NSISdl 1.3 - HTTP downloading plugin for NSIS --------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Yaroslav Faybishenko & Justin Frankel This plugin can be used from NSIS to download files via http. To connect to the internet, use the Dialer plugin. USAGE ----- NSISdl::download http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe You can also pass /TIMEOUT to set the timeout in milliseconds: NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=30000 http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe The return value is pushed to the stack: "cancel" if cancelled "success" if success otherwise, an error string describing the error If you don't want the progress window to appear, use NSISdl::download_quiet. Example of usage: NSISdl::download http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe Pop $R0 ;Get the return value StrCmp $R0 "success" +3 MessageBox MB_OK "Download failed: $R0" Quit For another example, see waplugin.nsi in the examples directory. PROXIES ------- NSISdl supports only basic configurations of proxies. It doesn't support proxies which require authentication, automatic configuration script, etc. NSISdl reads the proxy configuration from Internet Explorer's registry key under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings. It reads and parses ProxyEnable and ProxyServer. If you don't want NSISdl to use Internet Explorer's settings, use the /NOIEPROXY flag. /NOIEPROXY should be used after /TRANSLATE and /TIMEOUT. For example: If you want to specify a proxy on your own, use the /PROXY flag. NSISdl::download /NOIEPROXY http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe NSISdl::download /TIMEOUT=30000 /NOIEPROXY http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe NSISdl::download /PROXY proxy.whatever.com http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe NSISdl::download /PROXY proxy.whatever.com:8080 http://www.domain.com/file localfile.exe TRANSLATE --------- To translate NSISdl add the following values to the call line: /TRANSLATE2 downloading connecting second minute hour seconds minutes hours progress Default values are: downloading - "Downloading %s" connecting - "Connecting ..." second - " (1 second remaining)" minute - " (1 minute remaining)" hour - " (1 hour remaining)" seconds - " (%u seconds remaining)" minutes - " (%u minutes remaining)" hours - " (%u hours remaining)" progress - "%skB (%d%%) of %skB @ %u.%01ukB/s" The old /TRANSLATE method still works for backward compatibility. /TRANSLATE downloading connecting second minute hour plural progress remianing Default values are: downloading - "Downloading %s" connecting - "Connecting ..." second - "second" minute - "minute" hour - "hour" plural - "s" progress - "%dkB (%d%%) of %ukB @ %d.%01dkB/s" remaining - " (%d %s%s remaining)" /TRANSLATE and /TRANSLATE2 must come before /TIMEOUT.