3.0 Beta 3 ---------- - Added a command to purge cached information for a feature source - Added resource validation error codes - UI layout tweaks for the ODBC Feature Source editor - Fix: Added missing button to close tabs in Feature Source Preview tool - Fix: Prevent ODBC feature source editor configuration/reset functionality if connection is not valid - Fix: Added missing Site Administrator command - Fix: Usability tweaks for the New Resource Dialog - Fix: Refined Load Procedure logic for handling default Coordinate Systems 3.0 Beta 2 ---------- - Added WMS specialized feature source editor - Added missing connection testing functionality for various specialized feature source editors - New dialog for creating folders - Fix: Open resources are protected from cut/copy/paste/rename operations - Fix: Add missing raster layer definition item template - Fix: Assorted Map Definition editor defects - Fix: Missing dirty state notifications on various editor components. - Fix: Deleting a directory does not close editors of child resources - Fix: Prompt to save unsaved resources when exiting. - Fix: Cut/Copy/Paste commands occasionally don't work in XML editor - Fix: Cannot create symbol definitions for given item templates. - Fix: Assorted Fusion editor defects - Fix: Text field MaxLength of 32767 lifted to int32.MaxValue in XML Editor 3.0 Beta 1 ---------- - Added GDAL specialized feature source editor - Added ODBC specialized feature source editor - Fusion editor now has basic widget management (ie. Most widget will use a generic XML editor) - Added Raster Layer Defintion editor (ported from 2.x) - Fix validation failing on raster feature sources Test Build 4 ------------ - Added drag/drop package loading - Added resource re-pointer function as suggested by Jason Birch - Added warnings about tiled map invalidation when saving any possible affected resource - Add API to create runtime map and infer the meters-per-unit value. Uses TF.net for HTTP implementation and MgCoordinateSystem for Local implementation - Resource Data UI prompts confirmation on delete and when downloading, will show the downloaded location. - Fix layer up/down drag/drop reordering in Map Definition editor - Fix Coodinate System not being set in SHP load procedure editor - Fix feature source extension nodes not being deleted on remove - Improve validation performance by skipping already validated resources and caching commonly accessed objects. - More fusion editor progress: - Drag/drop map support - Remaining missing functionality: - Add/Remove/Edit containers - Widget set configuration - Add new widget from WidgetInfo - Edit widget parameters - Remove widget from widget set Test Build 3 ------------ - Migrated: Runtime Map API, with batched layer loading support improving create performance - Specialized SQLite editor - Partially migrated Fusion editor w/ Commerical Map Layer support - API: Resource change events for IResourceService - API: IGetResourceContents custom command Test Build 2 ------------ - Drag and drop support - Create feature sources from dropped SDF/SHP/SQLite files - Create matching resource from dropped XML document - Migrated: MgCooker.exe - Migrated: Offical MapGuide API support. - Migrated: Server Status Monitor - Added drag/drop support for Resource Data UI - New validation rules for DWF-based layers - Make creating a new resource remember where you right-click so speed up the saving process. - Resource Dialog fixes and UX enhancements - Mono fixes related to XML and UI sizing. - Added inter-server migration tools - Move/Copy resources to a folder on another server with option to overwrite existing resources - Copy selected resource (and its dependencies) to the same path on another server, with choices of which dependent resources to copy and whether to overwrite existing resources. Test Build 1 ------------ First public preview release of Maestro 3.0. - Redesigned User Interface - Now driven by the SharpDevelop Core framework - Allows for easy customization of user interfaces. - AddIn infrastructure allows for easy addition of new functionality. - Site Explorer now uses the TreeViewAdv control, allowing for multiple selections and commands that operate on multiple selected resources. This control is compatible with Mono. - Some example commands which were previously not possible. - Delete selected resources - Validate selected resources - Package selected resources - Rewritten resource editor infrastructure - One editor per resource type / version - Uses the INotifyPropertyChanged databinding infrastructure - Allow for upgrades to newer versions of a resource type (eg. LayerDefinition 1.0.0 to LayerDefinition 1.3.0). Upgrades are manual and explicit, with a firefox-style notification bar to indicate whether a resource can be upgraded. - Resources types and/or versions without a specialized editor default to the XML editor. - Support for browsing Symbol Libraries - Flexible new resource templates - New specialized editors for - Drawing Source - Print Layout - Enhancements to existing specialized editors - Web Layout - Support for importing/exporting custom commands. - Editor library can be used outside of Maestro.exe as long as you implement the core service interfaces (IResourceService, IFeatureService) - Redesigned core API - ServerConnectionI -> IServerConnection - Connection interface is now separated into service specific sub-interfaces - IResourceService - IFeatureService - etc. - Cleaner resource object model - All top-level resource classes implement a common IResource interface - Base library includes resource classes generated from v1.0.0 xsd schemas. - Classes generated from newer xsd schemas reside in their own separate assembly. - New connections capabilities API - Allows interrogation of supported features/commands depending on implementation and mapguide server version. - Custom command API - Allows for custom functionality which may only work for newer versions of MapGuide. - Other New Features and Changes - Load Procedure validation support - API and UI support for listening to outbound requests. You can now view outbound requests of your MapGuide Server connections - Validation no longer logs redundant messages. All errors, warnings and other messages are unique for each resource being validated. You won't get repeats