text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Sigurni ste da želite otvoriti {0} predmeta? A confirmation message that is displayed when opening multiple items for editing Copy {0} of {1} The name of a new item that is a copy of an existing item Ako obrišete mapu, resurs, koji referencira stavku u odabranoj mapi, biti će neupotrebljiv. Obriši mapu i njezin sadržaj? A confirmation message that is displayed when the user attempts to delete a folder and its contents Izbriši označenu mapu? A confirmation message that is displayed when the user attempts to delete an empty folder Došlo je do greške prilikom brisanja mape: {0} An error message that is displayed if the delete operation fails Ako obrišete resurs, bilo koji resurs koji referencira resurs u odabranoj mapi biti će neupotrebljiv. Delete the resource? A confirmation message that is displayed when the user attempts to delete a resource Došlo je do greške prilikom brisanja resursa: {0} An error message that is displayed if the delete operation fails Neuspješno učitavanje postavki uređivača: {0} An error message that is displayed if the editors fail to load Nađi bilo koji niz znakova koji odgovara uzorku {0} i zamijeni ga s {1} Copy of {0} The name of a new item that is a copy of an existing item Stavka nije nađena: {0} An error message that is displayed if an internal error occurs Failed to find node with name {0}, while looking for: {1} An error message that is displayed if an internal error occurs The editor setup file could not be located. It should be placed in: {0} An error message that is displayed if the editor xml file is missing Cannot move a resource onto itself. An error message that is displayed if the user attempts to move a resource into itself Resurs s tim imenom već postoji. An error message that is displayed when an overwrite could occur Native with Web.Config The name used for the connection if the connection type is native Nova mapa The default name for a new folder Novi resurs The default name for a new resource Nema podatka o iznimci A message that is displayed if the user attempts to view exception data when no exceptions have occured Nema pogrešaka. A message that is displayed if the resource validation proceeds without problems Nije moguće otvoriti resurs {0} Poruka greške: {1} An error message that is displayed if the resource failed to open Neuspješno otvaranje odabranog resursa: {0} An error message that is displayed when the resource fails to open Mapa na tom mjestu već postoji. Želite li ju zamijeniti s novom? A confirmation message that is displayed when the user attempts to overwrite a folder Resurs na tom mjestu već postoji. Želite li ga zamijeniti s novim? A confirmation message that is displayed when the user attempts to overwrite a resource Neuspješno obnavljanje paketa: {0} An error message that is displayed it the server fails to restore a package Neuspješan pretpregled resursa: {0} An error message that is displayed when the preview fails The selected editor could not preview the resource. Most likely, the preview feature is not implemented for the given resource. An error message that is displayed when the preview fails Mapa The name of a folder Neuspješno spremanje podataka resursa: {0} An error message that is displayed when the resource failed to save Jedan ili više resursa sadrži nespremljene promjene. Zatvaranjem programa izgubit ćete sve promjene. Želite li spremiti resurse prije zatvaranja? A confirmation message that is displayed when the user attempts to close the application while there are unsaved resources Neuspješno učitavanje predloška: {0} An error message that is displayed when a template fails to load Internal error, more than 100 copies is usually an indication of an error An error message that is displayed when an internal error occurs Internal error, more than 100 new folders is usually an indication of an error An error message that is displayed when an internal error occurs Nije moguće odrediti vrstu resursa za: {0} An error message that is displayed if the resource type is unknown Do you want to update items affected by the operation? A confirmation message that is displayed when Maestro is about to update related items Izrada liste resursa... A message that is displayed while building the list of resources to validate Došlo je do greške prilikom provjere: {0} A message that is displayed if the resource validation fails to complete Neuspješno učitavanje resursa: {0} An error message that is displayed if an error occurs while validating the resource Provjera... A message that is displayed while the validator runs {0} - {1} A template used to set the window title, {0} is the application name (MapGuide Maestro) {1} is the host URL Došlo je do greške prilikom otvaranja xml uređivača: {0} An error message that is displayed if an error occurs while loading the xml editor