using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; using Aga.Controls.Tree; namespace SampleApp { /// /// Using a System.Data.DataTable to represent a tree structure /// public class DataTableTreeModel : TreeModelBase { private DataRowNode m_root; DataTable m_table; string m_IDColumnName; public DataTableTreeModel(DataTable table, string idColumnName) { m_table = table; m_IDColumnName = idColumnName; DataRow[] rows = table.Select(m_IDColumnName+" = ParentID"); if( rows.Length ==0 ) { throw new Exception("DataTableModel Requires a root Node"); } m_root = new DataRowNode(rows[0],rows[0]["Name"].ToString()); m_root.Row = rows[0]; } public override System.Collections.IEnumerable GetChildren(TreePath treePath) { List items = new List(); if (treePath.IsEmpty() ) { items.Add(m_root); } else { DataRowNode n = treePath.LastNode as DataRowNode; DataRow row = n.Row; int id = Convert.ToInt32(row[m_IDColumnName]); DataRow[] rows = m_table.Select("ParentID = " + id+" and "+m_IDColumnName+" <> "+id); foreach (DataRow r in rows) { DataRowNode node = new DataRowNode(r,r["Name"].ToString()); node.Row = r; //SampleApp.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager. //node.Icon = new Bitmap(SampleApp.Properties.Resources.Records,new Size(15,15)); items.Add(node); } } return items; } public override bool IsLeaf(TreePath treePath) { DataRowNode n = treePath.LastNode as DataRowNode; if (n.Row["IsFolder"] == DBNull.Value) return false; return !Convert.ToBoolean(n.Row["IsFolder"]); } //public event EventHandler NodesChanged; //public event EventHandler NodesInserted; //public event EventHandler NodesRemoved; //public event EventHandler StructureChanged; public void AddChild(TreePath parent, string text) { DataRowNode n = parent.LastNode as DataRowNode; DataRow r = m_table.NewRow(); r["ID"] = GetNextID(); r["ParentID"] = n.Row["ID"]; r["IsFolder"] = false; r["Name"] = text; r["Tag"] = ""; m_table.Rows.Add(r); DataRowNode child = new DataRowNode(r, text); OnStructureChanged(new TreePathEventArgs(parent)); } private int GetNextID() { int max = 1; for (int i = 0; i < m_table.Rows.Count; i++) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(m_table.Rows[i]["ID"]); if (id > max) max = id; } return max + 1; } } }