--TEST-- Test array_filter() function : usage variations - anonymous callback functions --FILE-- 1);') ) ); // anonymous callback function with reference echo "Anonymous callback function with reference parameter\n"; var_dump( array_filter($input, create_function('&$input', 'return ($input < 1);') ) ); // anonymous callback function with null argument echo "Anonymous callback funciton with null argument\n"; var_dump( array_filter($input, create_function(null, 'return true;') ) ); // anonymous callback function with argument and null statement echo "Anonymous callback function with regular argument and null statement\n"; var_dump( array_filter($input, create_function('$input', null) ) ); echo "Done" ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing array_filter() : usage variations - Anonymous callback functions *** Anonymous callback function with regular parameter and statement array(3) { [3]=> int(10) [4]=> int(100) [5]=> int(1000) } Anonymous callback function with reference parameter array(4) { [0]=> int(0) [2]=> int(-1) [6]=> string(5) "Hello" [7]=> NULL } Anonymous callback funciton with null argument array(8) { [0]=> int(0) [1]=> int(1) [2]=> int(-1) [3]=> int(10) [4]=> int(100) [5]=> int(1000) [6]=> string(5) "Hello" [7]=> NULL } Anonymous callback function with regular argument and null statement array(0) { } Done