--TEST-- Set and get of connection attributes with all types of connections. --SKIPIF-- true, 'timesten' => false); // test runs on these DBs require(dirname(__FILE__).'/skipif.inc'); if (strcasecmp($user, "system") && strcasecmp($user, "sys")) die("skip needs to be run as a DBA user"); if ($test_drcp) die("skip output might vary with DRCP"); if (preg_match('/Release 1[01]\./', oci_server_version($c), $matches) !== 1) { die("skip expected output only valid when using Oracle 10g or greater database server"); } else if (preg_match('/^1[01]\./', oci_client_version()) != 1) { die("skip test expected to work only with Oracle 10g or greater version of client"); } ?> --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- **Test 1.1 - Default values for the attributes ************** Testing with oci_connect() The value of MODULE is %s The value of ACTION is The value of CLIENT_INFO is The value of CLIENT_IDENTIFIER is **Test 1.2 - Set and get values for the attributes ************** Testing with oci_connect() Value of MODULE has been set successfully The value of MODULE is PHP TEST1 Value of ACTION has been set successfully The value of ACTION is TASK1 Value of CLIENT_INFO has been set successfully The value of CLIENT_INFO is INFO11 Value of CLIENT_IDENTIFIER has been set successfully The value of CLIENT_IDENTIFIER is ID001 Testing with oci_pconnect() Value of MODULE has been set successfully The value of MODULE is PHP TEST2 Value of ACTION has been set successfully The value of ACTION is TASK2 Value of CLIENT_INFO has been set successfully The value of CLIENT_INFO is INFO12 Value of CLIENT_IDENTIFIER has been set successfully The value of CLIENT_IDENTIFIER is ID002 Testing with oci_new_connect() Value of MODULE has been set successfully The value of MODULE is PHP TEST3 Value of ACTION has been set successfully The value of ACTION is TASK3 Value of CLIENT_INFO has been set successfully The value of CLIENT_INFO is INFO13 Value of CLIENT_IDENTIFIER has been set successfully The value of CLIENT_IDENTIFIER is ID003 Done