text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Impossible de décoder les limites actuelles, Vous devez réentrer manuellement le code EPSG dans la balise SRS. Message d'erreur : {0}. An error message that is displayed if the bounds are in an unexpected format Vous devez fournir manuellement le code EPSG pour les limites générées. A warning that is displayed when the user must re-enter the EPSG code Hérité A value that indicates that the user has inherited access to the resource Limites manquantes An error message that is shown if the resource is missing an expected bounds tag Aucun accès A value that indicates that the user has no access to the resource Aucune donnée spatiale dans leFeatureSource. An error message that is displayed if the attempt to read the data reveals that there are no spatial data in the featuresource Aucune donnée spatiale dans leFeatureSource, une ou plusieurs requêtes n'ont pu être exécutées. An error message that is displayed if the attempt to read the data reveals that there are no spatial data in the featuresource and that the resource produced an error Lecture seulement A value that indicates that the user has readonly access to the resource Lecture/écriture A value that indicates that the user has read/write access to the resource Impossible de lire les références de la ressource An error message that is displayed when an attempt to read the resource references fail Impossible de lire les références de ressource : {0} An error message that is displayed when an attempt to read the resource references fail Échec lors de l'enregistrement des propriétés de ressource : {0} An error message that is displayed if the save operation fails Impossible d'obtenir l'étendue pour les données WFS. Message d'erreur : {0} An error message that is displayed if the attempt to read the data bounds fail Impossible d'obtenir l'étendue pour les données WMS. Message d'erreur : {0} An error message that is displayed if the attempt to read the data bounds fail