--TEST-- Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - heredoc strings --INI-- short_open_tag = on --FILE-- hello world

13 < 25

This is a double quoted string EOT; // here doc with diferent whitespaces $diff_whitespaces = <<hello\r world\t 1111\t\t != 2222\v\v EOT; // here doc with numeric values $numeric_string = <<11 < 12. 123 >22


1111\t 0000\t = 0000\n EOT; // heredoc with quote chars & slash $quote_char_string = <<This's a string with quotes: "strings in double quote"; 'strings in single quote'; this\line is single quoted /with\slashes EOT; $res_heredoc_strings = array( //heredoc strings $null_string, $blank_line, $multiline_string, $diff_whitespaces, $numeric_string, $quote_char_string ); // initialize the second argument $quotes = " --EXPECTF-- *** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations *** -- Iteration 1 -- string(0) "" -- Iteration 2 -- string(0) "" -- Iteration 3 -- string(67) "hello world 13 < 25 This is a double quoted string" -- Iteration 4 -- string(44) "hello world 1111 != 2222 " -- Iteration 5 -- string(56) "11 < 12. 123 >22 string 1111 0000 = 0000 " -- Iteration 6 -- string(150) "This's a string with quotes: "strings in double quote"; 'strings in single quote'; this\line is single quoted /with\slashes " Done