#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2009, Kenneth Skovhede // http://www.hexad.dk, opensource@hexad.dk // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI { /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("FeatureSource", Namespace="", IsNullable=false)] public class FeatureSource { private ServerConnectionI m_serverConnection; /// /// Gets or sets the connection used in various operations performed on this object /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore()] public ServerConnectionI CurrentConnection { get { return m_serverConnection; } set { m_serverConnection = value; if (this.Extension != null) foreach(FeatureSourceTypeExtension ex in this.Extension) ex.Parent = this; } } public static readonly string SchemaName = "FeatureSource-1.0.0.xsd"; [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttribute("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", Namespace="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance")] public string XsdSchema { get { return SchemaName; } set { if (value != SchemaName) throw new System.Exception("Cannot set the schema name"); } } private string m_resourceId; [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore()] public string ResourceId { get { return m_resourceId; } set { m_resourceId = value; } } private string m_provider; private NameValuePairTypeCollection m_parameter; private SpatialContextTypeCollection m_supplementalSpatialContextInfo; private string m_configurationDocument; private string m_longTransaction; private FeatureSourceTypeExtensionCollection m_extension; private string m_version; /// public string Provider { get { return this.m_provider; } set { this.m_provider = value; } } /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("Parameter")] public NameValuePairTypeCollection Parameter { get { return this.m_parameter; } set { this.m_parameter = value; } } /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("SupplementalSpatialContextInfo")] public SpatialContextTypeCollection SupplementalSpatialContextInfo { get { return this.m_supplementalSpatialContextInfo; } set { this.m_supplementalSpatialContextInfo = value; } } /// public string ConfigurationDocument { get { return this.m_configurationDocument; } set { this.m_configurationDocument = value; } } /// public string LongTransaction { get { return this.m_longTransaction; } set { this.m_longTransaction = value; } } /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("Extension")] public FeatureSourceTypeExtensionCollection Extension { get { return this.m_extension; } set { this.m_extension = value; } } /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute()] public string version { get { return this.m_version; } set { this.m_version = value; } } public string[] GetIdentityProperties(string classname) { if (this.CurrentConnection == null) throw new System.Exception("No server set for object"); return this.CurrentConnection.GetIdentityProperties(this.ResourceId, classname); } public FeatureSetReader SelectFeatures(string query) { return this.SelectFeatures(query, null); } public FeatureSetReader SelectFeatures(string query, string classname) { return SelectFeatures(query, classname, null); } public FeatureSetReader SelectFeatures(string query, string classname, string[] columns) { return SelectFeatures(query, classname, columns, null); } public FeatureSetReader SelectFeatures(string query, string classname, string[] columns, NameValueCollection computedProperties) { if (this.CurrentConnection == null) throw new System.Exception("No server set for object"); else { /*if (this.ConfigurationDocument != null && this.ConfigurationDocument.Length > 0 && classname == null) { System.IO.MemoryStream data = this.CurrentConnection.GetResourceData(this.ResourceId, this.ConfigurationDocument); //TODO: Decode the xml config document to derive the class name, something like "Default:xxxx" throw new System.MissingMethodException("Currently the method that derives the classname from the featuresource is not complete, please specify it manually"); }*/ if (classname == null || classname.Length == 0) { try { FeatureSourceDescription items = this.DescribeSource(); if (items != null && items.Schemas != null && items.Schemas.Length > 0) classname = items.Schemas[0].Name; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("No classname supplied, and the attempt to derive it failed", ex); } } return this.CurrentConnection.QueryFeatureSource(this.ResourceId, classname, query, columns, computedProperties); } } public Topology.Geometries.IEnvelope GetSpatialExtent(string schema, string geometry) { return this.GetSpatialExtent(schema, geometry, null); } public Topology.Geometries.IEnvelope GetSpatialExtent(string schema, string geometry, string filter) { if (this.CurrentConnection == null) throw new System.Exception("No server set for object"); else return this.CurrentConnection.GetSpatialExtent(this.ResourceId, schema, geometry, filter); } public FdoSpatialContextList GetSpatialInfo() { if (this.CurrentConnection == null) throw new System.Exception("No server set for object"); else return this.CurrentConnection.GetSpatialContextInfo(this.ResourceId, false); } public FeatureSourceDescription DescribeSource() { return DescribeSource(null); } public FeatureSourceDescription DescribeSource(string schema) { if (this.CurrentConnection == null) throw new System.Exception("No server set for object"); else return this.CurrentConnection.DescribeFeatureSource(this.ResourceId, schema); } } /// public class NameValuePairType { private string m_name; private string m_value; /// public string Name { get { return this.m_name; } set { this.m_name = value; } } /// public string Value { get { return this.m_value; } set { this.m_value = value; } } } /// public class RelatePropertyType { private string m_featureClassProperty; private string m_attributeClassProperty; /// public string FeatureClassProperty { get { return this.m_featureClassProperty; } set { this.m_featureClassProperty = value; } } /// public string AttributeClassProperty { get { return this.m_attributeClassProperty; } set { this.m_attributeClassProperty = value; } } } /// public class AttributeRelateType { private RelatePropertyTypeCollection m_relateProperty; private string m_attributeClass; private string m_resourceId; private string m_name; private string m_attributeNameDelimiter; private RelateTypeEnum m_relateType; private bool m_relateTypeSpecified; private bool m_forceOneToOne; private bool m_forceOneToOneSpecified; /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("RelateProperty")] public RelatePropertyTypeCollection RelateProperty { get { return this.m_relateProperty; } set { this.m_relateProperty = value; } } /// public string AttributeClass { get { return this.m_attributeClass; } set { this.m_attributeClass = value; } } /// public string ResourceId { get { return this.m_resourceId; } set { this.m_resourceId = value; } } /// public string Name { get { return this.m_name; } set { this.m_name = value; } } /// public string AttributeNameDelimiter { get { return this.m_attributeNameDelimiter; } set { this.m_attributeNameDelimiter = value; } } /// public RelateTypeEnum RelateType { get { return this.m_relateType; } set { this.m_relateType = value; } } /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()] public bool RelateTypeSpecified { get { return this.m_relateTypeSpecified; } set { this.m_relateTypeSpecified = value; } } /// public bool ForceOneToOne { get { return this.m_forceOneToOne; } set { this.m_forceOneToOne = value; } } /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()] public bool ForceOneToOneSpecified { get { return this.m_forceOneToOneSpecified; } set { this.m_forceOneToOneSpecified = value; } } } /// public enum RelateTypeEnum { /// LeftOuter, /// RightOuter, /// Inner, /// Association, } /// public class CalculatedPropertyType { private string m_name; private string m_expression; /// public string Name { get { return this.m_name; } set { this.m_name = value; } } /// public string Expression { get { return this.m_expression; } set { this.m_expression = value; } } } /// public class FeatureSourceTypeExtension { internal FeatureSource Parent { get { return m_parent; } set { m_parent = value; } } private FeatureSource m_parent; private CalculatedPropertyTypeCollection m_calculatedProperty; private AttributeRelateTypeCollection m_attributeRelate; private string m_name; private string m_featureClass; /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("CalculatedProperty")] public CalculatedPropertyTypeCollection CalculatedProperty { get { return this.m_calculatedProperty; } set { this.m_calculatedProperty = value; } } /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("AttributeRelate")] public AttributeRelateTypeCollection AttributeRelate { get { return this.m_attributeRelate; } set { this.m_attributeRelate = value; } } /// public string Name { get { return this.m_name; } set { this.m_name = value; } } /// public string FeatureClass { get { return this.m_featureClass; } set { this.m_featureClass = value; } } public FeatureSetReader SelectFeatures() { return SelectFeatures(null, null); } public FeatureSetReader SelectFeatures(string query) { return SelectFeatures(query, null); } public FeatureSetReader SelectFeatures(string query, string[] columns) { if (m_parent == null) throw new System.Exception("No parent set for extension"); else { if (m_parent.CurrentConnection == null) throw new System.Exception("No server set for parent"); else return m_parent.CurrentConnection.QueryFeatureSource(m_parent.ResourceId, this.FeatureClass, query, columns); } } } /// public class SpatialContextType { private string m_name; private string m_coordinateSystem; /// public string Name { get { return this.m_name; } set { this.m_name = value; } } /// public string CoordinateSystem { get { return this.m_coordinateSystem; } set { this.m_coordinateSystem = value; } } } public class NameValuePairTypeCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { private System.Collections.Hashtable m_lookup; public NameValuePairType this[int idx] { get { return ((NameValuePairType)(base.InnerList[idx])); } set { base.InnerList[idx] = value; } } private void InitializeLookup() { m_lookup = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); if (base.InnerList == null) return; foreach(NameValuePairType n in base.InnerList) m_lookup[n.Name] = n; } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore()] public string this[string elementname] { get { if (m_lookup == null) InitializeLookup(); return m_lookup.ContainsKey(elementname) ? ((NameValuePairType)m_lookup[elementname]).Value : null; } set { if (m_lookup == null) InitializeLookup(); if (value == null) { if (m_lookup.ContainsKey(elementname)) { for(int i = 0; i < base.InnerList.Count; i++) if (this[i].Value == elementname) { base.InnerList.RemoveAt(i); break; } m_lookup.Remove(elementname); } } else { if (m_lookup.ContainsKey(elementname)) ((NameValuePairType)m_lookup[elementname]).Value = value; else { NameValuePairType nv = new NameValuePairType(); nv.Name = elementname; nv.Value = value; base.InnerList.Add(nv); m_lookup.Add(elementname, nv); } } } } public int Add(NameValuePairType value) { return base.InnerList.Add(value); } } public class SpatialContextTypeCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { public SpatialContextType this[int idx] { get { return ((SpatialContextType)(base.InnerList[idx])); } set { base.InnerList[idx] = value; } } public int Add(SpatialContextType value) { return base.InnerList.Add(value); } } public class FeatureSourceTypeExtensionCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { public FeatureSourceTypeExtension this[int idx] { get { return ((FeatureSourceTypeExtension)(base.InnerList[idx])); } set { base.InnerList[idx] = value; } } public int Add(FeatureSourceTypeExtension value) { return base.InnerList.Add(value); } } public class RelatePropertyTypeCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { public RelatePropertyType this[int idx] { get { return ((RelatePropertyType)(base.InnerList[idx])); } set { base.InnerList[idx] = value; } } public int Add(RelatePropertyType value) { return base.InnerList.Add(value); } } public class CalculatedPropertyTypeCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { public CalculatedPropertyType this[int idx] { get { return ((CalculatedPropertyType)(base.InnerList[idx])); } set { base.InnerList[idx] = value; } } public int Add(CalculatedPropertyType value) { return base.InnerList.Add(value); } } public class AttributeRelateTypeCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { public AttributeRelateType this[int idx] { get { return ((AttributeRelateType)(base.InnerList[idx])); } set { base.InnerList[idx] = value; } } public int Add(AttributeRelateType value) { return base.InnerList.Add(value); } } }