text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Neuspješno brisanje resursa "{0}". Razlog: {1} Kako želite nastaviti? A question that is displayed when the file delete fails. The user can choose abort, retry or ignore Obrisati odabrani resurs? A confirmation message that is displayed when the user attempts to delete files Neuspješno preuzimanje datoteke "{0}". Razlog: {1} Kako želite nastaviti? A question that is displayed when the file download fails. The user can choose abort, retry or ignore Spremi resursnu datoteku The title for the dialog where the user can choose the name for the file that is being downloaded Odaberi mapu za spremanje preuzetih datoteka The title for the dialog where the user can choose the location for the files that are being downloaded Nije moguće kreirati trenutni resurs: {0} An error message that is displayed when the copy procedure fails Postoje {0} datoteke sličnih naziva koje se mogu zahtijevati. Da li želite automatski dodati odgovarajuće datoteke? A confirmation message that is displayed when the user selects to upload a file, but the file appears to be one in a set of files Datoteka "{0}" već postoji. Da li želite zamijeniti datoteku s novom? A confirmation message that is displayed when the user attempts to overwrite an already existing file Već postoji datoteka resursa s nazivom "{0}". Želite li ju zamijeniti s novom? A confirmation message that appears when the user attempts to overwrite an existing resource file Unable to change edit mode after the user has modified the resource An internal error message that appears if the control is modified in an unsupported way Neuspješno ažuriranje xml podataka: {0} An error message that is displayed when the xml fails to save Neuspješno učitavanje datoteke "{0}". Razlog: {1} Kako želite nastaviti? A question that is displayed when the file upload fails. The user can choose abort, retry or ignore Odaberi datoteke za učitavanje The title for the dialog where the user select files to upload to the resource