text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 The layer {0} is already in the map, do you want it to appear twice? A confirmation message that is shown when the user attempts to include the same layer twice Finite display scales The name displayed for finite display scales The selected group has sub groups. These will be removed and all layers will be moved to the selected group before being converted. Do you want to continue? A warning that is displayed if the user attempts to convert a group with subgroups to a baselayer group Fallo al obtener la extensión de la capa: {0} An error message that is displayed if the attempt to read the layer extents fail The selected group has one or more layers that are invisible. The layers in a base layer are always visible. If you convert the group, the layers will be made visible. Do you want to continue? A warning message that is displayed if the user attempts to convert an invisible layer to a baselayer Fallo mientras se creaba el mapa preliminar: {0} An error message that is displayed if the map preview fails MgCooker threw an exception: {0} An error message that is displayed if MgCooker fails This map is not yet saved. MgCooker can only process saved maps An error message that is displayed if the user attempts to produce tiles for an unsaved map Nuevo grupo The default name for a new group No hay capa seleccionada An error message that is displayed if the user has not selected a layer This map contains base layers. Saving the map will clear any generated tiles. Do you want to save the map? A warning message that is displayed if the map contains baselayers, as that will result in all existing tiles being deleted The data extent is in another projection than the map, do you also want to update the maps coordinate system? A question that is displayed if the maps projection differs from that of the featuresource Do you want to use the projection from the layer {0}? A question that is displayed if the user can choose to user the layer projection The extent for the layer was found, but no coordinate system was found A warning message that is displayed if the layers projection could not be read An error occured while reading the layers projection: {0} An error message that is displayed if an error occurs while reading the data projection