#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2009, Kenneth Skovhede // http://www.hexad.dk, opensource@hexad.dk // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI { /// /// Defines a Map, in either the library or session repository /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("MapDefinition", Namespace="", IsNullable=false)] public class MapDefinition { protected ServerConnectionI m_serverConnection; /// /// Gets or sets the connection used in various operations performed on this object /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore()] public ServerConnectionI CurrentConnection { get { return m_serverConnection; } set { m_serverConnection = value; foreach(MapLayerType layer in this.Layers) layer.Parent = this; } } protected string m_resourceId; [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore()] public string ResourceId { get { return m_resourceId; } set { m_resourceId = value; } } public static readonly string SchemaName = "MapDefinition-1.0.0.xsd"; [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttribute("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", Namespace="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance")] public string XsdSchema { get { return SchemaName; } set { if (value != SchemaName) throw new System.Exception("Cannot set the schema name"); } } protected string m_name; protected string m_coordinateSystem; protected Box2DType m_extents; protected System.Drawing.Color m_backgroundColor; protected string m_metadata; protected MapLayerTypeCollection m_mapLayer; protected MapLayerGroupTypeCollection m_mapLayerGroup; protected MapDefinitionTypeBaseMapDefinition m_baseMapDefinition; public MapDefinition() { m_name = ""; m_coordinateSystem = ""; m_extents = new Box2DType(); m_backgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0,0,0); m_metadata = ""; m_mapLayer = new MapLayerTypeCollection(); m_mapLayerGroup = new MapLayerGroupTypeCollection(); m_baseMapDefinition = new MapDefinitionTypeBaseMapDefinition(); } /// public string Name { get { return this.m_name; } set { this.m_name = value; } } /// public string CoordinateSystem { get { return this.m_coordinateSystem; } set { this.m_coordinateSystem = value; } } /// public Box2DType Extents { get { return this.m_extents; } set { this.m_extents = value; } } [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("BackgroundColor")] public string BackGroundColorAsHTML { get { return Utility.SerializeHTMLColor(m_backgroundColor, true); /*return new byte[] { m_backgroundColor.A, m_backgroundColor.R, m_backgroundColor.G, m_backgroundColor.B };*/ } set { if (value == null) m_backgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; else m_backgroundColor = Utility.ParseHTMLColor(value); //System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]); } } /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore()] public System.Drawing.Color BackgroundColor { get { return this.m_backgroundColor; } set { this.m_backgroundColor = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the Metadata for the map /// public string Metadata { get { return this.m_metadata; } set { this.m_metadata = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the layers associated with this map /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("MapLayer")] public MapLayerTypeCollection Layers { get { return this.m_mapLayer; } set { this.m_mapLayer = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the groups defined in this map /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("MapLayerGroup")] public MapLayerGroupTypeCollection LayerGroups { get { return this.m_mapLayerGroup; } set { this.m_mapLayerGroup = value; } } /// public MapDefinitionTypeBaseMapDefinition BaseMapDefinition { get { return this.m_baseMapDefinition; } set { this.m_baseMapDefinition = value; } } /// /// Sorts the group list so parent groups are listed before child groups /// public void SortGroupList() { if (m_mapLayerGroup == null || m_mapLayerGroup.Count < 2) return; List remaining = new List(); List mapped = new List(); Dictionary mappedElements = new Dictionary(); foreach (MapLayerGroupType g in m_mapLayerGroup) if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(g.Group)) { mapped.Add(g); if (mappedElements.ContainsKey(g.Name)) throw new Exception(string.Format("The group {0} exists more than once", g.Name)); mappedElements.Add(g.Name, g); } else remaining.Add(g); bool anyRemoved = true; while (remaining.Count > 0 && anyRemoved) { anyRemoved = false; for (int i = 0; i < remaining.Count; i++) { if (mappedElements.ContainsKey(remaining[i].Group)) { anyRemoved = true; mapped.Add(remaining[i]); if (mappedElements.ContainsKey(remaining[i].Name)) throw new Exception(string.Format("The group {0} exists more than once", remaining[i].Name)); mappedElements.Add(remaining[i].Name, remaining[i]); remaining.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } } if (remaining.Count > 0) { List names = new List(); foreach (MapLayerGroupType g in remaining) names.Add(g.Name); throw new Exception(string.Format("Found orphan groups: {0}", string.Join(",", names.ToArray()))); } if (m_mapLayerGroup == null) m_mapLayerGroup = new MapLayerGroupTypeCollection(); m_mapLayerGroup.Clear(); foreach (MapLayerGroupType g in mapped) m_mapLayerGroup.Add(g); } } public class Change { public enum ChangeType { removed, added, visibilityChanged, displayInLegendChanged, legendLabelChanged, parentChanged, selectabilityChanged, definitionChanged }; private ChangeType m_type; private string m_params; public ChangeType Type { get { return m_type; } } public string Params { get { return m_params; } } public Change() { } public Change(ChangeType type, string param) { m_type = type; m_params = param; } } public class ChangeList { private string m_objectId; private bool m_isLayer; private ArrayList m_changes; public string ObjectId { get { return m_objectId; } } public bool IsLayer { get { return m_isLayer; } } public ArrayList Changes { get { return m_changes; } } public ChangeList() { m_changes = new ArrayList(); } public ChangeList(string objectId, bool isLayer) : this() { m_objectId = objectId; m_isLayer = isLayer; } } /// public class Box2DType //: BinarySerializer.IBinarySerializeable { private System.Double m_minX; private System.Double m_maxX; private System.Double m_minY; private System.Double m_maxY; /// public System.Double MinX { get { return this.m_minX; } set { this.m_minX = value; } } /// public System.Double MaxX { get { return this.m_maxX; } set { this.m_maxX = value; } } /// public System.Double MinY { get { return this.m_minY; } set { this.m_minY = value; } } /// public System.Double MaxY { get { return this.m_maxY; } set { this.m_maxY = value; } } internal void Deserialize(BinarySerializer.MgBinaryDeserializer d) { int classid = d.ReadClassId(); if (d.SiteVersion <= SiteVersions.GetVersion(KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideEP1_1) && classid != 18001) throw new Exception("Invalid class identifier, expected Box2D"); if (d.SiteVersion > SiteVersions.GetVersion(KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideEP1_1) && classid != 20001) throw new Exception("Invalid class identifier, expected Box2D"); int dimensions = d.ReadInt32(); if (dimensions != 2 && dimensions != 0) throw new Exception("Bounding box for map had " + dimensions.ToString() + " dimensions, 2 was expected"); double x1 = d.ReadDouble(); double y1 = d.ReadDouble(); double x2 = d.ReadDouble(); double y2 = d.ReadDouble(); m_minX = Math.Min(x1, x2); m_minY = Math.Min(y1, y2); m_maxX = Math.Max(x1, x2); m_maxY = Math.Max(y1, y2); } internal void Serialize(BinarySerializer.MgBinarySerializer s) { if (s.SiteVersion <= SiteVersions.GetVersion(KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideEP1_1)) s.WriteClassId(18001); else s.WriteClassId(20001); s.Write((int)0); s.Write(m_minX); s.Write(m_minY); s.Write(m_maxX); s.Write(m_maxY); } } /// public class MapDefinitionTypeBaseMapDefinition { private DoubleCollection m_finiteDisplayScale; private BaseMapLayerGroupCommonTypeCollection m_baseMapLayerGroup; /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("FiniteDisplayScale")] public DoubleCollection FiniteDisplayScale { get { return this.m_finiteDisplayScale; } set { this.m_finiteDisplayScale = value; } } /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("BaseMapLayerGroup")] public BaseMapLayerGroupCommonTypeCollection BaseMapLayerGroup { get { return this.m_baseMapLayerGroup; } set { this.m_baseMapLayerGroup = value; } } } /// public class BaseMapLayerGroupCommonType : MapLayerGroupCommonType { private BaseMapLayerTypeCollection m_baseMapLayer; /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("BaseMapLayer")] public BaseMapLayerTypeCollection BaseMapLayer { get { return this.m_baseMapLayer; } set { this.m_baseMapLayer = value; } } } /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(MapLayerType))] public class BaseMapLayerType { protected string m_name; protected string m_resourceId; protected bool m_selectable; protected bool m_showInLegend; protected string m_legendLabel; protected bool m_expandInLegend; [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore()] public MapDefinition Parent { get { return m_parent; } set { m_parent = value; } } protected MapDefinition m_parent = null; /// public string Name { get { return this.m_name; } set { this.m_name = value; } } /// public string ResourceId { get { return this.m_resourceId; } set { this.m_resourceId = value; } } /// public virtual bool Selectable { get { return this.m_selectable; } set { this.m_selectable = value; } } /// public bool ShowInLegend { get { return this.m_showInLegend; } set { this.m_showInLegend = value; } } /// public string LegendLabel { get { return this.m_legendLabel; } set { this.m_legendLabel = value; } } /// public bool ExpandInLegend { get { return this.m_expandInLegend; } set { this.m_expandInLegend = value; } } } /// public class MapLayerType : BaseMapLayerType { protected bool m_visible; protected string m_group = ""; public MapLayerType() : base() { } /// /// Gets or sets the layer visibility, this attribute is combined with the layers DisplayScale, to determine actual visibility. /// public virtual bool Visible { get { return this.m_visible; } set { this.m_visible = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the Group that this layer belongs to /// public string Group { get { return this.m_group; } set { this.m_group = value; } } /// /// Gets the full path of the group /// /// The string used to separate the individual levels /// The parent mapdefinition, use null for the current parent /// The full path or null if no such group is found public string GetFullPath(string separator, MapDefinition parent) { //TODO: Protect against infinite recursion if (parent == null) parent = m_parent; if (parent == null) throw new Exception("Cannot determine full path on group that is not attached to a map"); if (m_group == null || m_group.Length == 0) return m_name; else { MapLayerGroupType mlg = null; if (parent.LayerGroups != null) foreach(MapLayerGroupType g in parent.LayerGroups) if (g.Name == m_group) { mlg = g; break; } if (mlg == null) return null; return mlg.GetFullPath(separator, parent) + separator + m_name; } } /// /// Returns a list of layers present in the current group. This method does NOT run in O(n). /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore()] public MapLayerTypeCollection Layers { get { if (m_parent == null) return null; string s = this.GetFullPath("/", m_parent); MapLayerTypeCollection layers = new MapLayerTypeCollection(); foreach(MapLayerType ml in m_parent.Layers) if (ml.GetFullPath("/", m_parent).StartsWith(s)) layers.Add(ml); return layers; } } } /// [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(BaseMapLayerGroupCommonType))] [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(MapLayerGroupType))] public class MapLayerGroupCommonType { protected string m_name; protected bool m_visible; protected bool m_showInLegend; protected bool m_expandInLegend; protected string m_legendLabel; /// /// Gets or sets the name of the group /// public string Name { get { return this.m_name; } set { this.m_name = value; } } /// /// Gets or set the group visibility /// public bool Visible { get { return this.m_visible; } set { this.m_visible = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating if this group is displayed in the map legend /// public bool ShowInLegend { get { return this.m_showInLegend; } set { this.m_showInLegend = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating if this groups layers are displayed in the map legend /// public bool ExpandInLegend { get { return this.m_expandInLegend; } set { this.m_expandInLegend = value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the label to use for this group /// public string LegendLabel { get { return this.m_legendLabel; } set { this.m_legendLabel = value; } } } /// public class MapLayerGroupType : MapLayerGroupCommonType { private string m_group; /// public string Group { get { return this.m_group; } set { this.m_group = value; } } protected MapDefinition m_parent = null; internal MapDefinition Parent { get { return m_parent; } set { m_parent = value; } } /// /// Gets the full path of the group /// /// The string used to separate the individual levels /// The parent mapdefinition, use null for the current parent /// public string GetFullPath(string separator, MapDefinition parent) { //TODO: Protect against infinite recursion if (parent == null) parent = m_parent; if (parent == null) throw new Exception("Cannot determine full path on group that is not attached to a map"); if (m_group == null || m_group.Length == 0) return m_name; else { MapLayerGroupType mlg = null; if (parent.LayerGroups != null) foreach(MapLayerGroupType g in parent.LayerGroups) if (g.Name == m_group) { mlg = g; break; } if (mlg == null) return null; return mlg.GetFullPath(separator, parent) + separator + m_name; } } } public class MapLayerTypeCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { /// /// Gets or sets the index of a layer, given the layer name. /// Is case sensitive but will search case insensitive if no layer matches with case sensitive. /// /// The name of the layer /// The index of the layer, or -1 if no such layer could be found public int IndexOf(string name) { int rml = -1; for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) if (this[i].Name == name) return i; else if (rml == -1 && this[i].Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower()) rml = i; return rml; } /// /// Gets a value indicating if the layer exists in the map. /// Is case sensitive but will search case insensitive if no layer matches with case sensitive. /// /// The name of the layer /// True if the layer was found, false otherwise public bool Contains(string name) { return IndexOf(name) != -1; } /// /// Gets or sets a layer based on the layers name. /// Is case sensitive but will search case insensitive if no layer matches with case sensitive. /// public MapLayerType this[string name] { get { int ix = IndexOf(name); if (ix == -1) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("The layer named: " + name + " was not found in the map"); else return this[ix]; } set { int ix = IndexOf(name); if (ix == -1) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("The layer named: " + name + " was not found"); else this[ix] = value; } } public MapLayerType this[int idx] { get { return ((MapLayerType)(base.InnerList[idx])); } set { base.InnerList[idx] = value; } } public int Add(MapLayerType value) { return base.InnerList.Add(value); } public int IndexOf(MapLayerType value) { return base.InnerList.IndexOf(value); } public void Insert(int index, MapLayerType value) { base.InnerList.Insert(index, value); } } public class MapLayerGroupTypeCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { /// /// Gets or sets the index of a layer, given the layer name. /// Is case sensitive but will search case insensitive if no layer matches with case sensitive. /// /// The name of the layer /// The index of the layer, or -1 if no such layer could be found public int IndexOf(string name) { int rml = -1; for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) if (this[i].Name == name) return i; else if (rml == -1 && this[i].Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower()) rml = i; return rml; } /// /// Gets a value indicating if the layer exists in the map. /// Is case sensitive but will search case insensitive if no layer matches with case sensitive. /// /// The name of the layer /// True if the layer was found, false otherwise public bool Contains(string name) { return IndexOf(name) != -1; } /// /// Gets or sets a layer based on the layers name. /// Is case sensitive but will search case insensitive if no layer matches with case sensitive. /// public MapLayerGroupType this[string name] { get { int ix = IndexOf(name); if (ix == -1) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("The layer named: " + name + " was not found in the map"); else return this[ix]; } set { int ix = IndexOf(name); if (ix == -1) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("The layer named: " + name + " was not found"); else this[ix] = value; } } public MapLayerGroupType this[int idx] { get { return ((MapLayerGroupType)(base.InnerList[idx])); } set { base.InnerList[idx] = value; } } public int Add(MapLayerGroupType value) { return base.InnerList.Add(value); } public int IndexOf(MapLayerGroupType value) { return base.InnerList.IndexOf(value); } } public class DoubleCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { public double this[int idx] { get { return ((double)(base.InnerList[idx])); } set { base.InnerList[idx] = value; } } public int Add(System.Double value) { return base.InnerList.Add(value); } } public class BaseMapLayerGroupCommonTypeCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { public BaseMapLayerGroupCommonType this[int idx] { get { return ((BaseMapLayerGroupCommonType)(base.InnerList[idx])); } set { base.InnerList[idx] = value; } } public int Add(BaseMapLayerGroupCommonType value) { return base.InnerList.Add(value); } public void Insert(int index, BaseMapLayerGroupCommonType value) { base.InnerList.Insert(index, value); } public int IndexOf(BaseMapLayerGroupCommonType value) { return base.InnerList.IndexOf(value); } } public class BaseMapLayerTypeCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase { public BaseMapLayerType this[int idx] { get { return ((BaseMapLayerType)(base.InnerList[idx])); } set { base.InnerList[idx] = value; } } public int Add(BaseMapLayerType value) { return base.InnerList.Add(value); } public void Insert(int index, BaseMapLayerType value) { base.InnerList.Insert(index, value); } public int IndexOf(BaseMapLayerType value) { return base.InnerList.IndexOf(value); } } }