----------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: Xsd2Code.exe [Namespace] [Output file name] [Options] Where: - Path to an XSD file. Required [Namespace] - Generated code namespace. Optional. File name without extension if no value is specified [Output file name] - Name of the output (generated) file. Optional. [Options] - Optional. See below for description Options: /o[utput] - Name of the output (generated) file. By default, name of the source file with extension .Designer.cs (.Designer.vb or .Designer.cpp for VisualVasic and Visual C++ respectively) /n[s] - Generated code CLR namespace. Default: file name without extension /l[anguage] - Generated code language (CS|VB|CPP). Default: CS /pl[atform] - Generated code target platform (Net20|Net30|Net35|Silverlight20). Default: Net20 /c[ollection] - Collection base (Array|BindingList|List|ObservableCollection|DefinedType). Default: List /cu[ustomusings] - Comma-separated of custom usings definition (E.g "Xsd2Code.Library,System.Xml.Linq") /sm - Serialize method name. Default: Serialize /dm - Deserialize method name. Default: Deserialize /lf[m] - LoadFromFile method name. Default: LoadFromFile /sf[m] - SaveToFile methodname. Default: SaveToFile /is[+] - Include Serialize method /is- - Do not include Serialize method (default) /cl[+] - Include Clone method /cl- - Do not include Clone method (default) /dbg[+] - Enable debug step through /dbg- - Disable debug step through (default) /db[+] - Enable data bindings /db- - Disable data bindings (default) /dc[+] - Generate WCF data contract attributes /dc- - Do not generate WCF data contract attributes (default) /cl[+] - Generate Clone method (shallow copy) /cl- - Do not generate Clone method (default) /ap[+] - Enable automatic properties /ap[-] - Disable automatic properties (default) /sc[+] - Enable summary comment /sc- - Disable summary comment (default) /xa[+] - Generate xml attributes /xa- - Do not generate xml attributes (default) /if[+] - Enable initialization of fields (default) /if- - Disable all field initialization constructor or lazy /eit[+] - Exclude types from included Schemas in generation /eit- - Generate types from included schemas (default) /gbc[+] - Use Generic Base Class /gbc- - Do not use Generic Base Class (default) /hp[+] - Hide private fields in IDE /hp- - Show private fields in IDE (default) /lic[ense] - Show license information /?, /h[elp] - Show this help Example: Xsd2Code.exe Employee.xsd CompanyXYZ.Entities.HumanResources Employee.cs /c ObservableCollection /sc /dbg /cl /hp- /cu System.Xml.Linq,System.IO