// // Copyright (C) 2004-2010 by Autodesk, Inc. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name // yyAwkt.y - YACC grammar // // Synopsis // GisInt32 fdo_awkb_yyparse(FdoParse* pParse) // // Description // Parse AWKT and create an AWKB from it. // // Parameters // pParse pointer to parsing context // // Function Value // 0 if successful, 1 otherwise (respect YYACCEPT and YYABORT macros). // If successful, the root node is set in FdoParse to be returned. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %{ #define NOTOKEN_H #include "ParseAwkt.h" #pragma warning(disable:4102) // unreferenced labels in y.tab.c %} %union _YYSTYPE { double m_double; // floating point values } // keywords // ... geometry types (WKT) %token GisToken_POINT GisToken_LINESTRING GisToken_POLYGON %token GisToken_MULTIPOINT GisToken_MULTILINESTRING GisToken_MULTIPOLYGON %token GisToken_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION // ... autodesk extensions (AWKT) %token GisToken_CURVESTRING GisToken_CURVEPOLYGON %token GisToken_MULTICURVESTRING GisToken_MULTICURVEPOLYGON // ... reserved for future extensions %token GisToken_CIRCLE GisToken_RECTANGLE %token GisToken_TINTERRAIN GisToken_GRIDTERRAIN GisToken_CUSTOM %token GisToken_BEZIERSEGMENT // ... dimension types %token GisToken_XY GisToken_XYZ GisToken_XYM GisToken_XYZM // ... segment types %token GisToken_CIRCULARARCSEGMENT GisToken_LINESTRINGSEGMENT %token GisToken_ARC // synonym for CIRCULARARCSEGMENT // data types %token GisToken_DOUBLE // operators %token GisToken_LeftParenthesis GisToken_RightParenthesis GisToken_Comma // node types %type GisToken_DOUBLE %start gis %% gis : Awkt {pParse->Done(); YYACCEPT;} | error {pParse->Error(); YYABORT;} ; Awkt : GisToken_POINT {pParse->SetGeometryType(GisToken_POINT);} Dimensionality PointEntity | GisToken_LINESTRING {pParse->SetGeometryType(GisToken_LINESTRING);} Dimensionality LineString | GisToken_POLYGON {pParse->SetGeometryType(GisToken_POLYGON);} Dimensionality Polygon | GisToken_CURVESTRING {pParse->SetGeometryType(GisToken_CURVESTRING);} Dimensionality CurveString | GisToken_CURVEPOLYGON {pParse->SetGeometryType(GisToken_CURVEPOLYGON);} Dimensionality CurvePolygon | GisToken_MULTIPOINT {pParse->SetGeometryType(GisToken_MULTIPOINT);} Dimensionality MultiPoint | GisToken_MULTILINESTRING {pParse->SetGeometryType(GisToken_MULTILINESTRING);} Dimensionality MultiLineString | GisToken_MULTIPOLYGON {pParse->SetGeometryType(GisToken_MULTIPOLYGON);} Dimensionality MultiPolygon | GisToken_MULTICURVESTRING {pParse->SetGeometryType(GisToken_MULTICURVESTRING);} Dimensionality MultiCurveString | GisToken_MULTICURVEPOLYGON {pParse->SetGeometryType(GisToken_MULTICURVEPOLYGON);} Dimensionality MultiCurvePolygon | GisToken_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION {pParse->SetGeometryType(GisToken_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION);} GeometryCollection ; // WKT geometries--linear only, but extended dimension types PointEntity : '(' Point ')' {Node_Trace(L"PointEntity\n");}; LineString : '(' PointCollection ')' {Node_Trace(L"LineString\n");}; Polygon : '(' LineStringCollection ')' {Node_Trace(L"Polygon\n");}; MultiPoint : '(' PointCollection ')' {Node_Trace(L"MultiPoint\n");}; MultiLineString : '(' LineStringCollection ')' {Node_Trace(L"MultiLineString\n");}; MultiPolygon : '(' PolygonCollection ')' {Node_Trace(L"MultiPolygon\n");}; GeometryCollection : '(' AwktCollection ')' {Node_Trace(L"GeometryCollection\n");}; // AWKT geometries--circular and linear segments CurveString : '(' Point '(' CurveSegmentCollection ')' ')' {Node_Trace(L"CurveString\n");}; CurvePolygon : '(' CurveStringCollection ')' {Node_Trace(L"CurvePolygon\n");}; MultiCurveString : '(' CurveStringCollection ')' {Node_Trace(L"MultiCurveString\n");}; MultiCurvePolygon : '(' CurvePolygonCollection ')' {Node_Trace(L"MultiCurvePolygon\n");}; Dimensionality : {pParse->SetDimensionality(-1);} | GisToken_XY {pParse->SetDimensionality(GisToken_XY);} | GisToken_XYZ {pParse->SetDimensionality(GisToken_XYZ);} | GisToken_XYM {pParse->SetDimensionality(GisToken_XYM);} | GisToken_XYZM {pParse->SetDimensionality(GisToken_XYZM);} ; Point : GisToken_DOUBLE GisToken_DOUBLE {pParse->AddPoint($1, $2);} | GisToken_DOUBLE GisToken_DOUBLE GisToken_DOUBLE {pParse->AddPoint($1, $2, $3);} | GisToken_DOUBLE GisToken_DOUBLE GisToken_DOUBLE GisToken_DOUBLE {pParse->AddPoint($1, $2, $3, $4);} ; PointCollection : Point {Node_Trace(L"PointCollection[1]\n");}; | PointCollection ',' Point {Node_Trace(L"PointCollection[n]\n");}; ; LineStringCollection : LineString {Node_Trace(L"LineStringCollection[1]\n");}; | LineStringCollection ',' {pParse->SetBreak();} LineString {Node_Trace(L"LineStringCollection[n]\n");}; ; PolygonCollection : Polygon {Node_Trace(L"PolygonCollection[1]\n");}; | PolygonCollection ',' {pParse->SetOuterBreak();} Polygon {Node_Trace(L"PolygonCollection[n]\n");}; ; AwktCollection : Awkt {Node_Trace(L"AwktCollection[1]\n");}; | AwktCollection ',' Awkt {Node_Trace(L"AwktCollection[n]\n");}; ; CurveSegment : GisToken_CIRCULARARCSEGMENT {pParse->SetSegmentType(GisToken_CIRCULARARCSEGMENT);} '(' Point ',' Point ')' | GisToken_LINESTRINGSEGMENT {pParse->SetSegmentType(GisToken_LINESTRINGSEGMENT);} '(' PointCollection ')' ; CurveSegmentCollection : CurveSegment {Node_Trace(L"CurveSegmentCollection[1]\n");}; | CurveSegmentCollection ',' CurveSegment {Node_Trace(L"CurveSegmentCollection[n]\n");}; ; CurveStringCollection : CurveString {Node_Trace(L"CurveStringCollection[1]\n");}; | CurveStringCollection ',' {pParse->SetBreak();} CurveString {Node_Trace(L"CurveStringCollection[n]\n");}; ; CurvePolygonCollection : CurvePolygon {Node_Trace(L"CurvePolygonCollection[1]\n");}; | CurvePolygonCollection ',' {pParse->SetOuterBreak();} CurvePolygon {Node_Trace(L"CurvePolygonCollection[n]\n");}; ; %% /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include GisInt32 yyerror_default(char *str, GisInt32 lineno) { #ifdef FDO_YYDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "line %d: %s\n", lineno, str); #endif return 0; } typedef GisInt32 (*ERRFUNC)(char*, GisInt32); static ERRFUNC yyerror_func = yyerror_default; GisInt32 yyerror(GisParseAwkt* pParse, char* str) { return (*yyerror_func)(str, yylineno); } ERRFUNC yyerror_set(ERRFUNC func) { ERRFUNC old_func = yyerror_func; if (func != NULL) yyerror_func = func; return old_func; } static void print_current_token() { //TODO: this has not been updated, but it is unused anyway #ifdef FDO_YYDEBUG char *token_name; if( yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN ) { switch( yychar ) { case IDENTIFIER: token_name = yylval.id; break; default: token_name = yyname[yychar]; break; } } else { token_name = "illegal-name"; } printf( "*** current token is %d (%s) ***\n", yychar, token_name ); #endif }