#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2009, Kenneth Skovhede // http://www.hexad.dk, opensource@hexad.dk // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Collections.Generic; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.Maestro { /// /// An implementation of the interface avalible to resource editor implementations /// public class EditorInterface : OSGeo.MapGuide.Maestro.ResourceEditors.EditorInterface { private FormMain m_editor; private TabPage m_page; private string m_resourceID; private string m_tempresourceID; private bool m_existing; private static string m_lastPath; public event EventHandler Closing; private bool m_IsClosing = false; public string m_szFind; public string m_szReplace; public EditorInterface(FormMain editor, TabPage page, string resid, bool exisiting) { EditorInterfaceConstructor(editor, page, resid, exisiting, null, null); } public EditorInterface(FormMain editor, TabPage page, string resid, bool exisiting, String szFind, String szReplace) { EditorInterfaceConstructor(editor, page, resid, exisiting, szFind, szReplace); } private void EditorInterfaceConstructor(FormMain editor, TabPage page, string resid, bool exisiting, String szFind, String szReplace) { m_szFind = szFind; m_szReplace = szReplace; m_editor = editor; m_page = page; m_existing = exisiting; m_resourceID = resid; if (!exisiting) m_tempresourceID = m_resourceID; else { string tmp = "Session:" + m_editor.CurrentConnection.SessionID + "//" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "." + new MaestroAPI.ResourceIdentifier(m_resourceID).Extension; m_editor.CurrentConnection.CopyResource(m_resourceID, tmp, true); m_tempresourceID = tmp; } if (m_page != null) m_page.ToolTipText = resid == null ? "" : resid; } #region EditorInterface Members public System.Windows.Forms.ImageList ImageList { get { return m_editor.ResourceEditorMap.SmallImageList ; } } public OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.ServerConnectionI CurrentConnection { get { return m_editor.CurrentConnection; } } public int ImageIndexForItem(string iconType) { return m_editor.ResourceEditorMap.GetImageIndexFromResourceType(iconType); } public void EditItem(string resourceID) { m_editor.OpenResource(resourceID); } public void HasChanged() { if (m_page != null) if (!m_page.Text.EndsWith("*")) m_page.Text += " *"; m_editor.UpdateResourceTreeStatus(); } public void UpdateResourceStates() { m_editor.UpdateResourceTreeStatus(); } internal TabPage Page { get { return m_page; } } public bool IsClosing { get { return m_IsClosing; } } public string BrowseResource(string itemType) { string[] tmp = BrowseResource(new string[] { itemType }, false); if (tmp != null && tmp.Length == 1) return tmp[0]; else return null; } public string[] BrowseResource(string itemType, bool multiSelect) { return BrowseResource(new string[] { itemType }, multiSelect ); } public string BrowseResource(string[] itemTypes) { string[] tmp = BrowseResource(itemTypes, false); if (tmp != null && tmp.Length == 1) return tmp[0]; else return null; } public string[] BrowseResource(string[] itemTypes, bool multiSelect) { ResourceBrowser.BrowseResource dlg = new ResourceBrowser.BrowseResource(m_editor.RepositoryCache, m_editor, true, multiSelect, itemTypes); dlg.SelectedResources = new string[] { m_editor.LastSelectedNode }; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (dlg.SelectedResources != null && dlg.SelectedResources.Length > 0) m_editor.LastSelectedNode = dlg.SelectedResources[0]; return dlg.SelectedResources; } else return null; } public void Delete() { using (new WaitCursor(m_editor)) { try { if (m_existing) m_editor.CurrentConnection.DeleteResource(m_resourceID); m_editor.tabItems.TabPages.Remove(m_page); } catch (Exception ex) { SetLastException(ex); string msg = NestedExceptionMessageProcessor.GetFullMessage(ex); MessageBox.Show(m_editor, string.Format(Strings.EditorInterface.DeleteResourceError, msg), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } public bool Close(bool askUser) { if (askUser && m_page.Text.EndsWith(" *")) switch (MessageBox.Show(m_editor, Strings.EditorInterface.SaveBeforeCloseConfirmation, Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { case DialogResult.Yes: this.Save(); if (m_page.Text.EndsWith(" *")) return false; break; case DialogResult.No: break; case DialogResult.Cancel: return false; } // this allows update of ResourceTree m_IsClosing = true; if (Closing != null) Closing(this, null); int index = m_editor.tabItems.TabPages.IndexOf(m_page); m_editor.tabItems.TabPages.Remove(m_page); foreach(KeyValuePair de in m_editor.OpenResourceEditors) if (de.Value == this) { m_editor.OpenResourceEditors.Remove(de.Key); break; } if (m_editor.tabItems.TabPages.Count > 0 && m_editor.tabItems.SelectedIndex == 0) m_editor.tabItems.SelectedIndex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(index - 1, m_editor.tabItems.TabPages.Count)); return true; } public ResourceEditors.ResourceEditorMap ResourceEditorMap { get { return m_editor.ResourceEditorMap; } } public string BrowseUnmanagedData(string startPath, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection filetypes) { BrowseUnmanagedData umd = new BrowseUnmanagedData(this.CurrentConnection); umd.SetFileTypes(filetypes); if (m_lastPath != null) umd.SelectedText = m_lastPath; if (startPath != null && startPath.StartsWith("%MG_DATA_PATH_ALIAS[")) umd.SelectedText = startPath; if (umd.ShowDialog(m_editor) == DialogResult.OK) { m_lastPath = umd.SelectedText; return umd.SelectedText; } else return null; } private bool Save(string resid) { using (new WaitCursor(m_editor)) { if (((IResourceEditorControl)m_page.Controls[0]).SupportsValidate) if (((IResourceEditorControl)m_page.Controls[0]).ValidateResource(false)) { System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi = ((IResourceEditorControl)m_page.Controls[0]).Resource.GetType().GetProperty("CurrentConnection"); if (pi != null && pi.CanWrite) pi.SetValue(((IResourceEditorControl)m_page.Controls[0]).Resource, m_editor.CurrentConnection, null); ResourceValidators.ValidationIssue[] issues = ResourceValidators.Validation.Validate(((IResourceEditorControl)m_page.Controls[0]).Resource, false); List errors = new List(); List warnings = new List(); foreach (ResourceValidators.ValidationIssue issue in issues) { if(issue.Status == OSGeo.MapGuide.Maestro.ResourceValidators.ValidationStatus.Error) errors.Add(issue.Message); else if (issue.Status == OSGeo.MapGuide.Maestro.ResourceValidators.ValidationStatus.Warning) warnings.Add(issue.Message); } if (errors.Count > 0 || warnings.Count > 0) { string msg; string fullmsg; if (errors.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < errors.Count; i++) errors[i] = errors[i].Trim(); fullmsg = string.Join("\n", errors.ToArray()); } else { for (int i = 0; i < warnings.Count; i++) warnings[i] = warnings[i].Trim(); fullmsg = string.Join("\n", warnings.ToArray()); } if (fullmsg.Length > 512) fullmsg = string.Format(Strings.EditorInterface.ValidationMessageTooLong, fullmsg.Substring(0, 512)); if (errors.Count > 0) msg = string.Format(Strings.EditorInterface.SaveWithErrorsConfirmation, fullmsg); else msg = string.Format(Strings.EditorInterface.SaveWithWarningsConfirmation, fullmsg); if (MessageBox.Show(m_editor, msg, Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) != DialogResult.Yes) return false; } } string resourceType = m_editor.ResourceEditorMap.GetResourceTypeNameFromResourceID(m_resourceID); if (!m_existing || resid == null) { ResourceBrowser.BrowseResource dlg = new ResourceBrowser.BrowseResource(m_editor.RepositoryCache, m_editor, false, false, new string[] { resourceType }); dlg.SelectedResources = new string[] { m_editor.LastSelectedNode }; if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK || dlg.SelectedResources == null || dlg.SelectedResources.Length != 1) return false; resid = dlg.SelectedResources[0]; } if (m_editor.OpenResourceEditors.ContainsKey(resid) && m_editor.OpenResourceEditors[resid] != this) if (!((EditorInterface)m_editor.OpenResourceEditors[resid]).Close(true)) return false; try { if (resid != null) { //If the control handles the save, we only update the local items if (!((IResourceEditorControl)m_page.Controls[0]).Save(m_tempresourceID)) m_editor.CurrentConnection.SaveResourceAs(((IResourceEditorControl)m_page.Controls[0]).Resource, m_tempresourceID); m_editor.CurrentConnection.CopyResource(m_tempresourceID, resid, true); m_resourceID = resid; m_page.Text = OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.ResourceIdentifier.GetName(resid); m_page.ToolTipText = resid; } if (m_page.Text.EndsWith(" *")) m_page.Text = m_page.Text.Substring(0, m_page.Text.Length - 2); if (!m_existing || m_resourceID != resid) { m_editor.RebuildDocumentTree(); m_existing = true; string n = resid.Substring(resid.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); m_page.Text = n.Substring(0, n.LastIndexOf(".")); foreach (KeyValuePair de in m_editor.OpenResourceEditors) if (de.Value == this) { m_editor.OpenResourceEditors.Remove(de.Key); m_editor.OpenResourceEditors.Add(m_resourceID, this); break; } } ((IResourceEditorControl)m_page.Controls[0]).UpdateDisplay(); return true; } catch (CancelException) { return false; } catch (Exception ex) { SetLastException(ex); string msg = NestedExceptionMessageProcessor.GetFullMessage(ex); MessageBox.Show(m_editor, string.Format(Strings.EditorInterface.SaveResourceError, msg), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return false; } } } public bool Existing { get { return m_existing; } set { m_existing = value; } } public bool SaveAs() { return Save(null); } public bool Save() { return Save(m_resourceID); } public string TempResourceId { get { return m_tempresourceID; } } public DialogResult LengthyOperation(object caller, System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi) { return LengthyOperation(caller, mi, true); } public DialogResult LengthyOperation(object caller, System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi, bool waitForAccept) { OSGeo.MapGuide.Maestro.LengthyOperation lo = new OSGeo.MapGuide.Maestro.LengthyOperation(); lo.CallbackObject = caller; lo.CallbackEnabledMethod = mi; lo.InitializeDialog(m_editor.CurrentConnection, "", "", OSGeo.MapGuide.Maestro.LengthyOperation.OperationType.Other, waitForAccept); return lo.ShowDialog(m_editor); } public string EditExpression(string current, OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.FeatureSourceDescription.FeatureSourceSchema schema, string providername, string featuresSourceId) { FormExpression dlg = new FormExpression(); dlg.SetupForm(m_editor.CurrentConnection, schema, providername, featuresSourceId); dlg.Expression = current; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) return dlg.Expression; else return null; } public void OpenUrl(string url) { Program.OpenUrl(url); } public bool UseFusionPreview { get { return Program.ApplicationSettings.UseFusionPreview; } } public void SetLastException(Exception ex) { m_editor.LastException = ex; } public bool IsModified { get { return m_page.Text.EndsWith(" *"); } } public string ResourceId { get { return m_resourceID; } } public string getFind { get { return m_szFind; } } public string getReplace { get { return m_szReplace; } } #endregion } }