; viewhtml.nsi ; ; This script creates a silent installer which extracts one (or more) HTML ; files to a temporary directory, opens Internet Explorer to view the file(s), ; and when Internet Explorer has quit, deletes the file(s). ;-------------------------------- ; The name of the installer (not really used in a silent install) Name "ViewHTML" ; Set to silent mode SilentInstall silent ; The file to write OutFile "viewhtml.exe" ; Request application privileges for Windows Vista RequestExecutionLevel user ;-------------------------------- ; The stuff to install Section "" ; Get a temporary filename (in the Windows Temp directory) GetTempFileName $R0 ; Extract file ; Lets skip this one, it's not built to be showin in IE ; File /oname=$R0 "..\Menu\compiler.html" ; and write our own! :) FileOpen $0 $R0 "w" FileWrite $0 "

HTML page for viewhtml.nsi

" FileClose $0 ; View file ExecWait '"$PROGRAMFILES\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" "$R0"' ; Note: another way of doing this would be to use ExecShell, but then you ; really couldn't get away with deleting the files. Here is the ExecShell ; line that you would want to use: ; ; ExecShell "open" '"$R0"' ; ; The advantage of this way is that it would use the default browser to ; open the HTML. ; ; Delete the files (on reboot if file is in use) Delete /REBOOTOK $R0 SectionEnd