using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace ConvertResX { class Program { const string NAMESPACE = "OSGeo.MapGuide"; static void Main(string[] args) { if (args == null || args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Input folder not specified, please specify input folder as the only single argument"); return; } if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(args[0])) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The folder {0} does not exist", args[0])); return; } string languageFilename = (from f in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(args[0], "*.resx") select f).FirstOrDefault(); if (languageFilename == null) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The folder {0} is empty", args[0])); return; } string language = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(languageFilename); language = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(language); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(language)) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The filename {0} does not have a language extension", languageFilename)); return; } if (language.StartsWith(".")) language = language.Substring(1); string sourceFolder = args[0]; Console.WriteLine("Patching language " + language); string targetFolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), language); string locTool = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "LocalizationTool.exe"); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(targetFolder)) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(locTool, "update " + language).WaitForExit(); else System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(locTool, "create " + language).WaitForExit(); var sourcedocs = (from filename in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(sourceFolder, "*." + language + ".resx") let document = XDocument.Load(filename) select new { filename, document }).ToList(); var dupefinder = (from x in sourcedocs from node in x.document.Element("root").Elements("data") let name = node.Attribute("name").Value orderby name select new { name, node }).ToList(); var dupes = (from x in dupefinder where ( from y in dupefinder where == select y) .Count() > 1 orderby select x).ToList(); foreach (var a in dupes) if ((from x in dupes where == select x).Count() > 1) { Console.WriteLine("Duplicate removed: " +; a.node.Remove(); } Dictionary sourcestrings = (from x in sourcedocs from y in x.document.Element("root").Elements("data") select y).ToDictionary(c => c.Attribute("name").Value); var translates = (from x in XDocument.Load("translate.xml").Element("root").Elements("translate") let @from = x.Attribute("from").Value let to = x.Attribute("to").Value select new { @from, to }); foreach (var x in translates) { foreach(var y in (from c in sourcestrings.Keys where c.StartsWith(x.@from) select c).ToList()) { var tmp = sourcestrings[y]; sourcestrings.Remove(y); string newname = + y.Substring(x.@from.Length); if (sourcestrings.ContainsKey(newname)) tmp.Remove(); else sourcestrings[ + y.Substring(x.@from.Length)] = tmp; } } string targetfolder = System.IO.Path.Combine(@"C:\Users\Kenneth\Documents\Maestro\Localization\", language); foreach (string s in GetFormFiles(targetfolder, language)) MoveStrings(s, sourcestrings, language, targetFolder); Dictionary toremove = new Dictionary(); foreach (string s in GetStringFiles(targetfolder, language)) TranslateStrings(s, sourcestrings, toremove); foreach (string key in toremove.Keys) { sourcestrings[key].Remove(); sourcestrings.Remove(key); } foreach (var doc in sourcedocs) doc.document.Save(doc.filename); var docRemap = (from node in sourcestrings.Values let doc = (from y in sourcedocs where y.document == node.Document select y).First() select new { node, doc }).ToDictionary(c => c.node); using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("missing." + language + ".txt")) { foreach (string s in sourcestrings.Keys) sw.WriteLine( string.Format( "Document: {0}\r\nOriginal key: {1}\r\nTranslated key: {2}\r\nValue: {3}\r\n", docRemap[sourcestrings[s]].doc.filename, sourcestrings[s].Attribute("name").Value, s, sourcestrings[s].Element("value").Value)); var doclist = (from s in sourcestrings.Values select s.Document).ToList(); var unused = from f in sourcedocs where !doclist.Contains(f.document) select f.filename; var used = from f in sourcedocs where !doclist.Contains(f.document) select f.filename; /*sw.WriteLine(); foreach (var f in unused) sw.WriteLine("File {0} may be erased", f); sw.WriteLine(); foreach (var f in used) sw.WriteLine("File {0} still contains strings", f); */ } } static void TranslateStrings(string s, Dictionary sources, Dictionary toremove) { XDocument outdoc = XDocument.Load(s); var targetNames = (from node in outdoc.Element("root").Elements("data") let name = node.Attribute("name").Value let value = node.Element("value").Value.Replace("\r\n", "\\n") where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) select new { name, value, node }); foreach (var item in targetNames) { string key = item.value.Trim(); if (!sources.ContainsKey(key)) foreach (string x in sources.Keys) if (string.Equals(x, key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { key = x; break; } if (sources.ContainsKey(key)) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Match on {0}, old string: {1}, new string: {2}", key, item.value, sources[key].Element("value").Value)); item.node.Element("value").Value = sources[key].Element("value").Value.Replace("\\n", "\r\n"); toremove[key] = sources[key]; } } outdoc.Save(s); } static void MoveStrings(string s, Dictionary sources, string language, string targetfolder) { string classname = s.Substring(targetfolder.Length + 1); classname = classname.Substring(0, classname.Length - ".resx".Length); classname = classname.Replace(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), "."); string otherfile = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(s, "." + language + ".resx"); var targetNames = (from node in XDocument.Load(s).Element("root").Elements("data") let name = node.Attribute("name").Value let value = node.Element("value").Value where !name.StartsWith(">>") select new { name, value, node }); var dupes = (from x in targetNames where (from y in targetNames where == select > 1 select; foreach (string d in dupes) Console.WriteLine("Dupe: " + d); XDocument outdoc = XDocument.Load(otherfile); var currentNames = (from node in outdoc.Element("root").Elements("data") let name = node.Attribute("name").Value let value = node.Element("value").Value where !name.StartsWith(">>") select new { name, value, node }); var currentLookup = currentNames.ToDictionary(c =>; var targetDict = targetNames.ToDictionary(c =>; foreach (string k in targetDict.Keys) { string oldKey; if (k.StartsWith("$this.")) oldKey = NAMESPACE + "." + classname + "." + k.Substring("$this.".Length); else oldKey = NAMESPACE + "." + classname + "." + k; /*if (!sources.ContainsKey(oldKey)) { var minlen =(NAMESPACE + "." + classname).Length + k.Length; var possible = (from f in sources.Keys where f.StartsWith(NAMESPACE + "." + classname) && f.EndsWith(k) && f.Length > minlen select f).ToList(); if (possible.Count() == 1) oldKey = possible[0]; }*/ if (sources.ContainsKey(oldKey)) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Match on {0}, old string: {1}, new string: {2}", oldKey, targetDict[k].value, sources[oldKey].Element("value").Value)); if (currentLookup.ContainsKey(k)) Console.WriteLine("Already updated"); else { XElement ne = new XElement(sources[oldKey]); ne.Attribute("name").Value = k; outdoc.Element("root").Add(ne); currentLookup.Add(k, null); } sources[oldKey].Remove(); sources.Remove(oldKey); } else if (oldKey.EndsWith(".Location")) { oldKey = oldKey.Substring(0, oldKey.Length - ".Location".Length); if (sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".Left") || sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".Top") || sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".X") || sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".Y")) { string[] loc = targetDict[k].value.Split(','); if (loc.Length == 2) { if (sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".Left")) { loc[0] = sources[oldKey + ".Left"].Element("value").Value.Trim(); sources.Remove(oldKey + ".Left"); } else if (sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".X")) { loc[0] = sources[oldKey + ".X"].Element("value").Value.Trim(); sources.Remove(oldKey + ".X"); } if (sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".Top")) { loc[1] = sources[oldKey + ".Top"].Element("value").Value.Trim(); sources.Remove(oldKey + ".Top"); } else if (sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".Y")) { loc[0] = sources[oldKey + ".Y"].Element("value").Value.Trim(); sources.Remove(oldKey + ".Y"); } if (!currentLookup.ContainsKey(k)) { XElement e = new XElement(targetDict[k].node); e.Element("value").Value = string.Join(", ", loc); outdoc.Element("root").Add(e); currentLookup.Add(k, null); } } } } else if (oldKey.EndsWith(".Size")) { oldKey = oldKey.Substring(0, oldKey.Length - ".Size".Length); if (sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".Width") || sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".Height")) { string[] loc = targetDict[k].value.Split(','); if (loc.Length == 2) { if (sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".Width")) { loc[0] = sources[oldKey + ".Width"].Element("value").Value.Trim(); sources.Remove(oldKey + ".Width"); } if (sources.ContainsKey(oldKey + ".Height")) { loc[1] = sources[oldKey + ".Height"].Element("value").Value.Trim(); sources.Remove(oldKey + ".Height"); } if (!currentLookup.ContainsKey(k)) { XElement e = new XElement(targetDict[k].node); e.Element("value").Value = string.Join(", ", loc); outdoc.Element("root").Add(e); currentLookup.Add(k, null); } } } } } var hasDrawingAlias = (from x in outdoc.Element("root").Elements("assembly") where x.Attribute("alias").Value == "System.Drawing" select x).FirstOrDefault(); if (hasDrawingAlias == null) { outdoc.Element("root").Elements("resheader").Last().AddAfterSelf( new XElement("assembly", new XAttribute("alias", "System.Drawing"), new XAttribute("name", "System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a") )); } outdoc.Save(otherfile); } static List GetFormFiles(string basefolder, string language) { Queue folders = new Queue(); folders.Enqueue(basefolder); List files = new List(); while (folders.Count > 0) { string folder = folders.Dequeue(); foreach (string s in System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(folder)) folders.Enqueue(s); files.AddRange( from f in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.resx") where !f.ToLower().EndsWith(("." + language + ".resx").ToLower()) select f); } return files; } static List GetStringFiles(string basefolder, string language) { Queue folders = new Queue(); folders.Enqueue(basefolder); List files = new List(); while (folders.Count > 0) { string folder = folders.Dequeue(); foreach (string s in System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(folder)) folders.Enqueue(s); files.AddRange( from f in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*." + language + ".resx") where !System.IO.File.Exists(f.Substring(0, f.Length - ("." + language + ".resx").Length) + ".resx") select f); } return files; } } }