text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Only vector layers and raster layers are currently validated A warning message that is displayed if the layer is not Grid or Vector Maestro does not support DrawingLayers A warning message that is displayed if the layer is a DrawingLayer type Failed to load featuresource An error message that is displayed if the featuresource fails to load Failed to find geometry column {0} in schema {1} on featuresource {2} An error message that is displayed if the geometry is not present in the selected schema Layer is missing core information An error message that is displayed if the layer has a null reference The minimum scale ({0}) is larger than the maximum scale ({1}) An error message that is displayed if the scale ranges are reversed No FeatureSource is assigned to the layer An error message that is displayed if the layer has no FeatureSource No Geometry is assigned to the layer An error message that is displayed if the layer has no geometry column selected No scale ranges are defined, no data can be displayed An error message that is displayed if there are no scale ranges defined More than one scale ranges is defined, this is valid, but unsupported by Maestro A warning message that is displayed if a raster layer has multiple scale ranges defined The scale range {0}-{1} overlaps the range {2}-{3} A warning message that is displayed if two scaleranges overlap Failed to validate column and schema An error message that is displayed if the schema and column read fails Failed to find schema {0} in featuresource {1} An error message that is displayed if the selected schema is not present in the FeatureSource The layer has no type, or the type is unsupported by Maestro A warning message that is displayed if the layer type is unknown