NSIS System Plug-in

© brainsucker (Nik Medved), 2002

Table of Contents


The System plug-in gives developers the ability to call any exported function from any DLL. For example, you can use it to call GetLogicalDriveStrings to get a list of available drives on the user's computer.

The System plug-in also allows the developer to allocate, free and copy memory; interact with COM objects and perform mathematical operations on 64-bit integers.

Programming knowledge is highly recommended for good understanding of the System plug-in.

The most useful System plug-in functions (Call, Get and Debug) are not available when compiling with GCC. To work around this, either download a MSVC-compiled version or write your own plugin that calls the functions you need.

Usage Examples From The Wiki

Available Functions

Memory Related Functions

Calling Functions

64-bit Functions