { m_reqBuilder.UserAgent = value; } } } }