text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Luk The text on the close button En fejl opstod under profilering af LayerDefinition: {0}, Fejlbesked: {1} An error message that is displayed when the layer definition profiling fails *** Færdig *** A message written in the log to indicate that the operation is complete Profilerer FeatureSource: {0} A message written in the log when profiling a featuresource Hent identitetskolonne: A message written in the log when profiling identity fetching Profilerer LayerDefinition: {0} A message written in the log when profiling a layerdefinition Profilerer MapDefinition: {0} A message written in the log when profiling a mapdefinition Fuld rendering af kort: A message written in the log when profiling runtime map rendering Rendering af zoom niveauer: A message written in the log when profiling a scale rendering Oprettelse af runtime lag: A message written in the log when profiling a runtime layer creation Total tid for at danne runtime map: A message written in the log when profiling runtime map generation Runtime map i ét kald: A message written in the log when profiling runtime map generation Zoomvieau [{0} : {1}]: A message written in the log when profiling a certain scalerange Denne element type understøtter ikke profilering A message written in the log if a certain resource is not supported En fejl opstod under profilering af MapDefinition rendering: {0}, Fejlbesked: {1} An error message displayed when profiling mapdefinition rendering fails En fejl opstod under profilering af MapDefinition runtime: {0}, Fejlbesked: {1} An error message displayed when profiling a mapdefinition fails