1.7.0 + EditableNodeControl imroved + NodeCombobox improved + Autosize columns + ListModel + Bugfixes and minor changes 1.6.2: + HorizontalScrollPosition added + Fixed: Rendering issues with ExpandingIcon column with UseColumns 1.6.1: + Fixed: DragAutoScroll() is not working when FPS low. + Tutorial project in VB and a short documentation added (Thanks to Richard Pope). 1.6: + Asynchronous nodes expanding feature added + Tooltips added to the column headers + Bug in CheckBoxNodeControl using in VirtualMode fixed + Bug in HScrolllBar fixed 1.5: + Column resizing behaviour improved + GridLineStyle property introduced + Additional navigation keys support added (+,-,*) + ExpandAll, CollapseAll methods added to TreeNodeAdv class + Incremental search works like in standard TreeView now. Warning: no Search property anymore! + ClearSelection method optimized + Performance during Expand/Collapse/FullUpdate improved + UseCompatibleTextRendering property added to BaseTextControl class. 1.4.4: + Bug during drag&drop of nodes in SimpleExample fixed. 1.4.3: + Perfromance bug fixed: The complexity of CreateRowMap method is now O(n), instead of O(n^2) 1.4.2: + Two new events added: IsVisibleValueNeeded and IsEditEnabledValueNeeded. Now it's possible to control the visibility and the editability of each particular node. + Loosing changes in EditableControl when leave TreeView bug fixed. + Node.Tag property added. 1.4.1: + Some times TreeViewAdv crashes when used in different threads on multi-processors machine. Fixed. + Bug with selecting row when FullRowSelect is true fixed. (thanks Sean) 1.4: + Columns are now reorderable. New event ColumnReordered and new property AllowColumnReorder were introduced. Warning: NodeControl.Column property is no longer exist! Use NodeControl.ParentColumn. + Font property added to DrawEventArgs class + Minor improvements in column headers drawing 1.3: Many thanks to Virgil Dupras for his ideas and comments. Some of them were implemented in this release: + Column headers are now clickable and will generate OnColumnClicked event, SortOrder property is added to TreeColumn class, if set a small mark will be drawn in the column header. SortedTreeModel is introduced for a default sorting implementation, it can be used as a decorator for ITreeModel (see FolderBrowser f.e.) + KeepNodesExpanded property becomes obsolete and is always true now. A new algorithm of keeping nodes expanded during refresh is used. + DrawText event is added to BaseTextControl(you can dynamically change a text color f.e.) + Fields binding posibility is added to BindableControl 1.2.2: + Fixed: CheckBox in the scrolled position does not work + Fixed: Cursor property does not work 1.2: + AutoRowHeight: Automatically resize row height base on it content + Incremental Search: Navigate to a node by typing first chars from it's label + NodeNumericUpDown control 1.1: + Autoscroll during drag&drop + Display dragging nodes + Performance counter 1.0: First release.